OT: F Boston

Drinking on school nights sucks. As the evening events come back to me I'm still intrigued by the (Red Sox fan) girl in front of me in line. She said there are too many hipsters in SF, the men are too white and too many drunk guys. I can't really argue with any of those three comments. We do have a lot of hipsters. The sun rarely shines here. Locals take pride that our city likes to imbibe its liquor. But the "east coast has way more culture than SF or the West Coast" comment I found interesting. There are a lot more a*holes on the East Coast for sure if that's what she meant by culture.
Drinking on school nights sucks. As the evening events come back to me I'm still intrigued by the (Red Sox fan) girl in front of me in line. She said there are too many hipsters in SF, the men are too white and too many drunk guys. I can't really argue with any of those three comments. We do have a lot of hipsters. The sun rarely shines here. Locals take pride that our city likes to imbibe its liquor. But the "east coast has way more culture than SF or the West Coast" comment I found interesting. There are a lot more a*holes on the East Coast for sure if that's what she meant by culture.

No that's not what she meant Goop.
Man, does she look black to you? Nicole's dad is the whitest black man you would ever see. Dude has crazy freckles. Nicole is real religious which will lose her lots of points with Desh but I have no idea the woman's politics. Never discussed it with her once.


The guy is uber-handsome! Is that you?
Your city sucks Grind. Your city sucks and so do the people and so do the Red Sox and so do their fans. Surrounded in San Francisco at the game by a bunch of idiots who butchure the English language and some b*tch who won't shut up about how the east coast has so much more culture than the west coast. And I'm sitting in the giants players wives section! HTH did they get seats here?

Seriously, we need a debate topic on why Boston people suck so much.

You guys just need to learn how to deal with Pink Hose scum.


The guy is uber-handsome! Is that you?

Haha, I wish! No, it's my friend. Actually they are from around your neck of the woods. She is from just outside Pittsburgh and he grew up around Altgen, PA and went to school at Kutztown. They live somewhere an hour or so outside of Philly in PA.
Don't get the righty men here excited. Cawacko won't get a moment's peace. Already SF is writing down (and actually posting!) his "catcher/pitcher" Cawacko fantasies!

You need to let go of your sexual fixations...

The comment was due to him sitting in the players box at a baseball game. I simply tied it in to his USC professor's tale.
Haha, I wish! No, it's my friend. Actually they are from around your neck of the woods. She is from just outside Pittsburgh and he grew up around Altgen, PA and went to school at Kutztown. They live somewhere an hour or so outside of Philly in PA.

*my Paris Hilton voice* "He's haawt."
That's funny. I remember an avi of Tiana with a swirly dress, that must be the one.

Yeah, one of them. Back on FP she actually convinced me a pic of Berry was her. I was like, wow you're beautiful. No idea why I didn't recognize Berry. Then another time she convinced me she was, I think, Ashanti? I forget for sure. Yep she made a real fool out of me, LOL
Yeah, one of them. Back on FP she actually convinced me a pic of Berry was her. I was like, wow you're beautiful. No idea why I didn't recognize Berry. Then another time she convinced me she was, I think, Ashanti? I forget for sure. Yep she made a real fool out of me, LOL

probably because you think all black people look alike?
LOL. Are you a Pirates fan at all? He was on the Pirates from '01 - '06 I believe (he was injured and in the minors during much of that time but with the organization).

I don't follow them religiously although I've been to games. Now they're having their first decent season in ages.
Yeah, one of them. Back on FP she actually convinced me a pic of Berry was her. I was like, wow you're beautiful. No idea why I didn't recognize Berry. Then another time she convinced me she was, I think, Ashanti? I forget for sure. Yep she made a real fool out of me, LOL

I think she had it when I started on this site and I believed it was her, 100%. Talk about gullible, I thought "man, you're a dead ringer for Halle Berry." :D