Far more than you will ever have, cunt.
Fraid not. Have you read What Price Israel?
Far more than you will ever have, cunt.
Fraid not. Have you read What Price Israel?
That's a matter of opinion and your opinion doesn't amount to shit in a nigger's back yard.
I'm only guessing but I suspect you may have at least one, if not more, ragheads in your family line. Maybe you married one. Maybe your grandkids are part raghead.
Nope.. We are all WASPS...
In your case, white trash in the same low class as Obama's NL mother.
This is the coward who claims he is not a racist.
In your case, white trash in the same low class as Obama's NL mother.
Yet you've shown no proof of your claim that I am.
Nope.. My family has been in the US since NYC was New Amsterdam.. and have distinguished themselves in every war.. Then there are the land grants..
It's a shame more of them didn't die in every war and eliminate the family line.
Still white trash.
You have proven your lack of breeding, class and education in one post after another.
You wrote this..
Quote Originally Posted by CFM View Post
Don't ever challenge a nigger on an IQ test. You'd lose and they're the dumbest around.
You wrote this..
Quote Originally Posted by CFM View Post
Don't ever challenge a nigger on an IQ test. You'd lose and they're the dumbest around.
The racist coward CFM is a joke. He is not even man enough to declare his convictions. Other real racists like Praisekek would spit on him.
I have read it many times.. Do you think the Jews got it all wrong?
Fraid not. Have you read What Price Israel?
does it do a good job of explaining creation to atheists?......
The racist coward CFM is a joke. He is not even man enough to declare his convictions. Other real racists like Praisekek would spit on him.
Actually no..
Moses wrote the pentateuch..
only the ones who agree with you about a 6000 year old earth.......