'Open the Economy' Is the New 'White Lives Matter'

Thankfully, many Lolberts seem to be teenagers who grow out of it when they see how interconnected society really is.

Individualism is absurd.

Extreme Individualist arguments would go so far to say treat Invading armies destroying your countries as just "individuals"

Of course, the arguments of strong but not extreme Individualists are hardly different on Immigrants destroying the West, as they judge them as just "Individuals"

As for Individualism of economics.

A lot of poor people suffering, would die without safety nets.

Individualism is the worst.

While extreme Collectivism is bad too, it's a little better to tell you the truth.
Individualism is absurd.

Extreme Individualist arguments would go so far to say treat Invading armies destroying your countries as just "individuals"

Of course, the arguments of strong but not extreme Individualists are hardly different on Immigrants destroying the West, as they judge them as just "Individuals"

As for Individualism of economics.

A lot of poor people suffering, would die without safety nets.

Individualism is the worst.

While extreme Collectivism is bad too, it's a little better to tell you the truth.

individualism is reality. of course individuals work together when it suits them.
'Open the Economy' Is the New 'White Lives Matter'

“Give me liberty or give me death” — A slaveowner
What is America?​

Is it a plot of dirt littered with the discarded bones of those who stood in the way of white manifest destiny or is it a Constitution? Is it an assemblage of huddled masses yearning to breathe free or is it simply a series of borders on a map? Is the idea of liberty and justice even a real thing or is it an apparition that only white people can see?

If you are black, these are not rhetorical questions. In the real America, rhetoric, liberty and justice are concepts afforded to the people whose birthright and skin color give them the freedom to contemplate theoretical abstractions. The rest of us are simply speed bumps and potholes along the path of white privilege treasure hunters. We are bodies meant for sacrifice...

And they are liars.

Somehow, their idea of “liberty and justice for all” excludes mass incarceration or the war on drugs black people. When small-government conservatives advocate for “states’ rights,” they are not talking about the black and brown people who live in Republican-controlled Southern states. The evangelical Christian, “pro-life” propaganda does not include the people awaiting execution on death row who are 55 percent black. When they insist that “All Lives Matter,” they are not even referring to us.


???....is that because you believe there is no black economy?....
Quote Originally Posted by AProudLefty View Post
This retard thinks we cannot comprehend a simple statement. Shows his true IQ.

can you explain, then, why it is you actually CAN'T comprehend a simple statement?.....
Individuals make up families, and extended families like cultures & society.

One who just cares about "Me, Mine, Now" must not be all too bright, or perceptive.

that's a psychopath, not an individual functioning successfully in a sustainable manner in the context of other individuals.
they don't agree with your take on the situation. stop being a totalitarian.

Dude, please understand that a totalitarian has to do with someone in power that is trying to control every aspect of our lives.

I am not in power, and I certainly could care less how others run their lives so long as they are not harming others.

If they do, I have a problem with it!

Let's take the protestors for example- they are risking harming others and for sure getting in the way of Medical Personal to do their jobs when they block the roads and highways.

It has absolutely nothing to do with totalitarianism!
that's a psychopath, not an individual functioning successfully in a sustainable manner in the context of other individuals.

Yes, now you get it, anyone who thinks that society is just about individuals alone, is basically either Sociopathic, Psychopathic, or Autistic, and probably has a diminished IQ too.
Dude, please understand that a totalitarian has to do with someone in power that is trying to control every aspect of our lives.

I am not in power, and I certainly could care less how others run their lives so long as they are not harming others.

If they do, I have a problem with it!

do you think demanding shelter in place harms people? hint, it does.
Yes, now you get it, anyone who thinks that society is just about individuals alone, is basically either Sociopathic, Psychopathic, or Autistic, and probably has a diminished IQ too.

I'm the king of getting it, son.

but everyone is an individual worthy of care and respect as you suggest. someone demanding everyone do nothing is a fucked up psychopath.
'Open the economy' is nothing more than 'White Men won't be told to do with their bodies.'

Exactly. Con-women, too.

some of them may have silly signs, but you force them to extremity when you act like allowing people to function is some bad thing.

What public figures have been trying to stop people from functioning? I don't care about SJW dipshits online who have no movement or following because they're irrelevant.

There are some laws I think are extremely anti-freedom, but they don't prevent people from functioning and my reaction to them isn't to screech about the evils of taxation.