Once you eliminate the impossible...

Doesn't matter who said it. It's the truth. It is impossible for something to create itself. That has to mean it had a Creator. If you see a painting, it's because someone painted it. If you watch a movie, someone created that. The law of causality has no exceptions. Everything requires a cause for it's existence. That's a scientific fact. Why should the universe be any different?

Wait a minute ... wait a minute ... stop the presses!!!

Aren't you, The Ugly Truth, a proponent of the First Cause?

Don't you experience a tinch of cognitive dissonance when you assert "Everything requires a cause for it's existence" and also assert that a First Cause exists (or used to exist)?
How many times do I have to say this? No one created God. He has always existed. He is the uncaused cause of everything. Everything that has a physical existence was caused to exist.


Doesn't matter who said it. It's the truth. It is impossible for something to create itself. That has to mean it had a Creator. If you see a painting, it's because someone painted it. If you watch a movie, someone created that. The law of causality has no exceptions. Everything requires a cause for it's existence. That's a scientific fact. Why should the universe be any different?

Are you now saying you did not mean that?
Wait a minute ... wait a minute ... stop the presses!!!

Aren't you, The Ugly Truth, a proponent of the First Cause?

Don't you experience a tinch of cognitive dissonance when you assert "Everything requires a cause for it's existence" and also assert that a First Cause exists (or used to exist)?

Everything that has a physical existence requires a cause. God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them, after all. Understand now?
Everything that has a physical existence requires a cause. God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them, after all. Understand now?

So why did God stop with the supernatural events like worldwide floods and burning bushes?
How many times do I have to say this? No one created God. He has always existed. He is the uncaused cause of everything. Everything that has a physical existence was caused to exist.

Here's the problem, Ugly.

Instead of doing things the scientific way...

...you are starting with where you want to end up...

...and then retrofitting your argument to accommodate that "end."

You are starting with an assertion...namely, that a "creator god" HAS TO exist.

Stop that.

It is not scientific, it is not reasonable, it is not logical, it is not mathematically correct.

The ultimate question is: Is there a GOD?

To arrive there, one must first tackle the question: "Is it possible for humans to determine if any gods exist?"

I can think of no way to do that using logic, reason, science, or math. To me it seems the only thing we can do...is to make a guess. (We can call our guess a "belief" if we feel uncomfortable with acknowledging that it is a guess.)

Ontological arguments are poor attempts at dealing with the question...and yours is especially deficient.

But...no telling.

Let's discuss: Can we determine if any gods exist?
In that case, you should have no problem giving us an example of something creating itself.

Why do that?

You've already acknowledge that there is AT LEAST ONE thing that was never created.

Perhaps this thing we humans call "the universe" was never created...but instead, always existed.

The notion that IT was created is just an unsupported assertion on your part.
if god is energy of any kind who created that energy?

This thing we humans call "the universe"...may be nothing more than energy also.

Ugly simply is not able to get that...or to acknowledge it.

He wants that intermediate step...the middle man...the god he wants so much to show "exists."
I took you off my ignore list, just to see if you finally had something intelligent to say. Don't know why I bothered. Back on the ignore list you go. LOL!

how jesusy of you

even when you don't answer me others see my posts that prove you have no logic behind your slobberings
Why do that?

You've already acknowledge that there is AT LEAST ONE thing that was never created.

Perhaps this thing we humans call "the universe" was never created...but instead, always existed.

The notion that IT was created is just an unsupported assertion on your part.

If the universe had no Creator, then why does it exist? You say you believe in science. Science gave us the law of cause and effect. Are you saying they got it wrong? And the universe could not have always existed, because of the law of entropy. If the universe was eternal, there would be no energy left. The universe had a beginning. It was created. No other explanation makes any sense.
This thing we humans call "the universe"...may be nothing more than energy also.

Ugly simply is not able to get that...or to acknowledge it.

He wants that intermediate step...the middle man...the god he wants so much to show "exists."

that is fine with me

if it makes him a better person than fine

the rub begins when he gets MAD at others for not sharing his factless ideas

there is a reason it has been labeled Faith

it is not fact based

its in his/her heart and head

so he/she rails at us for not being wired to be soothed by the same ideas as him/her.

railing at us for NOT being just like him/her.

pretty unjesusy

many of these so called religious people seem to leave the love and caring Jesus displayed behind without a thought.

they need to go back and read just Jesus' words for a year or two so they can understand what it is they supposedly believe
If the universe had no Creator, then why does it exist?

Maybe because it always existed. I do not know. Neither do you. The difference between us is that I am willing to acknowledge that I do not know...you are not.

You say you believe in science.

You have NEVER heard me say "I 'believe' in science."


Science gave us the law of cause and effect. Are you saying they got it wrong?

I am saying scientists do not know if this thing we call "the universe" IS THE UNIVERSE. And they do not know if it always existed...or not.

And since a majority of scientists are atheists or agnostics...if it were as easy as you seem to think it is...they would not be atheists and agnostics.

And the universe could not have always existed, because of the law of entropy.

Stop trying to sound smart. You don't pull it off.

If the question were as easy to answer as you seem to think it is...MOST scientists would not be atheists or agnostics.

But of course, you may think you ARE smarter than people like Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking.

If the universe was eternal, there would be no energy left. The universe had a beginning. It was created. No other explanation makes any sense.

Not if you have a closed mine. But not everyone is like you.

I spoke to Albert about this once. Here I am explaining the very thing we are talking about:

picture1228140468 me and einstein.jpg
OK. I'll say this one more time. It is impossible for something physical to create itself. It's a scientific fact. Every piece of observable data confirms it. It's also just plain common sense. Since the universe cannot create itself, that can only mean that it was created by Someone who is not physical. Why do you deny the obvious?
Everything that has a physical existence requires a cause. God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them, after all. Understand now?

“The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"...

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