Only 51,000 Applied For Obama-Care In First Week

Apple sets another opening weekend record with 9 million iPhone sales...


Big surprise there.

People are more cautious when buying their health insurance then they are buying a new toy.

Well knock me down with a feather.
Math is math. Logic is how it's applied. Why would you assume those numbers would remain the same over time?

Why wouldn't I?

The best efforts of the contractors the Obama administration hired to implement the crowing achievement of Obamas' legacy haven't been too impressive yet, have they?

Let's say they get double the number next many people will that enroll?
Apple sets another opening weekend record with 9 million iPhone sales...

If you believe the griping on social media, then the iPhone 5 caused the most user angst of the major smartphone releases of the past year.

Social media analysts We Are Social gauged the reaction on Twitter, blogs, and forums following the release of the iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S4, Nokia Lumia 920, and BlackBerry Z10. What the research firm found, according to the Daily Mail, was that the percentage of comments about the iPhone with a negative connotation (20 percent, the highest ratio among the four phones studied)

WOW...20% were unhappy or had complaints.!

Why wouldn't I?

The best efforts of the contractors the Obama administration hired to implement the crowing achievement of Obamas' legacy haven't been too impressive yet, have they?

Let's say they get double the number next many people will that enroll?

Pretty dumb assumption when it was clearly publicized that many of the web sites couldnt even handle the traffic and shut down.

Why are you using 'double the number next week?' What 'logic' are you basing that on? Anyone can do the math but it's not relevant to just slap some number up there.

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So? Big surprise there. People are more cautious when buying their health insurance then they are buying a new toy. Well knock me down with a feather.

LOL, you didn't specify health insurance, did you Zaps?

But let's compare apples to apples.

How many people sign up for Medicare online every year during the enrollment period?
Presales for “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” made up 70 percent of online ticket broker Fandango’s business Tuesday, the first day tickets to Lionsgate’s blockbuster sequel became available.

A movie ticket vs. Health Care.

Total bullshit comparison...but then again, it was posted by a poster known for his bullshit.
Pretty dumb assumption when it was clearly publicized that many of the web sites couldnt even handle the traffic and shut down.

That's not entirely true (see below) but even it it were, why couldn't they handle the volume?

Not enough time to prepare?

Not enough taxpayer money invested?

Exchange agencies walk back high-traffic hype:

Other exchanges have had to pare down their initial statistics. Covered California, that state’s subsidized insurance exchange, initially claimed that its website had received 5 million hits on October 1. They later had to revise that number down 87 percent, to 645,000. KUSI-TV in San Diego is reporting that not one policy has yet been sold on the California exchange.

According to Megan McArdle, high traffic alone doesn’t explain why the federal website is having so many issues. For example, the drop-down boxes for security questions aren’t working, which shouldn’t be a traffic-related problem. “The drop-down thing is mystifying,” a programmer source told McArdle. It “could very easily be because deadline pressure caused them to take some shortcuts that impacted their ability to scale.”

Five outside technology experts interviewed by Reuters, however, say they believe flaws in system architecture, not traffic alone, contributed to the problems.

For instance, when a user tries to create an account on, which serves insurance exchanges in 36 states, it prompts the computer to load an unusually large amount of files and software, overwhelming the browser, experts said.

If they are right, then just bringing more servers online, as officials say they are doing, will not fix the site.

“Adding capacity sounds great until you realize that if you didn’t design it right that won’t help,” said Bill Curtis, chief scientist at CAST, a software quality analysis firm, and director of the Consortium for IT Software Quality. “The architecture of the software may limit how much you can add on to it. I suspect they’ll have to reconfigure a lot of it…”

One possible cause of the problems is that hitting “apply” on causes 92 separate files, plug-ins and other mammoth swarms of data to stream between the user’s computer and the servers powering the government website, said Matthew Hancock, an independent expert in website design. He was able to track the files being requested through a feature in the Firefox browser.

Of the 92 he found, 56 were JavaScript files, including plug-ins that make it easier for code to work on multiple browsers (such as Microsoft Corp’s Internet Explorer and Google Inc’s Chrome) and let users upload files to

It is not clear why the upload function was included.

“They set up the website in such a way that too many requests to the server arrived at the same time,” Hancock said.

He said because so much traffic was going back and forth between the users’ computers and the server hosting the government website, it was as if the system was attacking itself.

Hancock described the situation as similar to what happens when hackers conduct a distributed denial of service, or DDOS, attack on a website: they get large numbers of computers to simultaneously request information from the server that runs a website, overwhelming it and causing it to crash or otherwise stumble. “The site basically DDOS’d itself,” he said.
LOL, you didn't specify health insurance, did you Zaps?

But let's compare apples to apples.

How many people sign up for Medicare online every year during the enrollment period?

Now why would I want to do that?

Because of your total lack of honesty so far regarding ObamaCare?

Yeah, that's a big motivator...ROTFLMAO.
That's not entirely true (see below) but even it it were, why couldn't they handle the volume?

Not enough time to prepare?

Not enough taxpayer money invested?

Exchange agencies walk back high-traffic hype:

Other exchanges have had to pare down their initial statistics. Covered California, that state’s subsidized insurance exchange, initially claimed that its website had received 5 million hits on October 1. They later had to revise that number down 87 percent, to 645,000. KUSI-TV in San Diego is reporting that not one policy has yet been sold on the California exchange.

According to Megan McArdle, high traffic alone doesn’t explain why the federal website is having so many issues. For example, the drop-down boxes for security questions aren’t working, which shouldn’t be a traffic-related problem. “The drop-down thing is mystifying,” a programmer source told McArdle. It “could very easily be because deadline pressure caused them to take some shortcuts that impacted their ability to scale.”

Five outside technology experts interviewed by Reuters, however, say they believe flaws in system architecture, not traffic alone, contributed to the problems.

For instance, when a user tries to create an account on, which serves insurance exchanges in 36 states, it prompts the computer to load an unusually large amount of files and software, overwhelming the browser, experts said.

If they are right, then just bringing more servers online, as officials say they are doing, will not fix the site.

“Adding capacity sounds great until you realize that if you didn’t design it right that won’t help,” said Bill Curtis, chief scientist at CAST, a software quality analysis firm, and director of the Consortium for IT Software Quality. “The architecture of the software may limit how much you can add on to it. I suspect they’ll have to reconfigure a lot of it…”

One possible cause of the problems is that hitting “apply” on causes 92 separate files, plug-ins and other mammoth swarms of data to stream between the user’s computer and the servers powering the government website, said Matthew Hancock, an independent expert in website design. He was able to track the files being requested through a feature in the Firefox browser.

Of the 92 he found, 56 were JavaScript files, including plug-ins that make it easier for code to work on multiple browsers (such as Microsoft Corp’s Internet Explorer and Google Inc’s Chrome) and let users upload files to

It is not clear why the upload function was included.

“They set up the website in such a way that too many requests to the server arrived at the same time,” Hancock said.

He said because so much traffic was going back and forth between the users’ computers and the server hosting the government website, it was as if the system was attacking itself.

Hancock described the situation as similar to what happens when hackers conduct a distributed denial of service, or DDOS, attack on a website: they get large numbers of computers to simultaneously request information from the server that runs a website, overwhelming it and causing it to crash or otherwise stumble. “The site basically DDOS’d itself,” he said.

Only a total partisan hack like you would try and pretend that a website getting nearly TWO THIRDS OF A MILLION HITS in one day isn't impressive.
Only a total partisan hack like you would try and pretend that a website getting nearly TWO THIRDS OF A MILLION HITS in one day isn't impressive.

How many of those "hits" were from frustrated users who saw the error message "please try again later", Zaps?

How many resulted in a successful transaction?
That's not entirely true (see <Lorca: the distraction> below) but even it it were, why couldn't they handle the volume?

Not enough time to prepare?

Not enough taxpayer money invested?

Ah, so maybe you should have taken other things into your 'mathematical calculation?' Considered how to apply other factors? Guess Zap isnt the only one that doesnt think things thru.

Heh, logic. Pesky that. Nice attempt to dodge tho. didn't specify health care, did you, Zaps?

Here's the question you asked:

Didn't like the answers you got, did you, Zaps?

Now, link up to "bullshit" I've posted.

So what?

The thread topic is Obama Care.

We weren't talking about iphone or movie tickets until you panicked and tried to move the goalposts.

Like a typical partisan hack, you couldn't just stick to the topic at had to resort to a ridiculous non sequitur to try and make your point.
Ah, so maybe you should have taken other things into your 'mathematical calculation?' Considered how to apply other factors? Guess Zap isnt the only one that doesnt think things thru. Heh, logic. Pesky that. Nice attempt to dodge tho.

Presenting expert testimony about poor design of the Obamacare website is a "dodge"?

How do you figure that?

Here's another fact to "distract" you while you flail around trying to cover for this disastrous fuck-up:

Connecticut saw a similarly low rate of interest with 28,000 visitors, and took 167 applications for health insurance, indicating just 0.59 per cent of Connecticut residents who sought information about their state's Obamacare program on Monday decided to become part of it.