'Open the Economy' Is the New 'White Lives Matter'


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'Open the Economy' Is the New 'White Lives Matter'

“Give me liberty or give me death” — A slaveowner
What is America?​

Is it a plot of dirt littered with the discarded bones of those who stood in the way of white manifest destiny or is it a Constitution? Is it an assemblage of huddled masses yearning to breathe free or is it simply a series of borders on a map? Is the idea of liberty and justice even a real thing or is it an apparition that only white people can see?

If you are black, these are not rhetorical questions. In the real America, rhetoric, liberty and justice are concepts afforded to the people whose birthright and skin color give them the freedom to contemplate theoretical abstractions. The rest of us are simply speed bumps and potholes along the path of white privilege treasure hunters. We are bodies meant for sacrifice...

And they are liars.

Somehow, their idea of “liberty and justice for all” excludes mass incarceration or the war on drugs black people. When small-government conservatives advocate for “states’ rights,” they are not talking about the black and brown people who live in Republican-controlled Southern states. The evangelical Christian, “pro-life” propaganda does not include the people awaiting execution on death row who are 55 percent black. When they insist that “All Lives Matter,” they are not even referring to us.

'Open the Economy' Is the New 'White Lives Matter'

“Give me liberty or give me death” — A slaveowner
What is America?​

Is it a plot of dirt littered with the discarded bones of those who stood in the way of white manifest destiny or is it a Constitution? Is it an assemblage of huddled masses yearning to breathe free or is it simply a series of borders on a map? Is the idea of liberty and justice even a real thing or is it an apparition that only white people can see?

If you are black, these are not rhetorical questions. In the real America, rhetoric, liberty and justice are concepts afforded to the people whose birthright and skin color give them the freedom to contemplate theoretical abstractions. The rest of us are simply speed bumps and potholes along the path of white privilege treasure hunters. We are bodies meant for sacrifice...

And they are liars.

Somehow, their idea of “liberty and justice for all” excludes mass incarceration or the war on drugs black people. When small-government conservatives advocate for “states’ rights,” they are not talking about the black and brown people who live in Republican-controlled Southern states. The evangelical Christian, “pro-life” propaganda does not include the people awaiting execution on death row who are 55 percent black. When they insist that “All Lives Matter,” they are not even referring to us.


#racehustler :rolleyes:
"The rest of us are simply speed bumps and potholes along the path of white privilege treasure hunters."
Wow. That ... I like. Can I use that in the Future?
Having a hard time as Americas new minority ? :thinking:

Oh please, Jewish Americans marry outside of their Jewish faith 57% of the time, White Americans marry outside of their White race 7% of the time.

Also lots of rural Whites aren't as impacted by Balkanized Multiculturalism, as Jews living in urban centers & suburban regions..
'Open the Economy' Is the New 'White Lives Matter'

“Give me liberty or give me death” — A slaveowner
What is America?​

Is it a plot of dirt littered with the discarded bones of those who stood in the way of white manifest destiny or is it a Constitution? Is it an assemblage of huddled masses yearning to breathe free or is it simply a series of borders on a map? Is the idea of liberty and justice even a real thing or is it an apparition that only white people can see?

If you are black, these are not rhetorical questions. In the real America, rhetoric, liberty and justice are concepts afforded to the people whose birthright and skin color give them the freedom to contemplate theoretical abstractions. The rest of us are simply speed bumps and potholes along the path of white privilege treasure hunters. We are bodies meant for sacrifice...

And they are liars.

Somehow, their idea of “liberty and justice for all” excludes mass incarceration or the war on drugs black people. When small-government conservatives advocate for “states’ rights,” they are not talking about the black and brown people who live in Republican-controlled Southern states. The evangelical Christian, “pro-life” propaganda does not include the people awaiting execution on death row who are 55 percent black. When they insist that “All Lives Matter,” they are not even referring to us.


More like White lives don't matter rally, they might as well die of Covid-19.
Opening the economy is a rash and crazy idea that Trump will do because if it opens OK, it will help him win in the election. He will spend human lives to win, Lives mean nothing to him.
'Open the Economy' Is the New 'White Lives Matter'

“Give me liberty or give me death” — A slaveowner
What is America?​

Is it a plot of dirt littered with the discarded bones of those who stood in the way of white manifest destiny or is it a Constitution? Is it an assemblage of huddled masses yearning to breathe free or is it simply a series of borders on a map? Is the idea of liberty and justice even a real thing or is it an apparition that only white people can see?

If you are black, these are not rhetorical questions. In the real America, rhetoric, liberty and justice are concepts afforded to the people whose birthright and skin color give them the freedom to contemplate theoretical abstractions. The rest of us are simply speed bumps and potholes along the path of white privilege treasure hunters. We are bodies meant for sacrifice...

And they are liars.

Somehow, their idea of “liberty and justice for all” excludes mass incarceration or the war on drugs black people. When small-government conservatives advocate for “states’ rights,” they are not talking about the black and brown people who live in Republican-controlled Southern states. The evangelical Christian, “pro-life” propaganda does not include the people awaiting execution on death row who are 55 percent black. When they insist that “All Lives Matter,” they are not even referring to us.


cuz blacks hate working?
Most #%^ live on government checks, so they don't care if things reopen. They still get their welfare and government job quota income.
Most %#%^ live on government checks, so they don't care if things reopen. They still get their welfare and government job quota income.

More Blacks get welfare, but not the majority of them.


Fact: Most Americans receiving public benefits paid for them
For many, the phrase “public benefits” implies money handed out to poor people—but that’s not the case. Recipients who benefit from the nation’s major social insurance programs—Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment insurance—include middle-class and low-income Americans. In 2010, 39 percent of households had at least one person participating in at least one of these programs. (See Figure 1) Within the fiscal year 2011 budget, those three programs accounted for an estimated 60 percent of the dollars going out to individuals. (See Figure 2)

Social Security and Medicare account for 55 percent of federal benefits dollars

Fact: Many beneficiaries of low-income public benefits programs are elderly and disabled
As noted above, Social Security and Medicare account for much of our nation’s spending on public benefits. But other programs not specifically designated for the elderly reach a significant number of them as well as Americans with disabilities. The biggest programs demonstrate this point. Among those Americans receiving food assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, 36 percent of households have an elderly or disabled person. When it comes to Medicaid, in 2008, 65 percent of payments were for those 65 and over, blind, or disabled.
'Open the Economy' Is the New 'White Lives Matter'?

It's more of "Which one of you Red-State Republican governors are going to want the Trump Brand and support on your next re-election".

It's the way to divide Americans even further and drive them into even more Chaos!
'Open the Economy' Is the New 'White Lives Matter'

“Give me liberty or give me death” — A slaveowner
What is America?​

Is it a plot of dirt littered with the discarded bones of those who stood in the way of white manifest destiny or is it a Constitution? Is it an assemblage of huddled masses yearning to breathe free or is it simply a series of borders on a map? Is the idea of liberty and justice even a real thing or is it an apparition that only white people can see?

If you are black, these are not rhetorical questions. In the real America, rhetoric, liberty and justice are concepts afforded to the people whose birthright and skin color give them the freedom to contemplate theoretical abstractions. The rest of us are simply speed bumps and potholes along the path of white privilege treasure hunters. We are bodies meant for sacrifice...

And they are liars.

Somehow, their idea of “liberty and justice for all” excludes mass incarceration or the war on drugs black people. When small-government conservatives advocate for “states’ rights,” they are not talking about the black and brown people who live in Republican-controlled Southern states. The evangelical Christian, “pro-life” propaganda does not include the people awaiting execution on death row who are 55 percent black. When they insist that “All Lives Matter,” they are not even referring to us.


More Blacks get welfare, but not the majority of them.

I said most #%^ live on government checks, not welfare. #%^ toxic parasites to a society (a point I wouldn't make if not for all the racist bashing of whites for what#%^ do). Welfare, SS disability, SS, and government jobs account for the income of most blacks -- all government checks.
I said most #%^ live on government checks, not welfare.#%^ toxic parasites to a society (a point I wouldn't make if not for all the racist bashing of whites for what %#^ do). Welfare, SS disability, SS, and government jobs account for the income of most blacks -- all government checks.

Not just Blacks there.

We've Crossed The Tipping Point; Most Americans Now Receive Government Benefits
Merrill Matthews
Merrill MatthewsFormer Contributor
This article is more than 5 years old.
Obamacare has pushed us over the entitlements tipping point. In 2011 some 49.2 percent of U.S. households received benefits from one or more government programs—about 151 million out of an estimated 306.8 million Americans—according to U.S. Census Bureau data released last October.

Currently, around 6 million to 7 million Americans who have signed up for Obamacare are receiving taxpayer-provided subsidies (though the administration’s numbers cannot be trusted, it’s all we have to work with). There are another 3 million who have signed up for Medicaid.

That means some 10 million Americans—or a total of about 161 million—are now getting government subsidies (though the final number might be somewhat lower since some may have been receiving benefits already).

A Fool and His Money
A Fool and His Money (Photo credit: CarbonNYC)
Today In: Opinion

Thus, perhaps 52 percent of U.S. households—more than half—now receive benefits from the government, thanks to President Obama.
Opening the economy is a rash and crazy idea that Trump will do because if it opens OK, it will help him win in the election. He will spend human lives to win, Lives mean nothing to him.

Watch RUMP use Georgia as his "test case". If it fails, he will throw Governor Kemp under the "RUMP Transit system" bus.
'Open the Economy' Is the New 'White Lives Matter'?

It's more of "Which one of you Red-State Republican governors are going to want the Trump Brand and support on your next re-election".

It's the way to divide Americans even further and drive them into even more Chaos!

or maybe people just need to go to work to feed themselves. did you think of that, idiotboy.