APP - Open letter to republicans in congress

Dear republican congress members, welcome to your newfound majority. But before you get too comfortable in those offices, there are a few things that you should be made aware of.

1) You're sitting in those offices due to hundreds of TEA party movements and members who will demand and expect certain things of you. It would be detrimental to your political security to turn your backs on us and revert back to your old GOP ways.

2) You weren't (re)elected to exact revenge on anyone or any group. There are disturbing reports that some of you are angry at a few corporations for their switch in allegiance from one party to the other. Need I remind you that you work for us, not them? Remember that well, for you could find yourself replaced in a few short years, or sooner.

3) Some of you are upset that a long time ally, the NRA, supported a bunch of Democrats over you and that you've promised retribution because of it. Word of NOT screw with any more gun laws, period. You want to repeal some of them, fine. But any new gun laws that further restrict the right of the people to keep and bear arms will not be tolerated. There may be 4 million members in the NRA, but there are far more of us gun owners that are not and we will take great offense at any 'punishment' you decide to dish out.

4) The main reason you're now sitting in congress is to fix the deficit. It's complete insanity to continue the way this country has been, and yes, your party is half responsible for it, so fix it. No more compromise. Cut spending, lower taxes, audit the fed reserve, and then get your stupid noses out of the free market.

5) Don't forget that your jobs are temporary. Just because you spend 2, 4, or even 6 years doing what the people demand you do, you will be replaced by new blood eventually. The culture of career politics is dying, albeit slowly, so don't bother getting entrenched in special interests/big business political corruption. We will find out and we will take action.

good luck in there, you're going to need it.


The new American populace.
) You weren't (re)elected to exact revenge on anyone or any group. There are disturbing reports that some of you are angry at a few corporations for their switch in allegiance from one party to the other. Need I remind you thatyou work for us, not them ? Remember that well, for you could find yourself replaced in a few short years, or sooner.

Nope , with out the corporate money they get they couldnt get relected.

The Republican party doesnt work for you ,it uses you.

Be prepaired to NOT have your wishes met by them.
) You weren't (re)elected to exact revenge on anyone or any group. There are disturbing reports that some of you are angry at a few corporations for their switch in allegiance from one party to the other. Need I remind you thatyou work for us, not them ? Remember that well, for you could find yourself replaced in a few short years, or sooner.

Nope , with out the corporate money they get they couldnt get relected.

The Republican party doesnt work for you ,it uses you.

Be prepaired to NOT have your wishes met by them.
So much for the fiction
Now for the facts...

Corporations were conspicuous at the Democratic convention, which boasted 141 business sponsors. According to the non-partisan Campaign Finance Institute, the Republican convention has announced only 91 sponsoring companies.
The Republicans may not yet have disclosed all their sponsors; but nonetheless, so far, fat cats are contributing the Democrats' way.

From The Economist magazine. Copyright 2008 Economist Newspaper Ltd.

(Reduce Koolade intake, for your own good)
Dear republican congress members, welcome to your newfound majority. But before you get too comfortable in those offices, there are a few things that you should be made aware of.

1) You're sitting in those offices due to hundreds of TEA party movements and members who will demand and expect certain things of you. It would be detrimental to your political security to turn your backs on us and revert back to your old GOP ways.

2) You weren't (re)elected to exact revenge on anyone or any group. There are disturbing reports that some of you are angry at a few corporations for their switch in allegiance from one party to the other. Need I remind you that you work for us, not them? Remember that well, for you could find yourself replaced in a few short years, or sooner.

3) Some of you are upset that a long time ally, the NRA, supported a bunch of Democrats over you and that you've promised retribution because of it. Word of NOT screw with any more gun laws, period. You want to repeal some of them, fine. But any new gun laws that further restrict the right of the people to keep and bear arms will not be tolerated. There may be 4 million members in the NRA, but there are far more of us gun owners that are not and we will take great offense at any 'punishment' you decide to dish out.

4) The main reason you're now sitting in congress is to fix the deficit. It's complete insanity to continue the way this country has been, and yes, your party is half responsible for it, so fix it. No more compromise. Cut spending, lower taxes, audit the fed reserve, and then get your stupid noses out of the free market.

5) Don't forget that your jobs are temporary. Just because you spend 2, 4, or even 6 years doing what the people demand you do, you will be replaced by new blood eventually. The culture of career politics is dying, albeit slowly, so don't bother getting entrenched in special interests/big business political corruption. We will find out and we will take action.

good luck in there, you're going to need it.


The new American populace.
Good Luck with this and I mean it sincerely, if they indeed take over, but they have a lot of restructuring to do to make any real change! And when they start to make the changes, well, we will see how much the populace REALLY supports change!

remember your party line says Dems will tax corps out of business and over regulate them.

Now how can both be true at once?
) You weren't (re)elected to exact revenge on anyone or any group. There are disturbing reports that some of you are angry at a few corporations for their switch in allegiance from one party to the other. Need I remind you thatyou work for us, not them ? Remember that well, for you could find yourself replaced in a few short years, or sooner.

Nope , with out the corporate money they get they couldnt get relected.

The Republican party doesnt work for you ,it uses you.

Be prepaired to NOT have your wishes met by them.
I have to agree with you, the will have to get rid of all corporate influence to make a REAL change in Washington!

remember your party line says Dems will tax corps out of business and over regulate them.

Now how can both be true at once?
I am not looking forward to Suntan Ken being speaker of the house! and Mitch O'Connell! PLEASE! What is going to change with these jokers leading the charge! Ahahahahaha, yeah!
4) The main reason you're now sitting in congress is to fix the deficit....lower taxes

Yeah, because lowering taxes is going to help with the deficit so much. What a fucking imbecile. 30 fucking years of extreme deficits during boom time, and he decides that in the middle of a fucking recession is the perfect time to drop everything and worry only about the deficit. And tax cuts. Actually, scrap the deficit.

This is how Republicans think. Fucking retards.

The new American populace.

What was the old one?
Yeah, because lowering taxes is going to help with the deficit so much. What a fucking imbecile. 30 fucking years of extreme deficits during boom time, and he decides that in the middle of a fucking recession is the perfect time to drop everything and worry only about the deficit. And tax cuts. Actually, scrap the deficit.

This is how Republicans think. Fucking retards.
like your butt buddy krugman? are you working on your degree from the rocco clubbo school of economics? you don't solve a deficit by spending more fucking money. printing more money lessens the value of it. economics is simple when you don't screw it up with liberal handicapped thinking.
like your butt buddy krugman? are you working on your degree from the rocco clubbo school of economics? you don't solve a deficit by spending more fucking money. printing more money lessens the value of it. economics is simple when you don't screw it up with liberal handicapped thinking.

You don't lessen a deficit by removing revenue. I can't pay back my loans as fast if I get a paycut.
You don't lessen a deficit by removing revenue. I can't pay back my loans as fast if I get a paycut.

economics 101 for you. If people have more money to spend because the government is taking less taxes out, what do you think happens? the PEOPLE spend more fucking money.

lesson is over for today. test is on friday.
economics 101 for you. If people have more money to spend because the government is taking less taxes out, what do you think happens? the PEOPLE spend more fucking money.

lesson is over for today. test is on friday.

But lower taxes only give your more money if you actually have a job.

And lower corporate taxes don't provide more jobs if overseas slave labor is still the preferred labor source.

All your neocon mantras breakdown in the context of globalization stupidity.
But lower taxes only give your more money if you actually have a job.

And lower corporate taxes don't provide more jobs if overseas slave labor is still the preferred labor source.

All your neocon mantras breakdown in the context of globalization stupidity.

like you, I work in the IT field. I know about the globalization stupidity. lower taxes make it easier to hire americans.
The money they are spending is financed on loan.

the money they are spending is money they earned working. I realize work is a foreign concept to you at this moment, which is why I told you to go get a job and tell me what you've learned after moving out of mommies basement.
like your butt buddy krugman? are you working on your degree from the rocco clubbo school of economics? you don't solve a deficit by spending more fucking money. printing more money lessens the value of it. economics is simple when you don't screw it up with liberal handicapped thinking.
So, since tax cuts don't work, either, or haven;t since 2001, what is the answer, what are your solutions? Cutting spending, but where do you start?
economics 101 for you. If people have more money to spend because the government is taking less taxes out, what do you think happens? the PEOPLE spend more fucking money.

lesson is over for today. test is on friday.
The people who have money haven't been spending it, how do you encourage the upper class to spend to create jobs at the lower level? We have become a nation of service, how do you propose to correct that if you have to spend money to make money, or so I have been told most of my life...
So, where do you think this new House will start?
So, since tax cuts don't work, either, or haven;t since 2001, what is the answer, what are your solutions? Cutting spending, but where do you start?

tax cuts didn't work with the bush plan because any revenue that the gov would have taken was spent on the wars and extra spending elsewhere. so tax cuts AND cutting spending needs to be done to not only improve the economy, but to lower the deficit.

for cutting spending, i'd start at 10 to 20% across the board......for all government agencies. that includes all alphabet agencies as well as the military.
tax cuts didn't work with the bush plan because any revenue that the gov would have taken was spent on the wars and extra spending elsewhere. so tax cuts AND cutting spending needs to be done to not only improve the economy, but to lower the deficit.

for cutting spending, i'd start at 10 to 20% across the board......for all government agencies. that includes all alphabet agencies as well as the military.
It will never happen~it has been proposed before and never gone anywhere and the percentage suggested was lower!

Across the board reduction is one way, good luck with it!