One-Third of Americans Believe in Ghosts and UFOs

It could be many things but a UFO is just that , an Unidentified Flying Object and means nothing more. The thing remains unexplained to me after all these years so its a UFO.

The feeling thing in my old house is even more mysterious to me. Sometimes you have to just NOT judge life and just accept what your senses tell you. We still only know a fraction about exsistance.
I would think we would also be kind of scary to them. If they do exsist they could no doubt wipe us out if they wanted to. Maybe its us looking back into the petrie dish?
I think of it more like visiting tide pools. You look at alll the little things living in them and walk around and then you go home. We are just a couple hour visit on their day off.
It started as a red light in the distance. I was in the hills arround lake Elisnore in the early 80s at night with my little bro and sis. We were hiking and were just about to head back to my parents property. We were standing on a hilltop looking to the east and I asked the kids if there was a radio tower out in that direction and they said they did not think so. As I pointed to the red light in the distance the thing started swaying back and forth as if it was on the end of a pendulum. The three of us stood there and watched as the light changed to white and headed straight towards us. It was over the top of us in at a speed I have never seen and we could see it through the clouds as it traveled straight over the top of us. In the gap in the coulds above us we could see a horseshoe configuration of big white lights on its underside. We could not see the the shape due to the lights but it slowed over the top of us as if to let us see it or to check us out. it then took ass of at an unbelievable speed and disapeared.

I have never heard any story which discribed the same set of light change and movement even on UFO stories. I have never heard anything which would explain it.

I would just assume its some sort of aircraft. Perhaps some experimental military project. There are a ton of military bases in southern cal.

But, that's just me.
Assuming is not my regular practice when it comes to such things. Experimental military aircraft do not usually spread light all around them. It would tend to make them targets in the field.
Assuming is not my regular practice when it comes to such things. Experimental military aircraft do not usually spread light all around them. It would tend to make them targets in the field.

Any thing in the sky that looks like its in controlled flight, is some sort human-made aircraft. That's my assumption.

I don't believe people from other planets are visiting the earth. I've never seen or heard of any concrete evidence of that.
I would just assume its some sort of aircraft. Perhaps some experimental military project. There are a ton of military bases in southern cal.

But, that's just me.

It has been nearly 30 years since I saw this thing and believe me if we had something that could move like this thing did then it would be in standard use now.
It has been nearly 30 years since I saw this thing and believe me if we had something that could move like this thing did then it would be in standard use now.

I totally believe what you saw seemed strange. I wasn't there, and I can't discount what you say. :)

However, the laws of physics and human physiology can make our eyes play optical illusions. Our eyes aren't fully capable of accurately assessing speed, direction, and pitch at things in the distance...particularly a dark night sky.
Cy it was miles in the distance and then flew staright over my head. It was not anything known to man now or then. If it was an experimental craft of ours you would be traveling to Eroupe in them today. Three people standing there saw the same thing. I dont know who or what was flying it. It very well may have been humans from a parrallel universe which is perfectly in line with scientific theory of the day. I dont pretend to know. I do know we DONT know everything there is to know about anything that exsists. Closed minds dont help us figure anything out though.
Cypress, I am not saying I believe that we are being visited. In fact I am a huge skeptic. I just don't assume everybody else is wrong until I have evidence of that as well.

I am just as skeptical of assumptions that it is human as I am that it is not. I simply have no idea what it is until there are good explanations other than "I assume".
Cypress, I am not saying I believe that we are being visited. In fact I am a huge skeptic. I just don't assume everybody else is wrong until I have evidence of that as well.

I am just as skeptical of assumptions that it is human as I am that it is not. I simply have no idea what it is until there are good explanations other than "I assume".

There's never been a shred of actual physcial or empirical evidence for aliens visting us in spacecraft.

Until there is, I will continue to believe that there are natural, optical, or man-made reasons for UFOs.