OnlyFans model Ava Louise faces possible charges after she flashed President Trump at NY rally

As long as men are allowed to go bare chested,
it's inevitable that laws preventing women from doing so will have to be retracted very soon.

They make no sense anyway. A chest is a chest.

And unlike in my day and the Gestapo's
more women are going back to breast feeding.
Are their babies supposed to starve while they're out in public?
As long as men are allowed to go bare chested,
it's inevitable that laws preventing women from doing so will have to be retracted very soon.

They make no sense anyway. A chest is a chest.

And unlike in my day and the Gestapo's
more women are going back to breast feeding.
Are their babies supposed to starve while they're out in public?
Gross Ignorance if you are tell the truth about what you believe.