Oprah pulling for Obama

He was in Die Hard, the first one? I've seen that movie a dozen times and I guess I never knew who Thompson was.

It is the Airport adventure, is that #1? See, I don't know, anyway, he is in control of the tower. He has more hair then!
I watched him in "Die Hard" the other night, just hope they don't start showing that around the country or some will think it is real and Thompson is tough on terrorists! :tongout:

Sorry, in a playful mood tonight!


But you know, I wouldn't be surprised. If Keifer Sutherland runs, he'd be our next President, and there would be a sizable number of Americans who would really believe they had elected Jack Bauer.
08 will belong to the republicans. And yes, I have my favorite.

Based on what?

Money, polls, issues, sentiment .. what?

The Hillary-hate is the same crap I heard about Bill Clinton who had just as many negatives .. then went on to two successful terms of office and ended up with the highest approval rating in history.

Americans are clamoring for republicans? .. Where do you see ANY evidence of that?

I can show you proof that REPUBLICANS aren't clamoring for republicans.
If 08 belongs to the republicans I have loast all hope for our country.
the dumbass majority will deserve what they get, the rest of us will be victims of their stupidity.

Keep in mind that this is coming from the "Saddam has WMD and we know it. mushroom clouds in 45 minutes" crowd.

Expect exploding heads.
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Based on what?

Money, polls, issues, sentiment .. what?

The Hillary-hate is the same crap I heard about Bill Clinton who had just as many negatives .. then went on to two successful terms of office and ended up with the highest approval rating in history.

Americans are clamoring for republicans? .. Where do you see ANY evidence of that?

I can show you proof that REPUBLICANS aren't clamoring for republicans.


Not much of what Kaiser has written here so far has had any basis in reality whatsoever. I can't help noticing, even if it is rude to do so!
I'm no expert but this is how I see it playing out if it is Hillary vs. Rudy. You are correct that there will be a portion of the Republican base that will be completely turned off by him. The decision then comes down to is their disgust for Rudy stronger than their dislike of Hillary Clinton? My belief is the dislike of Hillary will win out and they'll be the voters at the polls holding their noses while voting for Rudy.

The big play of course will be the Independents. Hillary has a pretty high numbers on the non-likability scale. It is definitely possible for her to turn that around but it will be a challenge.

I don't agree, Hillary is no dummy and I bet her campiagn people aren't either, they will use Rovian strategy and go for his strong point, which is 9/11 and they will completely destroy his facade. They will be so completely turned off by what Rudy really did, they will stay home in protest. We know when that happens and the Dems numbers are larger, they always win. I don't think the Independents will vote for him.