Open Your Third Eye...


New member
Second verse same as the first.

See, I think drugs have done some GOOD things for us, I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a Favor: go home tonight and take all your bibles, all your hymnals, and all your shrines and burn em'. 'Cause you know what? The prophets who've wrote all that great scripture that's enhanced your lives throughout the years...Rrrrrrrrrrrrreal ------ high on drugs.

We have been freed from tv yet most people have not taken off their blinders. AOL before it and Facebook after help to keep our blinders on and trap us in the past. I mean, holy 1980s, I though arguments over whether a woman deserved it had been vanquished, but as the unwashed masses have gained access they have reignited these old and worn out arguments.

The good Prophet Maynard said that TV was like black spray paint over our third eye. The Good Prophet Zappa complained of the ooze coming out of our tv sets and predicted the rise of electronica and house "you will soon be dancing to... The Red Zone is for loading and unloading only" or is it the white zone. Many simple minds dance to that stuff thinking the DJ has no message to send but any good one does and is clearly sending messages through cultural references much like Family Guy does with comedy. Jazz and Classical are far quieter than that stuff yet still scream to those who listen closely. TV, AOL, Facebook none are good excuses for keeping your eyes shut and they WILL be used as a way to control those who question, by bullying them.

Most Christians are afraid to read their Bible or question it. They have been told over and over again not to question authority and that knowledge is the root of all evil. At the same time we tell them that education is the key to success. Which is it? Don't think about it Billy... have another drink. Take another pill and just dance dd dance to the dj, who does not try to get inside your head. Idiots. This is not to say all fans of these forms don't get it. It is just that many think they are not saying anything. All forms of music send messages.

Few good songs have been written high on the mind numbing effects of alcohol or the other drugs that are meant to make you forget and stop questioning. Some greats who had a high tolerance managed to carry on for years but eventually... That is why they are legal and why we are granted easy access to them. But our children should not be taking any drugs and they will not if we stop pushing them to spray paint over their third eyes. The spray paint is self applied to drown the cognitive dissonance between the lies you are told in your youth and the reality of the world as it is revealed.

Maynard and the Good Prophet Hicks did not really get it, but did. It is not TV. It's Santa Claus and our myths of perfection. It is the lie that policemen, teachers, doctors and all the other authority figures are only there to help. Yes, most of them want to help. The bad ones want to help you see it their way. The good ones plant questions and inspire you with the spirit that you can find the answers. The bad ones don't want you to question them or talk back. They get mad if you do and seek to punish. Tools! They do not help.

I apologize to anyone I have convinced of anything except to question and seek answers. Some will confuse this to mean badger, bait and settle for nothing less than absolute proof. Ease up on the spray paint and maybe you will see. Take off your beer goggles and look at it from another angle. Breathe deep and meditate. Labels are just labels. Your temple is where you find knowledge and it lies within you. But you must quiet yourself first. Listen to Jesus, Jiminy or Obi Wan. Not to the speaker screaming at you with seemingly contradicting directions. Different perspectives do cause some dissonance but not for those at peace.

There is such a thing as equal thirds and it does not matter in what language or number system in which we express it. This is not meant to ridicule anyone. I believe in him. However, it is the ULTIMATE metaphor of this community and always has been.

Each of your eyes must see equally or your view will be distorted. Your heart (emotional), your head (logic) and your .... (passion). Vengeful hate even for those who reject you or you may have perceive as being mean to you is spray paint.

Science, love and passion are our only true guides and even those can be used to blind when we stop questioning. Like the market, they are not perfect but if we follow them faithfully they are self correcting. If your view of market dynamics are based solely on hate of what you don't know or understand then you are blind. Minor controls, ok but no form of manipulation will create perfection. It will just be used to apply blinders.
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i am seriously going to implode over this pretention. please come back down to earth. I think you had one too many kicks to the head.
i am seriously going to implode over this pretention. please come back down to earth. I think you had one too many kicks to the head.

I will take an implosion over more religious wackos doing what is in your sig. Someone has to bring them down to earth because they are certain that they are doing the work of God.
Go get yourself some more spray paint and don't talk about kicks to the head unless you got your buddies near.

And that is why I am not in the trinity. Laughing is all well and good, but you should be laughing at Grind more. You are a constant source of amusement to me.
I never asked, fool. It was suggested by others. I was pointing out why.

You guys spend too much time ridiculing others. Which does even less good than trying to argue your points and explain the metaphors. Yes some will never get it, but you might at least help to talk them down a bit. But you are mostly an irritant and part of the problem.

Plus, as far as I can tell, watermark is the only one with a real sense of humor.

But you. You are funny. Like a clown. You certainly amuse me.

Like I said, don't bother talking about kicks to the head unless your buddy's are close by. You are good for nothing but sucker punches.
you are not allowed to talk about sense of humor when you are getting butthurt over a pretty off the cuff comment by me. chillax.
I never asked, fool. It was suggested by others. I was pointing out why.

You guys spend too much time ridiculing others. Which does even less good than trying to argue your points and explain the metaphors. Yes some will never get it, but you might at least help to talk them down a bit. But you are mostly an irritant and part of the problem.

Plus, as far as I can tell, watermark is the only one with a real sense of humor.

But you. You are funny. Like a clown. You certainly amuse me.

Like I said, don't bother talking about kicks to the head unless your buddy's are close by. You are good for nothing but sucker punches.

Unless it was suggested by membership it was not a suggestion, but an aspiration.
Unless it was suggested by membership it was not a suggestion, but an aspiration.

Please, not mine. I don't even know if you are actually different people. But if you are then Grind seems to the stupid and arrogant version. Watermark is the smarter, humble and more humorous version. Not sure where you are at.

Back to the topic...

The Walls of Jericho...

I find it quite laughable how young people think that they can avoid the messages by turning to some new form of music. It is also laughable that old people rail against the imagery of new music forms. I like exploration in musical forms, but the same stories remain. You can turn to world music... no different.

Roger Waters, was a great song writer, but the story and metaphors are not all that original. Mellencamp has a famous lesser song with the same theme. The stories are as old as time. Copyrights, for a short period, okay. But, you might as well patent a shape. Yes, I know... and it is very bad thing. We are wasting our energies on walls and maintaining imaginery lines.

Some tard will come here and say he does not like Waters. It does not matter, Billy (as in Maynard's), you fn tool. There is nothing new under the sun. The only thing that changes is some kid finally sees through the fog and spits his revelations into a mike or spins records.

That's why the Bible is the "good book." Those who understand it for what it is can print more money than the fed.
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Just go get yourselves another can of spray paint. I will turn the light onto something else for now.

But I am going to let it shine... this little light of mine...
There is a reason the founders wanted religion and government to stay separate.

they distroy each other when combined
How many great American musicians come from a Gospel background or were heavily influenced by those that did? Oh you, thought the hippies changed all of that. lol... They were trying to be more like Jesus than any others before. The best song writers now are heavily influenced by religion. The DJs do it all second hand and reference those that understood the original.

Part of the reason Hollywood and lyricist have dried up is because no one studies the Bible any more or anything with cultural and literary meaning. Old Clint though he keeps pumping out new masterpieces. Kanye. Outkast. Hip Hop is taking over because the folks still read their book.

The ones who don't study the book suck and dry up quick.

We go through this everyday
Adding more to the story trying to make it more interesting
Lying to yourself like it really happened
It's like we're riding on a never ending train
Pick a stop (pick a stop), pick a lie (pick a lie)
Pick a reason to convince 'em that it never happened
I guess nobody cares when we're all laughing
I think we'll have to save the day
I never asked, fool. It was suggested by others. I was pointing out why.

You guys spend too much time ridiculing others. Which does even less good than trying to argue your points and explain the metaphors. Yes some will never get it, but you might at least help to talk them down a bit. But you are mostly an irritant and part of the problem.

Plus, as far as I can tell, watermark is the only one with a real sense of humor.

But you. You are funny. Like a clown. You certainly amuse me.

Like I said, don't bother talking about kicks to the head unless your buddy's are close by. You are good for nothing but sucker punches.

That's just Hipster "irony". They'll grow out of it. It's a fad. It's also a way of pretending you're not scared shitless.
Can anybody give a TLDR? I mean, I think I got a few sentences in before I wanted to gouge my eyes out.
That's just Hipster "irony". They'll grow out of it. It's a fad. It's also a way of pretending you're not scared shitless.

oh quit being such a contrarian. If I started this thread I would have mott and pmp telling me to lay off the drugs, and another offer from you to write a good bio for

his entire post is a rambly mess. Bordering on schizophrenia mixed in with 7th grade metaphors.

Or you can just enjoy these profound insights:

TV, AOL, Facebook none are good excuses for keeping your eyes shut and they WILL be used as a way to control those who question, by bullying them.

oh noes! aol stop bullying me please :(

Maynard and the Good Prophet Hicks did not really get it, but did.


There is such a thing as equal thirds and it does not matter in what language or number system in which we express it. This is not meant to ridicule anyone. I believe in him. However, it is the ULTIMATE metaphor of this community and always has been.

trolly comment at the end of a post pretending to be profound insight.

Listen, I don't fault anyone for stream of conscious-y type posts. It's fun, I've done it many times before. But one thing op is missing is a keen sense of self awareness.

But more importantly, I know op can be very very very smart when he wants to be. Too bad he put those blinders over his third eye and has denied the zappas of the world. If only he climbed the eiffel tower so he could truly see the horizon, over the bullies and the controllers. He would exist at the top, away from it all. But know this - even at the top, you'll still be surrounded by the iron and bolts, for our reach goes much too far, and one can never truly escape the network, but instead, we can only step away from the intense frequencies, which should be enough to exhalt ourselves in clarity.

So to all of you, I say keep climbing, the momentary respite will add up into a future of a much more content wellbeing.
oh quit being such a contrarian. If I started this thread I would have mott and pmp telling me to lay off the drugs, and another offer from you to write a good bio for

his entire post is a rambly mess. Bordering on schizophrenia mixed in with 7th grade metaphors.

Or you can just enjoy these profound insights:

oh noes! aol stop bullying me please :(


trolly comment at the end of a post pretending to be profound insight.

Listen, I don't fault anyone for stream of conscious-y type posts. It's fun, I've done it many times before. But one thing op is missing is a keen sense of self awareness.

But more importantly, I know op can be very very very smart when he wants to be. Too bad he put those blinders over his third eye and has denied the zappas of the world. If only he climbed the eiffel tower so he could truly see the horizon, over the bullies and the controllers. He would exist at the top, away from it all. But know this - even at the top, you'll still be surrounded by the iron and bolts, for our reach goes much too far, and one can never truly escape the network, but instead, we can only step away from the intense frequencies, which should be enough to exhalt ourselves in clarity.

So to all of you, I say keep climbing, the momentary respite will add up into a future of a much more content wellbeing.

Boy are you upset! He definitely sounded stoned to me, so I just assumed that. I was only addressing his (perfectly valid) point about you and your buddies laughing at everything. That is a thing your generation has adopted. I am way too old to find it endearing but way to young to start screaming "GET OFF MY LAWN TRINITY".
Boy are you upset! He definitely sounded stoned to me, so I just assumed that.

Well the thing is he's been talking like this non-stop for like the past 2 weeks. You know, I think burning man just ended recently. Maybe that's it.

I was only addressing his (perfectly valid) point about you and your buddies laughing at everything. That is a thing your generation has adopted.

I disagree. I think people taking jabs at each other on here is pretty evenly spread out. Again, I can point you to many instances where people make fun of watermark, or myself, etc. It's all in good fun and I think it's done by many more people than just the trinity.

I am way too old to find it endearing but way to young to start screaming "GET OFF MY LAWN TRINITY".

So old enough to stare down your nose at us, but not old enough to no longer be in the cool club. gotcha :)
Well the thing is he's been talking like this non-stop for like the past 2 weeks. You know, I think burning man just ended recently. Maybe that's it.

I disagree. I think people taking jabs at each other on here is pretty evenly spread out. Again, I can point you to many instances where people make fun of watermark, or myself, etc. It's all in good fun and I think it's done by many more people than just the trinity.

So old enough to stare down your nose at us, but not old enough to no longer be in the cool club. gotcha :)

As if. More like if only.
If you want to see who is in the cool club go to my homepage on this site.