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Still expecting your coup to succeed?? If so, you are a bigger loser than I could have imagined.
postmodernprophet only know what Trump tells him to say
Still expecting your coup to succeed?? If so, you are a bigger loser than I could have imagined.
After Florida Congressman Michael Waltz added his name to the list of Republican Congressmen who are backing the Texas lawsuit, the Orlando Sentinel issued this sarcastic and on point mea culpa:
"We apologize to our readers for endorsing Michael Waltz in the 2020 general election for Congress. We had no idea, had no way of knowing at the time, that Waltz was not committed to democracy.
During our endorsement interview with the incumbent congressman, we didn’t think to ask, “Would you support an effort to throw out the votes of tens of millions of Americans in four states in order to overturn a presidential election and hand it to the person who lost, Donald Trump?”
Our bad."
Perfect. Suck on it traitors.
All you have to do is show some fucking proof, Just once will do. We cannot take your beliefs to court. You are a conned Trump believer who went blind during 50 court cases and a trash can reception at the Supremes. He cannot litigate your unsubstantiated beliefs.
I'm a Part of Americas subspecies
Which party wants to overturn a perfectly valid election result because the "God" that you dumbasses worship lost? That would be yours....)
You are verbally super abusive and rude. That is not gentle. You are very nasty.
At least we are not scum like you who are attempting a coup to overthrow a duly elected President.
Stick them all up your ass, and then swear allegiance to our next President, Joseph Biden.
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"No time for losers cause we are the Champions....... of the World."
Bye loser.