One in four US Black men under 50 support Trump for president, NAACP poll finds

has..sorry, I don't watch stupid negro shit, T. Tell me what is about, otherwise, have a nice work week​

It's a cartoon series by Aaron Mcgruder, a comic strip artist who's Black. The Boondocks is biting satire on Black's lives in America and funny as hell. That clip argues that when it comes to violence Blacks are their own worst enemy.
It's a cartoon series by Aaron Mcgruder, a comic strip artist who's Black. The Boondocks is biting satire on Black's lives in America and funny as hell. That clip argues that when it comes to violence Blacks are their own worst enemy.

News Flash, T...if you've ever followed my commentary, I've always been a member of the Black Lives Really Don't Matter to Black PPL, club.... so I don't need a cartoon reminding me of that shit....Dude creates that shit for White people to laugh at and poke fun of...Us black folk is too busy living the reality that he pokes fun at....have a good one!!​

I'm guessing most of the black Trumpers are members of street gangs like the Crips or the Bloods.

Why wouldn't gangsta criminals support a fellow criminal to run the country?

Trump would open the door to more criminal schemes and scams by making them easier to get away with.
your bipolar is in high gear, right?
Trump secured government money for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Trump got opportunity zones for more jobs for black people. Trump lowered unemployment for Blacks to the lowest level ever recorded. Trump raised the real wages of lower class laborers. The party of the coastal elites is the Democrat party. Republicans are the party of the working man.
Who was investigated by the US government for discriminatory housing practices? Trump and his father wound up making a settlement on that. Not to mention his acceptance of the "good people" in the neonazi movement.
and yet, case dismissed.....and fact checkers say you're a mindless twit about must suck to be a dumbfuck lib'rul with nothing to talk about but lies........
Back in the 70's Donny and his Dad, Fred, were a hauled up on discriminatory housing practices in their appartments. Finally Trump and daddy got a settlement if they promised to never do it again. But even then apparently Trump attempted to countersue the Justice Department. They did finally settle.

That's pretty standard for Trump. He never bothers with getting exhonorated....he's always happy to pay money for things he claims he never did. Like Trump University. Pay out millions for something he was totally innocent of? Yeah. Sure.
case dismissed, Shit For Brains.......
Anyone can go on youtube right now and do you know what you will find when it comes to political video's critical of Democrats and in support of Trump? You will find overwhelming numbers of Black people both male and female that are pumping out video's at a massive volume. Go check yourself............the Black community is waking up at record numbers. The democrats worst nightmare coming true. Go look,....I encourage you. Dont take my word for it,....see it yourself. My only regret is not being there to see the horrified look on your leftist faces. :)
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Anyone can go on youtube right now and do you know what you will find when it comes to political video's critical of Democrats and in support of Trump? You will find overwhelming numbers of Black people both male and female that are pumping out video's at a massive volume. Go check yourself............the Black community is waking up at record numbers. The democrats worst nightmare coming true. Go look,....I encourage you. Dont take my word for it,....see it yourself. My only regret is not being there to see the horrified look on your leftist faces. :)
I think she should send Tim to some ethnic communities to round up voters like he did in the grocery stores...:)