Only 51,000 Applied For Obama-Care In First Week

These excuses must be bending the libs into pretzels...if we assume 51,000 @ week sign up for 6 months, how many people will have signed up for Obamafail by the deadline?


That's your "logic?" This past week, Republicans were threatening to do away with it, why invest in it if it might not even be around? Why would these numbers be representative of anything besides that week?

Presenting expert testimony about poor design of the Obamacare website is a "dodge"?

How do you figure that?

Keep on dancin'! lol
Keep on dancin'! lol

Keep on pretending that the Obamacare launch isn't a total failure.

Don't your knees hurt from all that bowing you do?

Keep on pretending that the Obamacare launch isn't a total failure.

LOL We have already established the fact (thru logic that you still cannot grasp) that your CLAIM that the numbers from the first week can predict total number that will sign up is untrue.

"Darn you logic!!!!" *imagines BM shaking his fist at the sky*

AND AND AND....But wait, there's more! Do I see more evidence of your "skills" in applying logic (And I use that term loosely for you)? Are you assuming that I am in favor of Obamacare?

LOL We have already established the fact (thru logic that you still cannot grasp) that your CLAIM that the numbers from the first week can predict total number that will sign up is untrue.


You haven't done any such thing, beyond optimistically assuming things will improve with no facts to support such a belief.

That's a fallacy, isn't it?

You haven't done any such thing, beyond optimistically assuming things will improve with no facts to support such a belief.

That's a fallacy, isn't it?

You're right, me!

And I never said they'd improve. I said your CLAIM that 51,000 was indicative of eventual total numbers was not a logical assumption and asked why you believed they were a good representation of the final number.

Go off, practice some logical thinking, develop a little, and return. This is so pathetic I'm starting to feel like I'm being mean.
You're right, me!

Looks like you're the one dancing...

Wolf Blitzer has hit out at the White House over the launch of Obamacare saying the health insurance marketplace is not ready for the program.

The CNN anchor urged the government to listen to advice from the Republican party and hold off on the health insurance scheme until the website providing the care cover plans work properly.

Since the launch on October 1, the state website has experienced problems which has resulted in thousands left unable to sign up for affordable health cover.

‘If they weren’t fully ready, they should accept the advice that a lot of Republicans are giving them.

'Delay it another year, get it ready, and make sure it works,” Blitzer said on CNN yesterday.

‘They know how to do it, but if they didn’t get it ready on time, then maybe fix the problem and make sure people don’t have to worry about it,’ he added.
Looks like you're the one dancing...

Wolf Blitzer has hit out at the White House over the launch of Obamacare saying the health insurance marketplace is not ready for the program.

Funny, I dont remember having *that particular* discussion with you. Just the one about your claim based on the 51,000 sign ups.

So why are you relating it to me? Logic troubles again?
Just 51,000 people completed Obamacare applications during the website's first week, out of tens of millions of Americans in 36 states

  • Obamacare's main signup engine attracted just 6,200 new customers on its launch day and 51,000 after the first week
  • At the same rate, the 6-month open enrollment period would sign up just 2 million Americans, including 14 states and D.C., which have their own insurance exchanges
  • The Congressional Budget Office says Obamacare needs at least 7 million customers to stay afloat financially
  • Numerous Obama administration officials have denied seeing any enrollment figures at all
  • MailOnline's sources are two Health and Human Services workers who have access to the data as it's crunched
  • Texas congressman says anemic national enrollment numbers are 'roughly the population of a small town in my district'
Just 51,000 people completed Obamacare applications during the first week the website was online, according to two sources inside the Department of Health and Human Services who gave MailOnline an exclusive look at the earliest enrollment numbers.

The career civil servants, who process data inside the agency, confirmed independently that just 6,200 Americans applied for health insurance through the problem-plagued website on October 1, the day it first opened to the public.

Neither HHS nor the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services would comment on the record about the numbers. Enroll America, on Obama administration-related organization that aims to help Americans sign up, only replied to a request for information a day after this article was first published.

'I don’t have any hard numbers beyond what HHS and the state-based exchanges have released,' said spokesman Justin Nisly, who insisted that Americans have been 'enthusiastic' and 'grateful' for Obamacare.

The White House did not respond to emails seeking comment.

But several administration officials have claimed this month that they didn't have access to the kinds of raw figures MailOnline obtained from the people who work for them. And the anemic totals suggest a far lower level of interest in coverage through the Affordable Care Act than the Obama administration has hoped to see.



Why are you taking your talking points from a British tabloid? I haven't even seen the hacks at Faux quote a specific number.
I haven't seen any different figures anywhere. That's the point. How and why does a British tabloid get figures that the American media doesn't get?

Here's how - but I suspect you already knew that:

according to two sources inside the Department of Health and Human Services who gave MailOnline an exclusive look at the earliest enrollment numbers.

The career civil servants, who process data inside the agency, confirmed independently that just 6,200 Americans applied for health insurance through the problem-plagued website on October 1, the day it first opened to the public.

Neither HHS nor the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services would comment on the record about the numbers. Enroll America, on Obama administration-related organization that aims to help Americans sign up, only replied to a request for information a day after this article was first published.

'I don’t have any hard numbers beyond what HHS and the state-based exchanges have released,' said spokesman Justin Nisly, who insisted that Americans have been 'enthusiastic' and 'grateful' for Obamacare.

The White House did not respond to emails seeking comment.

But several administration officials have claimed this month that they didn't have access to the kinds of raw figures MailOnline obtained from the people who work for them. And the anemic totals suggest a far lower level of interest in coverage through the Affordable Care Act than the Obama administration has hoped to see.

If you want more, you'll have to ask the author.