APP - “One Nation Under God”

The "blessings of liberty" come from a regulated government that follows the rules laid out in the document that follows the Preamble which is nothing more than pretty language. I ask you again. WHERE IS JESUS in the Constitution? What part of the constitution calls him by name? You are the one that always claims that we are a Christian nation founded on Christian principles. Why did some of the smartest men of their time not use his name if that is what they intended?
Wrong-o. The Blessings of Liberty (note the caps, which are stated that way in the document) were granted to General Washington by God to enable him to defeat the British. God is mentioned specifically in the Declaration of Independence from the King of England, Washington prayed daily to God and hired Christian chaplains for his army.

Jesus is never mentioned in the founding documents because the Founders weren't claiming divinity like the King was and knew first-hand that doing so was a bastardization and a lie.

What you fail to understand is that God gives the People free will regardless of their Faith, or lack thereof. The Founders understood this completely which is why they insisted on a secular government.
The guy in the middle had nothing to do with founding the document he is holding. He isn't a founder, not a signer on the DoI or the Constitution, and isn't mentioned in either document.

Leave it to a Liberal to find fault with even Jesus. As long as he "looks" on the right, you guys are going to reem him.
What does that have to do with the fact that the idea of hovering over the components of the picture to get the artist's explanation is pretty cool?
Nothing, but it doesn't make Watermark's statement correct, which you seem to indicate.
I indicate nothing of the sort, I simply repeat that it has nothing to do with whether or not the website itself is a cool idea that is well done.

I agree, its a cool web site and piece of work.

I don't agree with the author on much of what he wrote, but he did a cool bit here.
Give me a fucking break Damo. The artist, SM and others here think you have no more right to the "blessings" than I, as an athiest do. You are a believer in a false god in their mind and they have no more use for me than they do for you. And Article 7 deals with ratification of the Constitution. Jesus isn't mentioned there at all.
Give me a fucking break Damo. The artist, SM and others here think you have no more right to the "blessings" than I, as an athiest do. You are a believer in a false god in their mind and they have no more use for me than they do for you. And Article 7 deals with ratification of the Constitution. Jesus isn't mentioned there at all.
You have no idea what I think of your rights.
What really makes me laugh, is that they think they are so much smarter.
That's the standard liberal thinking: "if liberal, then smart; if conservative, then stupid". Of course the opposite is usually true.

But Socrtease here is mired in the other Liberal template, that Liberals are unassuming and open-minded, yet he is demonstrating the exact opposite traits.
That's the standard liberal thinking: "if liberal, then smart; if conservative, then stupid". Of course the opposite is usually true.

But Socrtease here is mired in the other Liberal template, that Liberals are unassuming and open-minded, yet he is demonstrating the exact opposite traits.

I think they believe that unless something is specifically enumerated in the US Constitution......

Nah, nevermind. You make that claim in one thread and ignore it in another.
That's the standard liberal thinking: "if liberal, then smart; if conservative, then stupid". Of course the opposite is usually true.

But Socrtease here is mired in the other Liberal template, that Liberals are unassuming and open-minded, yet he is demonstrating the exact opposite traits.
There are several very intelligent conservatives on this board. But they are the ones that don't think that organized prayers in classrooms are appropriate. They know that children can pray all they want in school but don't need a teacher or a school to tell them how. They are the ones that know that personal liberties are not up for a vote. We don't extend religious liberties just to the majority any more than we protect only speech we aren't offended by. This country is no more a christian nation than it is a Jewish nation. This is a secular nation that allows people to practice their faith however they see fit or to not practice any religion at all. You fundamentalist social conservatives think everytime a court says that organized prayer in school is unconsititutional that god has somehow been murdered by the courts. Kids pray everyday in school. Listen before any math test.