One man resets gun rights debate

I am not a fan of carrying just to carry. It is asking for trouble and bad PR that we don't need.

But the Secret Service is not going to allow anyone with a rifle slung on their back into any place the president is speaking.
One thing that is different, the pic shows a black man carrying a rifle. I like it.
Lets all be honest. This is not the way to combat paranoia:
IMO it harms the goals of the protest to distract with this kind of thing. People at the protest should just ask the dude to leave, he isn't helping at all.

I do find it interesting that "weapons are not allowed on a Federal site". The argument we hear is that the 2nd Amendment applies only to the Federal Government... This does not compute.
IMO it harms the goals of the protest to distract with this kind of thing. People at the protest should just ask the dude to leave, he isn't helping at all.
I fail to see the problem of someone exercising a right. An absolute right.

I do find it interesting that "weapons are not allowed on a Federal site". The argument we hear is that the 2nd Amendment applies only to the Federal Government... This does not compute.

common liberal/anti gun doublespeak.
I think it serves a purpose by reminding the government that we let them serve us and that can "change" in the blink of an eye, metaphorically. *shrug*
I fail to see the problem of someone exercising a right. An absolute right.

I agree that it is an absolute right. But what happened distracted from the protest message. The man was not arrested or harrassed. But the story became about someone carrying guns and not about fighting a bad piece of legislation. Whether we have the right to do so or not, we also have the intelligence to recognize the end result and consequences of our actions. If the goal was to show that we can exercise our 2nd amendment rights, then carry the rifle. If the goal was to protest Obama's healthcare programs, it was not a smart move.
things that make you go hmmmmm?

wonder what anti gun state he moved from?

although I'm not surprised by the apoplectic hysterics coming from the anti-gunners and leftist control freaks out there.

read the article dodo, and you would know.
If you did know, you would not blow.

he was from another open carry state.
So do not your ignorance state.
things that make you go hmmmmm?

wonder what anti gun state he moved from?

although I'm not surprised by the apoplectic hysterics coming from the anti-gunners and leftist control freaks out there.

Yeah, Beefy's post was down right apoplectic! And the hysteria he displayed!
One thing that is different, the pic shows a black man carrying a rifle. I like it.

Yeah, that is pretty much the only black guy I've ever seen at an Obama protest. Imagine how awkward it must've been to be around him.

He is just a 2nd amendment demonstrator. If anyone wanted to kill the president, they wouldn't be so obvious. But carrying a gun near the president is not, IMHO, a classy way to demonstrate for the 2nd amendment.