APP - “One Nation Under God”


Loyal to the end

The guy in the middle had nothing to do with founding the document he is holding. He isn't a founder, not a signer on the DoI or the Constitution, and isn't mentioned in either document.
McNaughton...hmm interesting name for the artist. I can see how someone named McNaughton might paint something like this.

The first famous legal test for insanity came in 1843, in the McNaughton case
Hopefully the little boy will be taken out of the homes of people who abuse their children with religion.

I like how he throws all the black people way in the back though. Had to include 'black union soldier', apparently MLK was too much of a commie to warrant inclusion in the Conservative Christian Republic of America (that's the name, right?)
Liberal Socialist Atheists are bad! Conservative Christian Patriots are good! Liberal Socialist Atheists are bad! Conservative Christian Patriots are good!
Thomas Payne is in there- obviously you flew off the handle with your post instead of reviewing the artwork with any level of detail. :)
The guy in the middle had nothing to do with founding the document he is holding. He isn't a founder, not a signer on the DoI or the Constitution, and isn't mentioned in either document.
Read the Preamble. Where do you thing these "Blessings of Liberty" come from?
Read the Preamble. Where do you thing these "Blessings of Liberty" come from?
YOu know you fucking conservatards are all for strict construction of documents UNTIL it comes to the shit you can't prove. As a conservative always asks about Privacy and where it is in the Constitution, WHERE is Jesus mentioned by name? You would think that if this document was REALLY a Christian document they would have left no doubt. He is NO WHERE in our Constitution but you and this half ass starving artist painter want to impose him on our government and the ONLY document that spells it out. JEsus is DEAD. They put nails in him and hung him on a tree. If you want to deify him, great, it's a free country. But keep him out of my laws and out of my life because I don't believe he was anything but a zealot who spoke out one too many times and got himself killed.
YOu know you fucking conservatards are all for strict construction of documents UNTIL it comes to the shit you can't prove. As a conservative always asks about Privacy and where it is in the Constitution, WHERE is Jesus mentioned by name? You would think that if this document was REALLY a Christian document they would have left no doubt. He is NO WHERE in our Constitution but you and this half ass starving artist painter want to impose him on our government and the ONLY document that spells it out. JEsus is DEAD. They put nails in him and hung him on a tree. If you want to deify him, great, it's a free country. But keep him out of my laws and out of my life because I don't believe he was anything but a zealot who spoke out one too many times and got himself killed.
Nice deflection and rant, but you failed to answer the question. :)
Nice deflection and rant, but you failed to answer the question. :)
The "blessings of liberty" come from a regulated government that follows the rules laid out in the document that follows the Preamble which is nothing more than pretty language. I ask you again. WHERE IS JESUS in the Constitution? What part of the constitution calls him by name? You are the one that always claims that we are a Christian nation founded on Christian principles. Why did some of the smartest men of their time not use his name if that is what they intended?
The "blessings of liberty" come from a regulated government that follows the rules laid out in the document that follows the Preamble which is nothing more than pretty language. I ask you again. WHERE IS JESUS in the Constitution? What part of the constitution calls him by name? You are the one that always claims that we are a Christian nation founded on Christian principles. Why did some of the smartest men of their time not use his name if that is what they intended?

Have you checked under his real name?