Open poll: is the DNC scared enough to boot Bungling Biden and install the Cackler?

Is the DNC scared enough to boot Bungling Biden and install the Cackler?

  • Yes, I think they could be

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • No, I don't believe they would, no matter what

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Other: explain in comments

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Which, again you can't prove. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

The good news, Fredo, is that you won't be hurt because you would never leave your house to "take back our country" because you are a chickenshit. LOL


I wont have to.

The lefties have awakened a giant with their stupidity.

the nwo is dead.
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There are rumors that he was a Jew, which is ridiculous. Judaism is a religion, not a race.

But, enough about him. This thread is about the possibility of bungling Biden being replaced by The Cackler.

except they don't really want converts and they consider you a jew if your mother is a jew.

but yes , the cackler is ridiculous.
but yes , the cackler is ridiculous.

Is she?

Consider this: haven't DEMOCRATS yearned for years to be the first party to elect a person with a womb?

Technically, The Cackler won't be elected if they give old Joe the hook, but he really wasn't "elected" either, so I doubt that distinction matters to them.

Remember this?

Noahide Covenant: Theology and Jewish Law
שבע מצות נצטוו בני נח דינים וברכת השם עבודה זרה גילוי עריות ושפיכת דמים וגזל ואבר מן החי The descendants of Noah were commanded with seven precepts: to establish laws, (and the prohibitions of) blasphemy, idolatry, adultery, bloodshed, theft, and eating the blood of a living animal.
---Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 56a
The Bible presents a predominantly binary picture of humanity, with the Jewish people in covenant with God on one side, and the idolatrous nations of the world on the other. However rabbis of the talmudic period-approximately 200 to 600 CE-seized upon one aspect of the biblical narrative that does not fit into this neat binary universe. While the Bible portrays the stranger as isolated individuals in Jewish society, the Talmud expanded the idea of the stranger and conceptualized it into a broad legal and moral category. Based on the post-diluvean covenant God makes with Noah and his descendants (Gen. 9:8-17), the Babylonian Talmud (Avodah Zarah 64b) interpreted the stranger to be all gentiles who accept the seven Noahide commandments constituting the basic laws of morality:

the positive injunction to set up courts that justly enforce social laws
the prohibition of blasphemy, i.e. intolerance of worshipping the one God of the universe
the prohibition of idolatry
the prohibitions of grave sexual immorality, such as incest and adultery
the prohibition of murder
the prohibition of theft
the prohibition of eating the limb of a live animal, which is a paradigm for cruelty
Jewish law grants all non-Jews who accept these laws of civilization social and theological rights everywhere, as well as residency rights in a Jewish religious polity. As a result, the talmudic tradition split the gentile world into two sub-categories: immoral persons who reject the Noahide commandments and to whom tolerance is generally not extended, and gentiles who accept the laws of the Noahide covenant who are regarded positively, whom Jews are obligated to protect and sustain.
As such, classical Judaism subscribed to a double covenant theory: Jews have the Torah covenant of 613 commandments and all gentiles have a covenant of seven Noahide mitzvot, each covenant being valid for its respective adherents. Conventionally, only those accepting the covenant are termed 'b'nai Noah' (sons of Noah, or Noahides). Noahides are not expected to convert to Judaism, for they have an independently authentic covenant that governs a valid way of life. Noahides are accorded positive status in this worldview, to the extent that gentiles who faithfully keep the Noahide commandments are regarded as more beloved by God [i.e. more valued] than Jews who violate the fundamentals of their covenant of 613 commandments. This is clearly evidenced by the Talmudic and medieval rabbinic claim that 'righteous gentiles have a share in the world to come' (i.e. salvation earned by their exemplary lives on earth), whereas Jews who commit grievous sins do not earn that status. of Noah were,blood of a living animal.
There was nothing racist in his post, must be your delusions again. Your post on the other hand, looks like it contains projected racism.

Sounds like something you are intimately familiar with.;)

It's all the Left has to fight back with. Not even worth responding to.
It's all the Left has to fight back with. Not even worth responding to.

Fuck the goddamn Left, idiot. This is about you posting a racist post. You deliberately chose the post. Who are those people across the top? I recognize Obama, Pelosi and Hillary added to the bottom but who are the four women across the top?

Why did you choose the four women of color to be the main stars of your meme? Are they the most senior Democrats? Are they critical votes like Manchin or Sinema? No, they're "colored" based on White Supremacist ideology and you chose them based on skin tone. Stop lying about it.

No, the DNC won't install Cum Queen Harris. That doesn't buy them anything. Better that they continue to 2024 with a Weekend at Biden's


than take a bigger hit installing an utter and complete moron loser like Harris. The Cackling Cum Queen is so pathetic and awful as a political figure I'd say historians a century from now will be looking back in wonder how she got put in office to begin with.
Fuck the goddamn Left, idiot. This is about you posting a racist post. You deliberately chose the post. Who are those people across the top? I recognize Obama, Pelosi and Hillary added to the bottom but who are the four women across the top?

Why did you choose the four women of color to be the main stars of your meme? Are they the most senior Democrats? Are they critical votes like Manchin or Sinema? No, they're "colored" based on White Supremacist ideology and you chose them based on skin tone. Stop lying about it.

It's The Squad you idiot! They're all prominent Progressive Leftist Democrats. That's what they have in common. Their ethnicity is IRRELEVANT!
It's The Squad you idiot! They're all prominent Progressive Leftist Democrats. That's what they have in common. Their ethnicity is IRRELEVANT!

There are a lot of wingnuts in the Democratic party, dumbass. You chose those four because of their color. You're a fucking racist and this isn't the first time we've discussed it either.