Open Your Third Eye...

Stringy, I think I speak for the entire ensemble of Werewolfers when I say to you that we would be honored to have you join us next round.

"remove the spray point over the third eyes. follow the zappas!"


I don't know what your point is with follow the Zappas. Talk about trolly commnets. Apparently, you buy the dea's hype. I am sure the zappas can carry on a more interesting conversation than you could. All you have to offer is how aware of your self you are. Maybe, somebody will care someday, but I doubt it.

Why do you think I have been telling you to meditate? It's so you will realize what a joke you are. I know I am funny. I crack myself up all the time. I just don't obsess over what tards like you think about me. Nobody wants to be YOU anyway.

Again, if you guys had any memory whatsoever you might recall that the poster who represented themselves as Ironhead was not a libertarian when he joined our community. He was on the left. I don't know how much effect I had on him, but I know for CERTAIN that I have influenced 1000's of people. If not full conversions then I have made them more aware of what libertarians truly are and are not. I have done so often by exposing pretenders like the character Grind.

Your pretenses on the other hand do nothing but repulse. But, my guess is, you don't really care about that.
I just don't obsess over what tards like you think about me.

lol, if that were true you wouldn't have spent about every post in this thread responding to me in pseudo intellectual babble. You've also started another whole thread calling me out by name, and then when no one paid attention to that thread, you once again went on rambling about me, with zero prompting:


Maybe we should use something Grind may be capable of mocking though it is doubtful he get's the joke. Let's talk about the GENUIS of Tyler Perry and his brother from another mother Will Ferrell.


Don't watch it from the spraypaint or peanut gallery. Those guys may be a riot to you and I but they are blinding to those below Grind!

And what is most ironic about all of this, is that I never expected to be dragged into a protracted tit for tat. I said your op was pretentious (which it is) and was content to leave it at that.... but.... well, you've huffed too much gasoline. And what I thought was originally just some random whimsical post has turned into an onslaught of nonsense.

Word to the wise, if you need to construct a veneer of verbose 5th grade poetry to express a relatively simplistic message, you don't have too much to say in the first place.

And with that, I refer back to my initial response to this thread, you reallly, really, realllly need to chillax.
lol, if that were true you wouldn't have spent about every post in this thread responding to me in pseudo intellectual babble. You've also started another whole thread calling me out by name, and then when no one paid attention to that thread, you once again went on rambling about me, with zero prompting:

Your short term memory is as foggy as your long term memory. I enjoy baiting you and only started because you kept biting, repeatedly and without solicitation. You could quit at anytime.

And what is most ironic about all of this, is that I never expected to be dragged into a protracted tit for tat. I said your op was pretentious (which it is) and was content to leave it at that.... but.... well, you've huffed too much gasoline. And what I thought was originally just some random whimsical post has turned into an onslaught of nonsense.

Word to the wise, if you need to construct a veneer of verbose 5th grade poetry to express a relatively simplistic message, you don't have too much to say in the first place.

And with that, I refer back to my initial response to this thread, you reallly, really, realllly need to chillax.

It's 5th grade and simplistic and yet you can't understand it? There is nothing incoherent about any of it, little in my views have changed and I brought it down to your level. But it's still over your head due to your PRETENSIONS and inability to relate to anything outside of your constricted little world of supposed self awareness. Maybe if you were actually looking inward instead of in the mirror?

I will let you off the hook for now. However, I will keep posting what I care to and see if it encourages any interesting debate. Feel free to join in if you actually have something intelligent to add. If you feel the need to pop off again then I will pop that over inflated ego of yours, again.

I have moderated due in part to our urgent problems and the fact that the nuclear options all lead to disaster and/or a possibly a very REAL nuclear result. But I have been accurately predicting stuff in detail for too long and I am worried about our future. You can go ahead and not care or pretend I am overblowing it all you like. That's okay, I never took you serious anyway.