Origin of Life

I have to question if you’ve ever seriously studied science let alone chemistry. What I stated is a indisputable fact of the scientific method. No scientific theory is valid unless it is independently verifiable and, in principle, falsifiable. That’s been a time tested and proven part of the scientific method for a very long time.

Nor is chemistry based purely in mathematics. Anyone who has studied organic chemistry would laugh at you for that comment.

My background in science is I have a Masters in the life sciences and majored in biology with a minor in chemistry for my BA. I also spent 2.5 years doing graduate level research at a major university and have 33 years experience doing environmental work for a very large chemical company.

So what’s your curriculum vitae in science?

You have a BA in science? Bachelor of Arts.That explains everything about you.

My degree is a BS. Bachelor of Science. In Engineering: applied science. And 40 years experience applying it to make the human condition, and his environment, better.

You, pleeb, have no authority at all with respect to science. :rofl2:
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You have a BA in science? Bachelor of Arts.That explains everything about you.

My degree is a BS. Bachelor of Science. In Engineering: applied science. And 40 years experience applying it to make the human condition, and his environment, better.

You, pleeb, have no authority at al with respect to science. :rofl2:

It's possible. Soft sciences like sociology, psychology, and the like are BA programs that require no math, actual science, or even reality based thinking...
You have a BA in science? Bachelor of Arts.That explains everything about you.

My degree is a BS. Bachelor of Science. In Engineering: applied science. And 40 years experience applying it to make the human condition, and his environment, better.

You, pleeb, have no authority at all with respect to science. :rofl2:

You don’t have a graduate degree in science and no minor in your science degree with your undergraduate degree? Lightweight. Just an FYI, with a major in human biology and a minor in chemistry I more than qualified for a BS but my advisors recommended graduating with a BA because I also took far more elective courses in the humanities and social sciences and that it would improve my odds of getting excepted into graduate school. They were right but if you had done the hard work to get into grad school maybe you would have known that.

So nice attempt at trolling.

It’s also pretty sad that in your engineering studies you didn’t learn such basic concepts of scientific theory like independent verification and the falsification principle. Sheesh, what a noob.
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Well you are wrong and based on that logic, I could say that I can tell you’ve never dropped acid either, or you would recognize that I have in fact, done so on several occasions.

I've also done a minimal amount of cocaine, just enough to know it's not my thing, and smoked my share of weed, but along with acid and shrooms, that's it.

Never tried heroin or meth or downers etc.

But tripping and getting high was something I enjoyed in my youth and I'm glad I did.


LOL You must have went to high school in the 70’s too!
You don’t have a graduate degree in science and no minor in your science degree with your undergraduate degree? Lightweight. Just an FYI, with a major in human biology and a minor in chemistry I more than qualified for a BS but my advisors recommended graduating with a BA because I also took far more elective courses in the humanities and social sciences and that it would improve my odds of getting excepted into graduate school. They were right but if you had done the hard work to get into grad school maybe you would have known that.

So nice attempt at trolling.

It’s also pretty sad that in your engineering studies you didn’t learn such basic concepts of scientific theory like independent verification and the falsification principle. Sheesh, what a noob.

Oh dear lord. I owe you an apology. I went back to review your original post and realized I mistook you for another poster that I have little patience with.

My bad cuz and I humbly apologize. I have a reputation on JPP of being pretty civil. It’s just there other posters here that need their heads stepped on by an elephant and it would appear, in this instance, I am one of them.

So my civil response is I’ve seriously studied both chemistry and human biology (which has some mind boggling chemistry involved). In my understanding and experience there’s a lot going on in fields of chemistry that cannot be completely modeled by mathematics at this time. Particularly in organic chemistry because as molecules become larger and larger and their reactions with each other grows more complex the mathematics become weaker and weaker. Then when you get into complex biological cascade reactions like blood clotting or compliment or cellular metabolism there isn’t many mathematical hypothesis let alone defined mathematics. I mean we’re like a million years away from being even close.
those who still believe that evolution explains the origin of life, and there are many, face the same obstacle.......

Oh dude. Why do you keep throwing out that tired, old, discredited straw man. It’s been pointed out to you over and over and over again that evolutionary theory has nothing to say or do with the ultimate origins of life. It never has and never does.

You’ve had it explained to you over and over again that evolutionary theory only models speciation and not the origins of life. Why do you insist on this willful ignorance?
Oh dude. Why do you keep throwing out that tired, old, discredited straw man. It’s been pointed out to you over and over and over again that evolutionary theory has nothing to say or do with the ultimate origins of life. It never has and never does.

You’ve had it explained to you over and over again that evolutionary theory only models speciation and not the origins of life. Why do you insist on this willful ignorance?

because its still accurate to say many of your friends here believe its true......