Our First Restaurant Meal

We've had plenty of restaurant meals but won't be eating in restaurant for some time. It's really not worth it and we just got so much food at home. We just added two whole beef tenderloins to the mix for Mothers day. Cut up steaks and freeze the leftovers for later.
I purchased a 1/16 Of a grass feed cow from a local place. They will deliver it for free. We also try to order once a week from our favorites restaurants.
I'm not sure that restaurants will have to permanently raise prices, but it's logical to assume that there is a sweet spot where a restaurant can draw 25% of it's capacity and stay afloat.. Prices will be set by demand. What will impact that demand is a) capacity, b) the amount of discretionary disposable income people have, and c) the willingness of the customer base to go to a restaurant. Here's the problem, though. Some large chains have the financial wherewithal to keep prices artificially low while small restaurants cannot. So we might see the old airline model, where larger players can merge and put the competition out of business. So unless we get these restaurants some help, the landscape will change. I suspect our favorite locally owned restaurant will probably go out of business. But the Olive Garden and Red Lobster and Chili's will not. But at some point, capacity and demand will increase, prices will come down, and entrepreneurs will begin to open restaurants again. It's a long haul to getting back where we were, but it will happen.

Well I am still questioning the logic, or rather the randomness of just arbitrarily saying cut capacity by 50% or X..

The conditions inside are going to be totally different depending on the internal environmental controls-fans, A/C blowing, air circulation, filtration etc etc etc

Seems totally fuckin random........ Is the airline going to pull out seats?? HELL NO they aint!!!
Some owner of a chain was on one of the cable shows recently. He said the idea of restaurants running at half capacity or anything like that is fantasy from a financial perspective. They just won't be able to make ends meet.

We're tipping heavy too, as I'm sure many are, but it's hard to see how many of these establishments will make it through this.

I keep hoping for a dramatic headline. Obviously, a vaccine is out for awhile - but if they could find a treatment that took the mortality rate way down, people wouldn't have the fear that they do now, and that keeps them from going out even when their state is reopening.

Welcome aboard.:)

Sadly have to agree w/ that person, I can't see how many of the smaller ones can survive or will even want to go on..

What I find even more absurd is the need to do it.. Soon we will all be one be happy family again @ the park, @ work, in the store etc etc etc blah blah blah & yet I can sit next to you @ work, but not in the taqueria @ lunch... :thinking: SOmething is amiss here:thinking:
I purchased a 1/16 Of a grass feed cow from a local place. They will deliver it for free. We also try to order once a week from our favorites restaurants.

Rana, this is similar to what we do. We probably order twice a week from a couple of our favorite restaurants and of course have plenty of meat in our freezer from hunting as well as a 1/2 beef we get from my FIL. Vegetables come from a local grocery store and we will purchase what fresh we don’t raise from the farmers market.
Dunno, I'll look.. Link

In goggling around I don't see any mention of delivery options or suggestions for it?? Prob would help..
That would help. I bought coffee from a kid with a new start up, I always try to help where I can. I also need chamomile tea, it’s very beneficial right now ;)
Rana, this is similar to what we do. We probably order twice a week from a couple of our favorite restaurants and of course have plenty of meat in our freezer from hunting as well as a 1/2 beef we get from my FIL. Vegetables come from a local grocery store and we will purchase what fresh we don’t raise from the farmers market.
I traded my garden space for a swimming pool, now I’m thinking I made a mistake, but if things get real bad, I’ll die happy by my pool.
That would help. I bought coffee from a kid with a new start up, I always try to help where I can. I also need chamomile tea, it’s very beneficial right now ;)

Next week or two I will prob be up in that area.. Cool is cool yea know.:)

I have a hiking friend that lives there & I always remind her how cool she is... lol

I will mention it to the owner if she doesn't look to mean or in a bad mood..

She prob had to lay off the nice ones that use to work behind the counter..

I have only looked @ a couple other places in my town & Loving Hut, a vegan franchise doesn't even have a good page-links etc to get delivery..
Try 90%. If you have children, the concept of a restaurant will be as foreign to them as the idea of riding a horse to work is for us.

I am not that pessimistic but I note that my parents almost never took us to restaurants, once in awhile we went to Geri's for some burgers and a milkshake, and ate in the car (We had no McDonalds for a long time). When we got older we went to Pizza Joints....that was about it.

I am noticing that most people still have no idea how traumatic this is going to be, how much our lives are going to change and suck going forwards.
Grandkids not using it a lot??
No, we were staying away because their dad was still going out, but now, it’s just my daughter home with the kids, he’s in CA since Tuesday working on the Rams new stadium, so she’s safe to come over to our house soon, so they will be swimming soon.

He’s a R.A.T.S guy. He usually works on a rig, hanging over the ocean, but he was laid off. He’s friend called and offered him the job.