APP - “One Nation Under God”

The courts are not sovereign; they are subservient to the legislature and the People. :palm:
Bullshit, read the constitution, they are an equal branch of the government and are not beholden to the legislature. You ever read about separation of powers? Probably another concept you don't get or believe in.
Bullshit, read the constitution, they are an equal branch of the government and are not beholden to the legislature. You ever read about separation of powers? Probably another concept you don't get or believe in.
Dude, in NC the People elect the judges. :palm:
The 1835 convention was NOT a rewrite. And I got that DIRECTLY from the NC State Library and NOT Wikipedia, which gets most of it's information from your state site. Again, appealing to ridicule based on the source does nothing to bolster your argument. Why don't you e-mail the PhD in the other source and ask him about it. Hell when you get his answer you can post it here. My bet is you don't have half a ball in your sack to do it. You would be terrified to be proven wrong.
Again, regarding the issue being discussed....
Wiki can be written by anyone and thus is rarely a reliable source. It provides no details of the case, therefore is a failure as a source. The fact that you neglected to provide a link tells me that you knew that, but did it anyway hoping I wouldn't notice.
So show me where the wikipedia stuff was wrong? I challenge you too. Again you don't have the balls. Show me where it is wrong and provide sources. I already showed you that most of the wiki entry on this came from your state's own sources.
So show me where the wikipedia stuff was wrong? I challenge you too. Again you don't have the balls. Show me where it is wrong and provide sources. I already showed you that most of the wiki entry on this came from your state's own sources.
I see you're in a hissy mood now, dragging up the wiki thing again. :)
Dude, in NC the People elect the judges. :palm:
So what? Article IV of the NC Constitution says:

Section 1. Judicial power.

The judicial power of the State shall, except as provided in Section 3 of this Article, be vested in a Court for the Trial of Impeachments and in a General Court of Justice. The General Assembly shall have no power to deprive the judicial department of any power or jurisdiction that rightfully pertains to it as a co-ordinate department of the government, nor shall it establish or authorize any courts other than as permitted by this Article.(

For those who don't understand the legalisms of this, it means that the courts are not subservient to the legislature, as SM wrongly claimed. the fact that people elect judges makes them no less a coequal branch.
So what? Article IV of the NC Constitution says:

Section 1. Judicial power.

The judicial power of the State shall, except as provided in Section 3 of this Article, be vested in a Court for the Trial of Impeachments and in a General Court of Justice. The General Assembly shall have no power to deprive the judicial department of any power or jurisdiction that rightfully pertains to it as a co-ordinate department of the government, nor shall it establish or authorize any courts other than as permitted by this Article.(

For those who don't understand the legalisms of this, it means that the courts are not subservient to the legislature, as SM wrongly claimed. the fact that people elect judges makes them no less a coequal branch.

In NC, the legislature and people can amend or re-write the Constitution. The Court can't do that. Therefore they are subservient. :)
The legislature can do a re-write any time they please. Instead they tell the court to pound sand. :)
Again, from your state constitution. They cannot re-write anytime without following the rules spelled out in Sec XIII of the NC Constitution which says:

Sec. 4. Revision or amendment by legislative initiation.

A proposal of a new or revised Constitution or an amendment or amendments to this Constitution may be initiated by the General Assembly, but only if three-fifths of all the members of each house shall adopt an act submitting the proposal to the qualified voters of the State for their ratification or rejection. The proposal shall be submitted at the time and in the manner prescribed by the General Assembly. If a majority of the votes cast thereon are in favor of the proposed new or revised Constitution or constitutional amendment or amendments, it or they shall become effective January first next after ratification by the voters unless a different effective date is prescribed in the act submitting the proposal or proposals to the qualified voters.(
That's what I thought. You have no evidence that anything I said was wrong or flawed, just you don't like it so since it is from Wiki it is bad.
Does your earlier wiki (that you failed to link to) have a reference to the case that you cited?
Again, from your state constitution. They cannot re-write anytime without following the rules spelled out in Sec XIII of the NC Constitution which says:

Sec. 4. Revision or amendment by legislative initiation.

A proposal of a new or revised Constitution or an amendment or amendments to this Constitution may be initiated by the General Assembly, but only if three-fifths of all the members of each house shall adopt an act submitting the proposal to the qualified voters of the State for their ratification or rejection. The proposal shall be submitted at the time and in the manner prescribed by the General Assembly. If a majority of the votes cast thereon are in favor of the proposed new or revised Constitution or constitutional amendment or amendments, it or they shall become effective January first next after ratification by the voters unless a different effective date is prescribed in the act submitting the proposal or proposals to the qualified voters.(

Thanks for making my point. :)
In NC, the legislature and people can amend or re-write the Constitution. The Court can't do that. Therefore they are subservient. :)
Bullshit, it is called separation of powers you dimwit. You really really need to take a basic civics class. You're own constitution says they are a co-equal branch. You are really a fucking idiot. I can't imagine what you do for a living with such a limited capacity for reason.
Bullshit, it is called separation of powers you dimwit. You really really need to take a basic civics class. You're own constitution says they are a co-equal branch. You are really a fucking idiot. I can't imagine what you do for a living with such a limited capacity for reason.
Except the court can't make law. :)
Does your earlier wiki (that you failed to link to) have a reference to the case that you cited?
No but you can find the case if you do a search of it. And since you are in NC you can look it up in your local law library. BUT my bet is you won't. You are too fucking scared to be wrong.
No but you can find the case if you do a search of it. And since you are in NC you can look it up in your local law library. BUT my bet is you won't. You are too fucking scared to be wrong.
I already googled it and found nothing (except for your wiki link that you tried to hide). It's your citation and your responsibility.
An atheist has been elected to office in Ashville NC, and there are some people making noise about the line in the NC Constitution.

Now lets see what happens. Anyone willing to bet on the outcome?
The atheist who was elected to the City Council.

Target? Yep, more evidence of your tolerance. lol
Another example of you lying. The voters rejected him, and he never got elected.

Cecil Bothwell is running for a seat on the City Council in Asheville, North Carolina.
