One-Third of Americans Believe in Ghosts and UFOs


Villified User
Ghosts and Goblins and Aliens -- Oh, My
One-Third of Americans Believe in Ghosts and UFOs, Poll Finds
Posted: 2007-10-26 06:49:26

WASHINGTON (Oct. 25) - It was bad enough when the TV and lights inexplicably flicked on at night, Misty Conrad says. When her daughter began talking to an unseen girl named Nicole and neighbors said children had been murdered in the house, it was time to move.

Put Conrad, a homemaker from Hampton, Va., firmly in the camp of the 34 percent of people who say they believe in ghosts, according to a pre-Halloween poll by The Associated Press and Ipsos. That's the same proportion who believe in unidentified flying objects - exceeding the 19 percent who accept the existence of spells or witchcraft.

Forty-eight percent believe in extrasensory perception, or ESP. But nearly half of you knew we were about to tell you that, right?

hmm any linkage to religion here in the percentages ?
That is a little eye-opening and no mistake.

Rather more surprisingly less than one-fifth of extra-terrestrials believe in the existence of Americans. Swings and roundabouts, eh?
I'd like to see a link to the poll itself rather than just somebody saying that they simply believe in ghosts.
Yeah, Damo - they reference a poll. Now, we can just be paranoid, and think that the Associated Press has a big agenda and made up the poll. Or we can just look at the article and realize that it's an accurate, citable source itself.
Ghosts and Goblins and Aliens -- Oh, My
One-Third of Americans Believe in Ghosts and UFOs, Poll Finds
Posted: 2007-10-26 06:49:26

WASHINGTON (Oct. 25) - It was bad enough when the TV and lights inexplicably flicked on at night, Misty Conrad says. When her daughter began talking to an unseen girl named Nicole and neighbors said children had been murdered in the house, it was time to move.

Put Conrad, a homemaker from Hampton, Va., firmly in the camp of the 34 percent of people who say they believe in ghosts, according to a pre-Halloween poll by The Associated Press and Ipsos. That's the same proportion who believe in unidentified flying objects - exceeding the 19 percent who accept the existence of spells or witchcraft.

Forty-eight percent believe in extrasensory perception, or ESP. But nearly half of you knew we were about to tell you that, right?

hmm any linkage to religion here in the percentages ?

So more people believe in ghosts and UFOs, than approve of Mr. 24%: President Bush.
Yeah, Damo - they reference a poll. Now, we can just be paranoid, and think that the Associated Press has a big agenda and made up the poll. Or we can just look at the article and realize that it's an accurate, citable source itself.
What is it with you lately? I simply would like to see the poll rather than just an article about it. I want to see the questions and think of how I'd answer it.

You have been acidic and unreasonable lately.
What is it with you lately? I simply would like to see the poll rather than just an article about it. I want to see the questions and think of how I'd answer it.

You have been acidic and unreasonable lately.

I think he's still mad about the healthcare thread.

It's difficult being a skeptic in a world full of mystics.
A person is a skeptic until they see evidence. Some people believe that they have seen that evidence. Others believe that there is so much circumstantial evidence that they think it is "difficult to believe" that we are not "being visited".

I too am a skeptic, but I don't mock people who think they have seen something I haven't. It is possible that they have.
A person is a skeptic until they see evidence. Some people believe that they have seen that evidence. Others believe that there is so much circumstantial evidence that they think it is "difficult to believe" that we are not "being visited".

I too am a skeptic, but I don't mock people who think they have seen something I haven't. It is possible that they have.

No, Damo, it isn't. I don't look up at the sky, see a bright light, and go "OMGZ ALIENS HAVE FOND US!" Neither do I feel a creepy feeling at night, and see a strange flash in my window, and suddenly assume spirits are walking the Earth who, conveniently enough, have an aversion to being seen. I mock them for a reason and they deserve it; they are idiots. 99% of the time, "with my own eyes" means you fucking hallucinated. Like the people who hallucinate whenever the brains shuts down in death and assume they went to heavan - for Christ sake, no amount of reason could dissuade them from this hallucination, this drug. You could show them the MRI's of that part of the brain malfunctioning and they will still follow their drug rather than their mind.

There's also a innate tendency in humans to find meaning out of bunches of random data. This was how religion came into the being, and it's been the cause of death for hundreds of millions of people, and thousands of years of oppression. I shall give it no quarter because it deserves none. If these people want to say this stupid shit, they should use the scientific method to PROVE it, rather than giving out stupid anecdotal "evidence". In fact, people have tried to do this many time before, and ALWAYS come up with nothing. Stop taking your drugs, you stupid fucks, and wake up and see reality as it is. They are entrapping us in another century of ignorance.
And stop trying to give them intellectual leverage, as if their unproven, single time, anecdotal evidence were equally as likely as the opposite.
No, Damo, it isn't. I don't look up at the sky, see a bright light, and go "OMGZ ALIENS HAVE FOND US!" Neither do I feel a creepy feeling at night, and see a strange flash in my window, and suddenly assume spirits are walking the Earth who, conveniently enough, have an aversion to being seen. I mock them for a reason and they deserve it; they are idiots. 99% of the time, "with my own eyes" means you fucking hallucinated. Like the people who hallucinate whenever the brains shuts down in death and assume they went to heavan - for Christ sake, no amount of reason could dissuade them from this hallucination, this drug. You could show them the MRI's of that part of the brain malfunctioning and they will still follow their drug rather than their mind.

There's also a innate tendency in humans to find meaning out of bunches of random data. This was how religion came into the being, and it's been the cause of death for hundreds of millions of people, and thousands of years of oppression. I shall give it no quarter because it deserves none. If these people want to say this stupid shit, they should use the scientific method to PROVE it, rather than giving out stupid anecdotal "evidence". In fact, people have tried to do this many time before, and ALWAYS come up with nothing. Stop taking your drugs, you stupid fucks, and wake up and see reality as it is. They are entrapping us in another century of ignorance.

Well, if "that part of your brain shuts down" (whatever part might shut down and result in feeling euphoria) and causes a dead person to feel like they are in heaven, then does it matter if heaven is real or not?

I look up into the sky and marvel at how there could possibly not be life somewhere else out in all that vastness and beauty.

Wonder is a beautiful thing.
I have seen Unidintifed flying objects, lights and such I could not identify. I have never identified one as an ET vehicle though.

It started as a red light in the distance. I was in the hills arround lake Elisnore in the early 80s at night with my little bro and sis. We were hiking and were just about to head back to my parents property. We were standing on a hilltop looking to the east and I asked the kids if there was a radio tower out in that direction and they said they did not think so. As I pointed to the red light in the distance the thing started swaying back and forth as if it was on the end of a pendulum. The three of us stood there and watched as the light changed to white and headed straight towards us. It was over the top of us in at a speed I have never seen and we could see it through the clouds as it traveled straight over the top of us. In the gap in the coulds above us we could see a horseshoe configuration of big white lights on its underside. We could not see the the shape due to the lights but it slowed over the top of us as if to let us see it or to check us out. it then took ass of at an unbelievable speed and disapeared.

I have never heard any story which discribed the same set of light change and movement even on UFO stories. I have never heard anything which would explain it.

I dont know about ghosts but in my first house there was a presence which was very peaceful but people always commented on it. You would walk down the hall and everyone felt they were not alone when they did so. Things would move in the corner of your eye and you would look and nothing had moved. I never mentioned it to anyone until they would ask me about it. I dont know if it is ghosts, atmospherics, or parrallel worlds or what ever but there is still to this day something there and whenever I go back I feel it. I still own the house and will live in it again.

I dont pretend to KNOW what these things really mean but I do know there is more to them than what some people suggest. Maybe it is all parrallel universes which is pretty well accepted scientific theory now.
I have no proof of ET life, but I think it is asinine to think we are the only or the most advanced forms of life in the Galaxy.