APP - “One Nation Under God”

You lied.

Ok, I tried to get you to do the research and not make a bigger fool of yourself.

Yes, the elections have already taken place. And yes he was was elected to the City Council. But you looked at the current Asheville city gov't web page, which lists the current gov't officials.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but people do not take office on the day the results become official.

Soc is right, you need a civics class.

I will accept your apology now. :pke:
Ok, I tried to get you to do the research and not make a bigger fool of yourself.

Yes, the elections have already taken place. And yes he was was elected to the City Council. But you looked at the current Asheville city gov't web page, which lists the current gov't officials.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but people do not take office on the day the results become official.

Soc is right, you need a civics class.

I will accept your apology now. :pke:

So there's time to take him out then. Good. :)

Its interesting that you selectively quote the article. The same article also says:

"He has told the Citizen-Times in the past he believes in the Golden Rule, not a deity.

Bothwell labels himself an atheist on his MySpace page, though he wrote in an online post last week on fellow incoming councilman Gordon Smith's blog, Scrutiny Hooligans, that he prefers the term “post-theist.”"

Again, I will accept your apology if you are a big enough man to admit you were wrong.
Its interesting that you selectively quote the article. The same article also says:

"He has told the Citizen-Times in the past he believes in the Golden Rule, not a deity.

Bothwell labels himself an atheist on his MySpace page, though he wrote in an online post last week on fellow incoming councilman Gordon Smith's blog, Scrutiny Hooligans, that he prefers the term “post-theist.”"

Again, I will accept your apology if you are a big enough man to admit you were wrong.

So the guy says different things depending on who he's talking to. Typical of someone with no morals.
So the guy says different things depending on who he's talking to. Typical of someone with no morals.

No, he is trying to remove religion as an issue. And it shouldn't be an issue.

So you are making the claim that he has no morals?
But you lied about this other thing, so sorry, no apology deserved, just because you didn't lie twice.

This other thing? What other thing?

He has claimed to be an atheist. He was elected to the city council.

Both of those things you denied and called me a liar about.
Referencing my saying he "was elected":

You lied.

Another example of SM lying.


Although these could also be examples of SM being woefully uninformed. That has been shown in this thread already.

As has been his unwillingness to admit when he is wrong.
Read my post again and you tell me if that's what I said.

It was the insinuation. That is why I am asking you a simple question to clarify.

Obviously answering a simple question, like admitting that you were wrong, is too much for you?
Apparently he labels himself lots of things depending on who he's talking to, so he's a liar like you. You also insinuated that this would end up challenging the NC Constitution, which is another lie. Admit these and I will apologize. :)
Apparently he labels himself lots of things depending on who he's talking to, so he's a liar like you. You also insinuated that this would end up challenging the NC Constitution, which is another lie. Admit these and I will apologize. :)

Did I insinuate that? Or did I simply post a story and make comments about whether or not the religious test would be an issue? No, I did not lie.

He labeled himself an atheist on his own myspace page. Then he said he preferred the term "post-deist", which is an atheist without the politically charged label. No, I did not lie.

But then, you lied about him being rejected by the voters. Care to own up that?