Orlando Sentinel says it all

Thank you for that example of a complex question fallacy combined with an ad hominem. Now, got anything useful to add?

Try responding without constantly saying "ad hominem". You seem to be as fixated on that word as your tRumpanzee brother YakudaMutt is with the word "cunt". If you guys got your head out of tRump's ass and started to think for yourselves, you might make better arguments. As it is, your posts are simply "tRumpian" ridiculousness.
Hello Concart,

After Florida Congressman Michael Waltz added his name to the list of Republican Congressmen who are backing the Texas lawsuit, the Orlando Sentinel issued this sarcastic and on point mea culpa:

"We apologize to our readers for endorsing Michael Waltz in the 2020 general election for Congress. We had no idea, had no way of knowing at the time, that Waltz was not committed to democracy.

During our endorsement interview with the incumbent congressman, we didn’t think to ask, “Would you support an effort to throw out the votes of tens of millions of Americans in four states in order to overturn a presidential election and hand it to the person who lost, Donald Trump?”

Our bad."

Perfect. Suck on it traitors.


Nice class act by the Sentinel.
Hello Concart,

After Florida Congressman Michael Waltz added his name to the list of Republican Congressmen who are backing the Texas lawsuit, the Orlando Sentinel issued this sarcastic and on point mea culpa:

"We apologize to our readers for endorsing Michael Waltz in the 2020 general election for Congress. We had no idea, had no way of knowing at the time, that Waltz was not committed to democracy.

During our endorsement interview with the incumbent congressman, we didn’t think to ask, “Would you support an effort to throw out the votes of tens of millions of Americans in four states in order to overturn a presidential election and hand it to the person who lost, Donald Trump?”

Our bad."

Perfect. Suck on it traitors.


From the OP link:

"Waltz and 125 fellow Republican House members say. They want to undo 231 years of election tradition and norms so their guy, Donald Trump, can have another four years in office. And so the president won’t send out a mean tweet that might torpedo their chances for reelection.

Waltz told the Daytona Beach News Journal, “For those who are saying this is threatening democracy, I think ignoring them (voting irregularities) or sweeping them under the rug is bad for our democracy and restoring the confidence by working through these issues is what’s good for a democracy.”

If Waltz was paying attention, he would understand those alleged irregularities haven’t been ignored by the courts, nor by the states, nor by the Department of Justice. They simply haven’t stood up to scrutiny."

Spot on.
Try responding without constantly saying "ad hominem". You seem to be as fixated on that word as your tRumpanzee brother YakudaMutt is with the word "cunt". If you guys got your head out of tRump's ass and started to think for yourselves, you might make better arguments. As it is, your posts are simply "tRumpian" ridiculousness.

Try not insulting the person rather than responding to the argument, as you did yet again here in your quoted post.

ad hominem
[ˌad ˈhämənəm]
(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
"vicious ad hominem attacks"
relating to or associated with a particular person.
"the office was created ad hominem for Fenton"
Hello Concart,

From the OP link:

"Waltz and 125 fellow Republican House members say. They want to undo 231 years of election tradition and norms so their guy, Donald Trump, can have another four years in office. And so the president won’t send out a mean tweet that might torpedo their chances for reelection.

Waltz told the Daytona Beach News Journal, “For those who are saying this is threatening democracy, I think ignoring them (voting irregularities) or sweeping them under the rug is bad for our democracy and restoring the confidence by working through these issues is what’s good for a democracy.”

If Waltz was paying attention, he would understand those alleged irregularities haven’t been ignored by the courts, nor by the states, nor by the Department of Justice. They simply haven’t stood up to scrutiny."

Spot on.

do you think the press decides elections?


Which party wants no voter ID requirements?
Which party has let illegals vote in some elections?
Which party wants no attempts made to clean up voter registration roles and remove the dead, disqualified, moved, etc.?
Which party wants to allow ballot harvesting by vested political interests?

Just as starters...

All you have to do is show some fucking proof, Just once will do. We cannot take your beliefs to court. You are a conned Trump believer who went blind during 50 court cases and a trash can reception at the Supremes. We cannot litigate your unsubstantiated beliefs.
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