One in four US Black men under 50 support Trump for president, NAACP poll finds

Black people are as susceptible to conspiracies and lies as anyone else. Some black men think following Trump will make them members of the wealthy class.
I'm guessing most of the black Trumpers are members of street gangs like the Crips or the Bloods.

Why wouldn't gangsta criminals support a fellow criminal to run the country?

Trump would open the door to more criminal schemes and scams by making them easier to get away with.
Everyone should be allowed to support what candidate they most prefer. I have to admit I honestly don't understand how any black person WOULD support Trump given his long history of racism and his affinity for racist groups...but it's up to them I suppose.

I honestly don't understand WHITE people who vote for Trump. Most of them seem to be voting for high medical costs, tax breaks to people infinitely more wealthy than they will ever be and active demonization of entire swaths of humanity as "the other".
Black people are as susceptible to conspiracies and lies as anyone else. Some black men think following Trump will make them members of the wealthy class.
So that is your lie and connspiracy. Black people aren't a monolithic group . They are smart enough to see through lies.
Who said, "If you don't vote for me you ain't Black?" or claimed that voting for Trump would put Blacks "back in chains?"

Who was investigated by the US government for discriminatory housing practices? Trump and his father wound up making a settlement on that. Not to mention his acceptance of the "good people" in the neonazi movement.
So that is your lie and connspiracy. Black people aren't a monolithic group . They are smart enough to see through lies.
Trump has nothing for black men and the average person,. He is a tool of the wealthy and corporations. There are no programs that were passed to help the average person that were not voted against by the Repubs. The party of the people is the Dems.
They are smart enough to see through lies.

And who better to tell them the TRUTH than the man who:

1. Was convicted on 34 felony counts
2. Lies like most people breathe
3. Has violated every single solemn vow he's ever taken to a woman
4. Has a history of discriminatory housing SO BAD the US Government had to haul him and his dad into court
5. Has settled various fraud suits like Trump University
6. Demonizes people of color by calling them "rapists" or claiming they eat people's pets like some sorta dollar store blood libel.
Trump has nothing for black men and the average person,. He is a tool of the wealthy and corporations. There are no programs that were passed to help the average person that were not voted against by the Repubs. The party of the people is the Dems.

Yeah, the funniest part of all this is that the MAGAts probably actually think they would be welcomed by Trump if they ever got near him. Trump doesn't give one flying fuck about his supporters. They have ONE JOB and that job is to make him feel like he's the center of attention. That's where the relationship ends.