
Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
i have been accused of running you off this board or forcing your 'vacation' from this board. at first i paid no attention to darla's accusation, but as time has passed, i wonder if her accusations are true.

i believe they are not. i consider you and i have to an older/younger brother hate/like relationship, i have thought so from day one. we have always ribbed each other, however, most importantly, we have never delved into personal information or sick insults like we've seen some people engage in. it was not my intention to cause you any emotional harm that darla thinks i caused. you were giving as good as you got.

that said. i realize i have succumbed to daily insults that i don't like. my posts lately are mostly tit for tat insults, there is debate, but i mostly go back and forth with people like zappasguitar who do nothing but insult me. it is my own fault. it is easy to pop on for a few minutes and insult back, kind of fun sometimes during a stressful work day. however, that is not how i conduct myself offline. nor how i conducted myself when i first joined message boards.

to those that are obsessed about my personal life. i have not lied. i simply wanted my life left off the board. so i decided to make up a job no one truly believed i did...hence...any reasonable person (except zappasguitar or bijou of course) would know i was joking. i realize i made the post to topspin, which i forgot about, but i made it in anger because he and i had pm'd about personal information and he used it against me on the board. again, my fault.

have fun, enjoy the board.
i have been accused of running you off this board or forcing your 'vacation' from this board. at first i paid no attention to darla's accusation, but as time has passed, i wonder if her accusations are true.

i believe they are not. i consider you and i have to an older/younger brother hate/like relationship, i have thought so from day one. we have always ribbed each other, however, most importantly, we have never delved into personal information or sick insults like we've seen some people engage in. it was not my intention to cause you any emotional harm that darla thinks i caused. you were giving as good as you got.

that said. i realize i have succumbed to daily insults that i don't like. my posts lately are mostly tit for tat insults, there is debate, but i mostly go back and forth with people like zappasguitar who do nothing but insult me. it is my own fault. it is easy to pop on for a few minutes and insult back, kind of fun sometimes during a stressful work day. however, that is not how i conduct myself offline. nor how i conducted myself when i first joined message boards.

to those that are obsessed about my personal life. i have not lied. i simply wanted my life left off the board. so i decided to make up a job no one truly believed i did...hence...any reasonable person (except zappasguitar or bijou of course) would know i was joking. i realize i made the post to topspin, which i forgot about, but i made it in anger because he and i had pm'd about personal information and he used it against me on the board. again, my fault.

have fun, enjoy the board.

I used to think that you were a bit odd but compared to somebody like Bijou you are totally normal. I do feel a litle embarassed to share some of the same opinions as the latest batch of refugees from other boards, they just seem to be so humourless.
STFU Tom. You insufferable boob.

Yurt you little titmouse don't give yourself delusions of grandeur. I know exactly why Onceler left, took a break, whatever. It's because he doesn't like who he is around you. I left in the past because I didn't like who I was around ID and her cackle of witches. And he doesn't like who he is around you because you push people beyond that point. Just beyond that point. Because you are the most irritating, and purposefully irritating, little fuckwit this board has ever seen. STFU for once and maybe someone could stand you. Someone other than that English Twit Tom.
So, you lied. No surprise, it was obvious. When you project your faults upon others the truth becomes apparent.
STFU Tom. You insufferable boob.

Yurt you little titmouse don't give yourself delusions of grandeur. I know exactly why Onceler left, took a break, whatever. It's because he doesn't like who he is around you. I left in the past because I didn't like who I was around ID and her cackle of witches. And he doesn't like who he is around you because you push people beyond that point. Just beyond that point. Because you are the most irritating, and purposefully irritating, little fuckwit this board has ever seen. STFU for once and maybe someone could stand you. Someone other than that English Twit Tom.

Still, nowhere near as annoying as the Libertarian Platform, eh?
STFU Tom. You insufferable boob.

Yurt you little titmouse don't give yourself delusions of grandeur. I know exactly why Onceler left, took a break, whatever. It's because he doesn't like who he is around you. I left in the past because I didn't like who I was around ID and her cackle of witches. And he doesn't like who he is around you because you push people beyond that point. Just beyond that point. Because you are the most irritating, and purposefully irritating, little fuckwit this board has ever seen. STFU for once and maybe someone could stand you. Someone other than that English Twit Tom.

Quit dancing around trying to be polite and tell us how you really feel.
Quit dancing around trying to be polite and tell us how you really feel.

You are seeing her for the vindictive and spiteful person she really is, I have her on ignore so I won't be responding back. Don't be fooled by the innocence act over ID and USLoyal, she was every bit as nasty as them on the AOL boards.
You are seeing her for the vindictive and spiteful person she really is, I have her on ignore so I won't be responding back. Don't be fooled by the innocence act over ID and USLoyal, she was every bit as nasty as them on the AOL boards.

Darla is one of the people on here that I consider a friend. Is she perfect? Of course not. But perfection would be a boring achievement.

Plenty of people have gotten nasty when involved in personal feuds. To condemn someone else for that, after my long running crap with SM, would be hypocritical at best.

I like Darla's passion about her beliefs and her sense of humor. If you don't, then so be it.
STFU Tom. You insufferable boob.

Yurt you little titmouse don't give yourself delusions of grandeur. I know exactly why Onceler left, took a break, whatever. It's because he doesn't like who he is around you. I left in the past because I didn't like who I was around ID and her cackle of witches. And he doesn't like who he is around you because you push people beyond that point. Just beyond that point. Because you are the most irritating, and purposefully irritating, little fuckwit this board has ever seen. STFU for once and maybe someone could stand you. Someone other than that English Twit Tom.
well fuck. I guess I need to work a little harder then.
lol....i'm so powerful i cause people to have mental break downs

darla, you're a nutter, simple and plain. onceler is a grown man, if he can't control himself, that isn't my fault. i am not responsible for his melt down. the very fact you blame me shows you're a moron. as if onceler has no responsibility for his words or actions. you're a joke darla.
lol....i'm so powerful i cause people to have mental break downs

darla, you're a nutter, simple and plain. onceler is a grown man, if he can't control himself, that isn't my fault. i am not responsible for his melt down. the very fact you blame me shows you're a moron. as if onceler has no responsibility for his words or actions. you're a joke darla.

Choosing not to be around you is not synomous with having a breakdown titmouse. I went back and read it I knew you were lying. Sure enough there was no meltdown. You're nothing but a squeaky liar. You do two things: squeak and lie.
yeah.....he left the board, but before that, he got extremely angry and claimed he mentally beat me up. yeah...no break down there. he basically admitted it. he admitted he got out of control, he then said he might consider ignoring me. and then he leaves the board, because ACCORDING to you, doesn't like who he has become around me.

what is truly laughable about your claim is that he is not around me. secondly, he started the insult fest. he gave as good, if not more than he got in return from me. all i did was mock his own words. and that somehow makes his break down my responsibility?

you're a nutcase darla. you haven't once given onceler any responsibility for his words or actions. nope....it is all yurt's fault. you are so pathetic.
STFU Tom. You insufferable boob.

Yurt you little titmouse don't give yourself delusions of grandeur. I know exactly why Onceler left, took a break, whatever. It's because he doesn't like who he is around you. I left in the past because I didn't like who I was around ID and her cackle of witches. And he doesn't like who he is around you because you push people beyond that point. Just beyond that point. Because you are the most irritating, and purposefully irritating, little fuckwit this board has ever seen. STFU for once and maybe someone could stand you. Someone other than that English Twit Tom.

this is what darla is defending:

Originally Posted by Onceler
Frankly, I enjoy beating the snot out of intellectual pipsqueaks like you....

Originally Posted by Onceler
I don't know about giant, but I ain't no whiny, scared intellectual pipsqueak like you. That's for sure.


My Lord I have never seen such venom! What a meltdown!

Are you kidding me you little moron? That is not a meltdown that is a very measured, non-obscene response to the squeakiest irritant ever to hit the internets. You are like one of those squeaky dog toys. I bet anything you squeak when squeezed.

Every time someone here responds to you you claim that they had a meltdown. You're a squeaky little OCD asshole.
No wonder you put me on IA. It took you two days to come up with this response? And you took me off IA for it?

English boob.

And no Tom I can't. In America women don't have to STFU every time some woman-hating rape apologist tells them to, got it? Good.

Please for all our sakes stay in Noo Yawk, have you ever shut up in your entire life? I know what you used to be like on the Rate Bush board. I would like to lock you and USLoyal in a room for 10 minutes and see who would be left standing. As for your pathetic Marilyn French 'all men are rapists' bullshit, stick it up your substantial arse.

I will now return you to ignore as I do not wish to descend to the same level as you and I don't want you to phone me in a drunken rage like you did to Ice Dancer.

Feminism is a movement aimed at the promotion of parity between the sexes in political, economic and social rights. Feminists believe that by elevating the power of women and destroying the power of men, women can become equal to men. They believe that by believing in such equality they prove that females are superior. It holds the idea that we can somehow make both sexes equal by focusing solely on one of them.

Allied to this cause is the notion that women are superhuman beings with god-like wisdom, and yet at the same time fragile little girls. To compensate for years of subjugation of the numerous women who lived thousands of years before them, women must have absolute power over men and unless they do, every woman is so oppressed that she cannot possibly be held responsible for anything she does.

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ID and usaloyal hated darla
ID and usaloyal hated tom

Darla hated ID and usaloyal
Tom hated ID and usaloyal

you two should be natural allies O_o