Origin of Life

You don’t have a graduate degree in science and no minor in your science degree with your undergraduate degree? Lightweight. Just an FYI, with a major in human biology and a minor in chemistry I more than qualified for a BS but my advisors recommended graduating with a BA because I also took far more elective courses in the humanities and social sciences and that it would improve my odds of getting excepted into graduate school. They were right but if you had done the hard work to get into grad school maybe you would have known that.

So nice attempt at trolling.

It’s also pretty sad that in your engineering studies you didn’t learn such basic concepts of scientific theory like independent verification and the falsification principle. Sheesh, what a noob.

Bro...you did collidge?
Oh dude. Why do you keep throwing out that tired, old, discredited straw man. It’s been pointed out to you over and over and over again that evolutionary theory has nothing to say or do with the ultimate origins of life. It never has and never does.

You’ve had it explained to you over and over again that evolutionary theory only models speciation and not the origins of life. Why do you insist on this willful ignorance?

hardly a strawman....did you think it a coincidence that evolution came up in a thread called The Origin Of Life?........
hardly a strawman....did you think it a coincidence that evolution came up in a thread called The Origin Of Life?........

When science has not yet untraveled abiogenesis, dark energy, or dark matter is does not logically follow it is a victory for bible thumping. It means it's an area of nature worth further investigation.
When science has not yet untraveled abiogenesis, dark energy, or dark matter is does not logically follow it is a victory for bible thumping. It means it's an area of nature worth further investigation.

wait, does Mott know you think evolution is relevant to origin?.....because......
wait, does Mott know you think evolution is relevant to origin?.....because......

Evolution by natural selection and abiogenesis are not the same scientific topic, although one could discuss them informally together the way one might collectively discuss general relativity and quantum mechanics.
Evolution by natural selection and abiogenesis are not the same scientific topic, although one could discuss them informally together the way one might collectively discuss general relativity and quantum mechanics.

sort of like discussing metamorphosis and gravity together, then......
Evolution by natural selection and abiogenesis are not the same scientific topic, although one could discuss them informally together the way one might collectively discuss general relativity and quantum mechanics.

You’re wasting your time Cypress. Let him believe what he wants. It has no bearing, relevance or influence on science. Let him have his straw man.
I always liked him.

My curriculum vitae academically is a BA in Biology (Human) with a minor in chemistry, a Masters of Science in EH&S Management. Prior to earning my Masters I spent a year in Med School where I earned 90 credit hours of graduate level work in human biology. I also spent 2.5 years as a research assistant at OSU in their graduate school of Materials Science and Ceramic Engineering (which was ranked as the 3rd best Materials Science program in the country at that time behind University of Illinois (#2.) and Alfred College of Ceramic Engineering (#1). A position I am particularly proud of as I’m completely self taught in Materials Science. Though in no way do I consider myself an engineer in Materials science. Still, it wasn’t easy to learn without formal education in the subject and I busted my ass to learn it.
Hey! How many times do I have to tell you to leave Dolly out of this.

is it wrong to speak of the dead and digested?......

My curriculum vitae academically is a BA in Biology (Human) with a minor in chemistry, a Masters of Science in EH&S Management. Prior to earning my Masters I spent a year in Med School where I earned 90 credit hours of graduate level work in human biology. I also spent 2.5 years as a research assistant at OSU in their graduate school of Materials Science and Ceramic Engineering (which was ranked as the 3rd best Materials Science program in the country at that time behind University of Illinois (#2.) and Alfred College of Ceramic Engineering (#1). A position I am particularly proud of as I’m completely self taught in Materials Science. Though in no way do I consider myself an engineer in Materials science. Still, it wasn’t easy to learn without formal education in the subject and I busted my ass to learn it.

Oh yeah? Well I joined the Army, then got out grew my hair long and smoked a lot of pot.