OOPS Hezbollah Pagers Just Exploded.

Sorry, no government would sit back and allow this to occur to their citizens. Not the US, not Syria, not Russia.
Not Palestine either. The genocidal Jews must comply with international law.
People all over the world want to see Israel's criminal Jews killed. Israel has brought this upon itself because it has ignored international law and the civilization that the law engenders. As long as the Jews illegally occupy Palestine, Lebanon and Syria they will be marked as targets. Legitimate targets. Reprisal targets.
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WTF is this 'tard at the UN talking about? Innocent-looking devices? Hezbollah was using these pages and such as military communications devices for command and control purposes. They chose pages specifically because they erroneously thought Israel couldn't trace them to a specific location and attack the user, a member of Hezbollah.

Seems to me that Israel found a way to specifically attack only Hezbollah members, effectively either killing or disabling them with minimal collateral damage.

What's got this political moron at the UN so tweaked is that the Israeli attack was so utterly and completely effective and overwhelming. Israel eliminated thousands of Hezbollah combatants in a single stroke dealing the group a mortal blow. That's why the UN is upset.
Look at every war throughout history. Have there been civilian casualties? Of course. It's not pleasant, but that's what war is. As for the "occupation," Israel unilaterally gave up Gaza and returned it to Palestinian control. What did their leaders do with that? They built hundreds of miles of tunnels from which to fire rockets into Israel and launch terrorist attacks. They could have used that money to build schools, develop beachfront tourist attractions, fed and nourished their population. They chose terrorism and the demand that Israel be wiped of the map. Sorry, no government would sit back and allow this to occur to their citizens. Not the US, not Syria, not Russia. Hamas bit off more than it can chew and it will now pay the price. And, the price has to be high enough that their population never allows terrorists to run their government again.
Agreed 100%. Palestinians have had a choice for over 7 decades; war or peace. They chose war as Ms. @moon and others support.

If the Cartels launched rockets into El Paso, the United States Marine Corps would be occupying the city of Juarez and most of the state of Chihuahua the same day.

Tell the sewer rats n Hamas not to break the ceasefire again and slaughter more than a thousand Israelis...beheading and burning alive, Israeli children.
They will break a ceasefire as they've done for decades now. They never want peace or a peace treaty, only a ceasefire so they can reload, retrain and plan another terrorist attack.
Agreed 100%. Palestinians have had a choice for over 7 decades; war or peace. They chose war as Ms. @moon and others support.
A lie. It's clear from the early Zionist writings and speeches that the brutal ethnic cleansing of Palestine was the aim.
It's not surprising that a pimp should lie.
A lie. It's clear from the early Zionist writings and speeches that the brutal ethnic cleansing of Palestine was the aim.
It's not surprising that a pimp should lie.
Not surprising a terrorist supporter supports terrorism, the rape of women and the murder of babies.

I hope the CIA kills all of your friends in front of you before packing you off to a shithole prison.
Not surprising a terrorist supporter supports terrorism, the rape of women and the murder of babies.

I hope the CIA kills all of your friends in front of you before packing you off to a shithole prison.
You obviously haven't read the early writings and speeches of the the ethnic-cleansing Zionist leadership - or you wouldn't continually make such a fool of yourself.
You should get off the Middle East hate bandwagon- it isn't your thing. Stick to sending dick pics to female members.