Open Your Third Eye...

oh quit being such a contrarian. If I started this thread I would have mott and pmp telling me to lay off the drugs, and another offer from you to write a good bio for

his entire post is a rambly mess. Bordering on schizophrenia mixed in with 7th grade metaphors.

You need me to go down to 3rd grade level? You can't follow anything.

Or you can just enjoy these profound insights:

oh noes! aol stop bullying me please :(

Are you really this stupid or is it an act? AOL is nothing anymore. Facebook is a collossal waste of time and only used by idiots to peek into their neighbors business.

trolly comment at the end of a post pretending to be profound insight.

So, then you don't undertand number systems or symbols either? The labels are not important. They are just stand ins.

Listen, I don't fault anyone for stream of conscious-y type posts. It's fun, I've done it many times before. But one thing op is missing is a keen sense of self awareness.

But more importantly, I know op can be very very very smart when he wants to be. Too bad he put those blinders over his third eye and has denied the zappas of the world. If only he climbed the eiffel tower so he could truly see the horizon, over the bullies and the controllers. He would exist at the top, away from it all. But know this - even at the top, you'll still be surrounded by the iron and bolts, for our reach goes much too far, and one can never truly escape the network, but instead, we can only step away from the intense frequencies, which should be enough to exhalt ourselves in clarity.

So to all of you, I say keep climbing, the momentary respite will add up into a future of a much more content wellbeing.

What is it you are talking about? Did you think this was an anti-technology screed? Moron. lol
See. You amuse me Grind.

My point is that our culture is built on a lot of lies. We pass these lies down to our children with deceit and pretense. This is not a new point for me.

This is what Aenima and the song I referenced is about. Billy, comes in and starts blowing hard about how Tool had sold out. Maynard points out to him how he had to sell out long ago. We all do. We have to pretend that the lies are real and attempt to fit in. We have to pretend that we really give a shit about this or that or as is the fad now pretend you only care about not caring. Either is a death sentence. You tards have no passion for anything but trying to fit in to a click. You will never beat the ones that have real passion and are not afraid to stand out.

One of the first things children are taught when they become "self aware" is to hide their true intentions and hide their ignorance. Don't ask questions. Don't talk back. Just forget about any reservations you have and laugh at those who don't fall into line or care too much. This is what you do. You think you are cool and intelligent. But you are nothing but a child mocking other children.

I am not here to mock anyone, accept maybe you. You deserve it more than anyone. I am here to explain. Either I will break through the mental fog or I will go elsewhere to find people more capable of understanding. I am certainly not going to be stopped by a nitwit like you.

Now go cry in your spray paint and talk about something you know, i.e., stfu.

And you bought ONE!
You'll have to run out and buy a new wardrobe, car, or the latest gadget when the next fad comes in. You will still be a Tool.
echo, few things

1), you are taking things much too seriously, and are definitely butthurt
2) I have barely paid attention to your pretentious pseudo intellectual ramblings
3) I 100% believe you've inhaled way too much gasoline. I know you think I am being facetious on this. But I am not. I really honestly believe you've had a mental breakdown of some kind. And I am bummed that you aren't your normal self.
echo, few things

1), you are taking things much too seriously, and are definitely butthurt
2) I have barely paid attention to your pretentious pseudo intellectual ramblings
3) I 100% believe you've inhaled way too much gasoline. I know you think I am being facetious on this. But I am not. I really honestly believe you've had a mental breakdown of some kind. And I am bummed that you aren't your normal self.

This is nothing but you saying, "I am rubber you're glue..."

I take things just as seriously as they need to be taken. And you are a source of endless amusement.
There is a reason the founders wanted religion and government to stay separate.

they distroy each other when combined

Christianity and the state mostly survived in tact after several thousand years of union. As well, if anything Muslim civilization experienced its greatest heights under the unification of church and state. There also wasn't much of a separation between church in state in ancient Rome and Greece, usually considered the greatest times in human (or, at least, western) history besides our own, with most priesthoods being filled by political figures and such as a means of accruing honor and advancing their career. I really think that the concept only fell apart due to the western experience of turmoil and chaos between the Catholics and protestants, as the doctrine was mainly advanced in those countries that had suffered most from such wars, of which one was England, which is where our founding fathers came from.
Christianity and the state mostly survived in tact after several thousand years of union. As well, if anything Muslim civilization experienced its greatest heights under the unification of church and state. There also wasn't much of a separation between church in state in ancient Rome and Greece, usually considered the greatest times in human (or, at least, western) history besides our own, with most priesthoods being filled by political figures and such as a means of accruing honor and advancing their career. I really think that the concept only fell apart due to the western experience of turmoil and chaos between the Catholics and protestants, as the doctrine was mainly advanced in those countries that had suffered most from such wars, of which one was England, which is where our founding fathers came from.

How about the religion of I and I.

One love, one heart
Let's get together and feel all right
Hear the children crying (One love)
Hear the children crying (One heart)
Sayin', "Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right."
Sayin', "Let's get together and feel all right."
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa


But it does not matter if we listen close they all run together. Words or no words.
I miss the Old Stringy. Not that I find his stoner personer (hehe) to be boring, but I've staked my reputation over the years on labeling him as one of the intellectual libertarians, alongside Ironhead, Damo, IH8, etc. Ironhead's last appearance didn't work out so well, either...
That's because they're part Republican.
a mix of federalist, anti intrusive fed'l gov't,,,,, some 1%'rs.
and a few whom don't want stupid shit like tobacco under the FDA ( not that I smoke anymore -praise Buddha), but why is a plant that was here before white men, now under FDA control?

And we won't go into the war on medical marijuana -enough of those threads -but another good reason.
Red light cameras every keystoke monitored, big brother is there to keep you safe from yourself -HUZZAH!! :rolleyes:
I have not changed much at all. That part of your thoughts was true. But you guys have spent too much time with your cans of spray paint and it is clear you have an inability to recall much.

You did beg me to play you braindead idjit. But, I had my own interests and they were never really about the agrandizement of self. When I was off the deep end is when you probably liked me best. But I am still more libertarian than you if you ever were.

I am STILL an effective agent of change and that will never stop. Again, you should meditate on ironhead a little more closely or maybe your buddies and try to think back a bit or ask them to do so. I doubt you can see through the spray paint. You need some good acetone, meditation and a full purge.

I have seen through YOU from the start and I never had to look for YOU. I just did not care much about your game and I never intentionally gave you away. You have not changed AT ALL. You were always a petty vindictive little boy. There was no need to show your true self again.

I know what drives me, you and every person on this planet, momma's/daddy's boy. I never closed my third eye even though I played with many cans of spray paint. So I am still my own man as well as their loyal child. You can laugh if you like but the joke is always on those who think they can be truly unique or above their nature. It's no longer on me, but has always been on you. You can be at the top of the tower but you CAN'T see clearly. You actually believe you are bigger than the "ants" below. Dumbass. lol


Now that we've come so far away from us
Now that we've come too far to say
You and me, you and me that is an awful lie
You and me, you and me that is an awful lie
It's I and I
It's I and I
It's I and I
It's I and I
echo have you realized no one on this board has responded to you or taken you seriously? You aren't being productive or useful at all. You are being a rambling incoherent mess. Again - no self awareness.
That's because they're part Republican.

Nope. We are all liberal. Most Republicans and Democrats are part liberal. A vast majority of Republicans, like Grind, will sell out that part for their authoritatrian selves in a heartbeat. Democrats are a little more hesitant but they don't realize that their progressives are just NeoCons by another name. They are so ignorant of business/economics that they don't realize how easy it is game the systems they build. They have been proven wrong repeatedly and still fail to see because of there irrational feelings of inferiority to those that have more wealth.

Too many Democrats want to be cheered, celebrated and have monuments built in their names more than they want to do actual good. It is their way of buying there way into heaven.

You have abandoned your best and champion only those who give you some claim to fame. You guys don't even appreciate Jerry Brown. I mean, do you honestly think "Moonbeam" has really changed that much? He just deals in reality and does not have an overinflated ego.
echo have you realized no one on this board has responded to you or taken you seriously? You aren't being productive or useful at all. You are being a rambling incoherent mess. Again - no self awareness.

That's what you think spray paint. Again, do you know anything about ironhead. Hit the rewind. Yeah, you eat colors.

I deal with people like you all the time, but most are not so arrogant in their ignorance. But there are plenty of people here with far greater depth than you.