open for suggestions.....


fully immersed in faith..
so I made a permaban bet with reagansghost (can't remember his previous name).....underestimated the cuntiness of the demmycrats........never thought they would impeach without any evidence of a crime or without any bipartisan I will probably be leaving and (oh, I remember now) you get to keep BuKKKle.......

I will probably set up base camp at Debate Policy where I was before I came here....unfortunately there aren't many demmycrats there....if any of you have any suggestions of boards where the lib'ruls are as easy to kick around as they are here, I would love to hear of it.......
so I made a permaban bet with reagansghost (can't remember his previous name).....underestimated the cuntiness of the demmycrats........never thought they would impeach without any evidence of a crime or without any bipartisan I will probably be leaving and (oh, I remember now) you get to keep BuKKKle.......

I will probably set up base camp at Debate Policy where I was before I came here........if any of you have any suggestions of boards where the lib'ruls are as easy to kick around as they are here, I would love to hear of it.......

Given the Dems violated virtually all prior impeachment rules, I absolve you. They didn't allow the GOP to call all their (if any) witnesses, they held 100 hours of hidden so called depositions and only (allegedly) 30 hours of public testimony and they had already admitted before all the meager, if any, evidence was presented, to impeachment.

The Democrats have not (will tomorrow) impeached the President. They have misused the process and should all be fired.

This is not an impeachment, it is an absolute farce. You didn't lose the bet, the House (pun intended) rigged the game.
so I made a permaban bet with reagansghost (can't remember his previous name).....underestimated the cuntiness of the demmycrats........never thought they would impeach without any evidence of a crime or without any bipartisan I will probably be leaving and (oh, I remember now) you get to keep BuKKKle.......

I will probably set up base camp at Debate Policy where I was before I came here....unfortunately there aren't many demmycrats there....if any of you have any suggestions of boards where the lib'ruls are as easy to kick around as they are here, I would love to hear of it.......

I commend you for having the integrity to honor a bet. I literally have seen ethically challenged posters welch on bets.

My two cents, you might actually find it healthy to take a sabatical from message boarding.
so I made a permaban bet with reagansghost (can't remember his previous name).....underestimated the cuntiness of the demmycrats........never thought they would impeach without any evidence of a crime or without any bipartisan I will probably be leaving and (oh, I remember now) you get to keep BuKKKle.......

I will probably set up base camp at Debate Policy where I was before I came here....unfortunately there aren't many demmycrats there....if any of you have any suggestions of boards where the lib'ruls are as easy to kick around as they are here, I would love to hear of it....... - Not sure how weak the Dems are at this site - There's a nice mix of Dems, Repubs, Indies, & Others.

Good Luck PostModern!!
so I made a permaban bet with reagansghost (can't remember his previous name).....underestimated the cuntiness of the demmycrats........never thought they would impeach without any evidence of a crime or without any bipartisan I will probably be leaving and (oh, I remember now) you get to keep BuKKKle.......

I will probably set up base camp at Debate Policy where I was before I came here....unfortunately there aren't many demmycrats there....if any of you have any suggestions of boards where the lib'ruls are as easy to kick around as they are here, I would love to hear of it.......

I don't remember any 'bet' with 'reagansghost', but I doubt he will hold you to it.
Besides, if you leave, who will be Leader of the Jesus Freaks?
I don't remember any 'bet' with 'reagansghost', but I doubt he will hold you to it.
Besides, if you leave, who will be Leader of the Jesus Freaks?

Tell us Jack, why the unequivocal hatred of those with spiritual beliefs?
Has anyone here ever made those odious remarks about you or of your non belief?
Has a Christian laid a good beating on your repugnant ass (not that one is undeserving)?
Why is it that you have such animosity in your life? Are you really that miserable?
Tell us Jack, why the unequivocal hatred of those with spiritual beliefs?
Has anyone here ever made those odious remarks about you or of your non belief?
Has a Christian laid a good beating on your repugnant ass (not that one is undeserving)?
Why is it that you have such animosity in your life? Are you really that miserable?

? Pray tell, what is your problem?
I'm having a conversation with PMP.
so I made a permaban bet with reagansghost (can't remember his previous name).....underestimated the cuntiness of the demmycrats........never thought they would impeach without any evidence of a crime or without any bipartisan I will probably be leaving and (oh, I remember now) you get to keep BuKKKle.......

I will probably set up base camp at Debate Policy where I was before I came here....unfortunately there aren't many demmycrats there....if any of you have any suggestions of boards where the lib'ruls are as easy to kick around as they are here, I would love to hear of it.......

You ain't goin' nowhere! So tuck your tail and just admit, Donald Trump got himself impeached! He was asking for it, you know it, and everyone else does too.

And besides, he won't even be removed from office- UNTIL INAUGURATION DAY 2021!

Until then, continue gloating about his narrow victory, or the size of his inauguration crowd, or that he is smarter than any general. I'm sure you can think of something.
so I made a permaban bet with reagansghost (can't remember his previous name).....underestimated the cuntiness of the demmycrats........never thought they would impeach without any evidence of a crime or without any bipartisan I will probably be leaving and (oh, I remember now) you get to keep BuKKKle.......

I will probably set up base camp at Debate Policy where I was before I came here....unfortunately there aren't many demmycrats there....if any of you have any suggestions of boards where the lib'ruls are as easy to kick around as they are here, I would love to hear of it.......

I was wrong too. I didn’t realize what a hold the moonbats had on Pelosi. I have always known Pelosi is a whack job but she was a shrewd politician.

She was fucked over by Schiff but once the train started rolling, she couldn’t stop it. Now she can only hope to stop the bleeding

As for the ban bet I didn’t know he took you up on it
? Pray tell, what is your problem?
I'm having a conversation with PMP.

yet I agree that you're a bigoted fuck and not worth a conversation.....I've only turned off my ignore all because the end is have a problem and I leave you with live with it.....
You ain't goin' nowhere! So tuck your tail and just admit, Donald Trump got himself impeached! He was asking for it, you know it, and everyone else does too.
rumors still abound.......NBC is speculating today that abuse of power will fail but that obstruction of Congress will pass......if that happens it is true that I will not leave.........because then he isn't really impeached........
? Pray tell, what is your problem?
I'm having a conversation with PMP.

Oh, pardon me!! I didn't know this was a private forum holding private conversations.
(no wonder liberals hate the First Amendment...)
yet I agree that you're a bigoted fuck and not worth a conversation.....I've only turned off my ignore all because the end is have a problem and I leave you with live with it.....

I was trying to suggest you stay. I don't think your friend (I could be wrong, I don't want to speak for him) will show Mercy upon You.
so I made a permaban bet with reagansghost (can't remember his previous name).....underestimated the cuntiness of the demmycrats........never thought they would impeach without any evidence of a crime or without any bipartisan I will probably be leaving and (oh, I remember now) you get to keep BuKKKle.......

I will probably set up base camp at Debate Policy where I was before I came here....unfortunately there aren't many demmycrats there....if any of you have any suggestions of boards where the lib'ruls are as easy to kick around as they are here, I would love to hear of it.......

Hahahahahaha... Bye bye!