APP - Open letter to republicans in congress

But the lower taxes are still not enough savings to offset the salary difference.

Sorry, try again.

If you're talking tax incentives to keep jobs in this country, i'm with you. If you're talking about imposing penalties for moving jobs overseas, you're missing a bigger picture. There are other countries besides India that have IT professionals and jobs will just go there.
If you're talking tax incentives to keep jobs in this country, i'm with you. If you're talking about imposing penalties for moving jobs overseas, you're missing a bigger picture. There are other countries besides India that have IT professionals and jobs will just go there.

That's why im for a more sweeping disallowal of outsourcing. You should be too.

Globalization will destroy america unless we stand up to it.

I expect you to get on board with this autarky agenda.
That's why im for a more sweeping disallowal of outsourcing. You should be too.

Globalization will destroy america unless we stand up to it.

I expect you to get on board with this autarky agenda.

stopping economic globalization would be like trying to ban all guns. it's never gonna happen. the best we can do is make outsourcing hurt for whatever company that wants to do it.
lowering taxes doesn't help if you're just going to increase their costs by requiring hundreds of new regulations that don't do squat. did they not teach you that in business school?
Hundreds of new regulations, just seems like another excuse!
stopping economic globalization would be like trying to ban all guns. it's never gonna happen. the best we can do is make outsourcing hurt for whatever company that wants to do it.

No. The best we can do is ban all imports and kick out companies who outsource one single job.

We can stop economic globalization. It's just takes a policy change.

Why are you so brainwashed?
whatever, i'm just trying to give you the benefit of my experience by having to audit company records from time to time.
Smarter, I don't doubt they have an affect, I just don't think it stops people from hiring to the same degree that you think it does. I think it is about greed and the smaller picture and not the larger picture. Americans have become very self centered, they don't watch out for the other guy like they use to. My grandfather believed that if he kept people happy that they were more productive and in turn he was more productive. I don't see people wanting to invest in America any longer. They don't care because they can make their money in the stock market or overseas.
It is just my take on what is happening and the greed isn't limited to just the Republicans, it is what is sticking about all of America.
Smarter, I don't doubt they have an affect, I just don't think it stops people from hiring to the same degree that you think it does. I think it is about greed and the smaller picture and not the larger picture. Americans have become very self centered, they don't watch out for the other guy like they use to. My grandfather believed that if he kept people happy that they were more productive and in turn he was more productive. I don't see people wanting to invest in America any longer. They don't care because they can make their money in the stock market or overseas.
It is just my take on what is happening and the greed isn't limited to just the Republicans, it is what is sticking about all of America.

unlike some of the conservatives who strictly believe in the 'supply side' economics, the economy is all about supply and demand. If nobody can afford a product, nobody is going to demand a product. If a product is in demand, then a company will make it so that it's affordable. People will be find it easier to afford a product if they have more money from less taxes. If products are then in demand, a company will hire people to make it.
unlike some of the conservatives who strictly believe in the 'supply side' economics, the economy is all about supply and demand. If nobody can afford a product, nobody is going to demand a product. If a product is in demand, then a company will make it so that it's affordable. People will be find it easier to afford a product if they have more money from less taxes. If products are then in demand, a company will hire people to make it.
that is how they say it works ,but it doesn't...there are the investors.
It will be interesting to see if the republicans now cut Medicare and the military machine, both are the largest expenditures, and places where their words would mean something. SS is solvent for a long time. Reduced taxes did nothing good under Reagan or Bush Jr. So please stop spouting this nonsense. Medicare change would cost the republicans the 2012 election, so what will really change? The military war machine plays on fear and it also benefits all their benefactors so ultimately it will be education, children and the infrastructure that suffer - same as always. Nothing changes sometimes.

"Capitalism leads to dole queues, the scramble for markets, and war. Collectivism leads to concentration camps, leader-worship and war. There is no way out of this unless a planned economy can be somehow combined with freedom of the intellect, which can only happen if the concept of right and wrong can be restored." George Orwell
Dear republican congress members, welcome to your newfound majority. But before you get too comfortable in those offices, there are a few things that you should be made aware of.

1) You're sitting in those offices due to hundreds of TEA party movements and members who will demand and expect certain things of you. It would be detrimental to your political security to turn your backs on us and revert back to your old GOP ways.

2) You weren't (re)elected to exact revenge on anyone or any group. There are disturbing reports that some of you are angry at a few corporations for their switch in allegiance from one party to the other. Need I remind you that you work for us, not them? Remember that well, for you could find yourself replaced in a few short years, or sooner.

3) Some of you are upset that a long time ally, the NRA, supported a bunch of Democrats over you and that you've promised retribution because of it. Word of NOT screw with any more gun laws, period. You want to repeal some of them, fine. But any new gun laws that further restrict the right of the people to keep and bear arms will not be tolerated. There may be 4 million members in the NRA, but there are far more of us gun owners that are not and we will take great offense at any 'punishment' you decide to dish out.

4) The main reason you're now sitting in congress is to fix the deficit. It's complete insanity to continue the way this country has been, and yes, your party is half responsible for it, so fix it. No more compromise. Cut spending, lower taxes, audit the fed reserve, and then get your stupid noses out of the free market.

5) Don't forget that your jobs are temporary. Just because you spend 2, 4, or even 6 years doing what the people demand you do, you will be replaced by new blood eventually. The culture of career politics is dying, albeit slowly, so don't bother getting entrenched in special interests/big business political corruption. We will find out and we will take action.

good luck in there, you're going to need it.


The new American populace.

Perhaps you might consider attaching this to your email.
Dear republican congress members, welcome to your newfound majority. But before you get too comfortable in those offices, there are a few things that you should be made aware of.

1) You're sitting in those offices due to hundreds of TEA party movements and members who will demand and expect certain things of you. It would be detrimental to your political security to turn your backs on us and revert back to your old GOP ways.

2) You weren't (re)elected to exact revenge on anyone or any group. There are disturbing reports that some of you are angry at a few corporations for their switch in allegiance from one party to the other. Need I remind you that you work for us, not them? Remember that well, for you could find yourself replaced in a few short years, or sooner.

3) Some of you are upset that a long time ally, the NRA, supported a bunch of Democrats over you and that you've promised retribution because of it. Word of NOT screw with any more gun laws, period. You want to repeal some of them, fine. But any new gun laws that further restrict the right of the people to keep and bear arms will not be tolerated. There may be 4 million members in the NRA, but there are far more of us gun owners that are not and we will take great offense at any 'punishment' you decide to dish out.

4) The main reason you're now sitting in congress is to fix the deficit. It's complete insanity to continue the way this country has been, and yes, your party is half responsible for it, so fix it. No more compromise. Cut spending, lower taxes, audit the fed reserve, and then get your stupid noses out of the free market.

5) Don't forget that your jobs are temporary. Just because you spend 2, 4, or even 6 years doing what the people demand you do, you will be replaced by new blood eventually. The culture of career politics is dying, albeit slowly, so don't bother getting entrenched in special interests/big business political corruption. We will find out and we will take action.

good luck in there, you're going to need it.


The new American populace.

Good post, but I don't think any newly-elected pols, dems or repubs, are that sensible.
I am not looking forward to Suntan Ken being speaker of the house! and Mitch O'Connell! PLEASE! What is going to change with these jokers leading the charge! Ahahahahaha, yeah!

LOL, Snooki Boehner.

I've disliked McConnell since way back in the day when his staffer took umbrage at being called "baby" by the cafeteria lady. She lost her job and then got reinstated. Mitchy didn't do anything to stop that travesty.