Our First Restaurant Meal

No, we were staying away because their dad was still going out, but now, it’s just my daughter home with the kids, he’s in CA since Tuesday working on the Rams new stadium, so she’s safe to come over to our house soon, so they will be swimming soon.

He’s a R.A.T.S guy. He usually works on a rig, hanging over the ocean, but he was laid off. He’s friend called and offered him the job.

This is the worst possible time to bring a $5 Billion stadium online.
I am not that pessimistic but I note that my parents almost never took us to restaurants, once in awhile we went to Geri's for some burgers and a milkshake, and ate in the car (We had no McDonalds for a long time). When we got older we went to Pizza Joints....that was about it.

I am noticing that most people still have no idea how traumatic this is going to be, how much our lives are going to change and suck going forwards.

Yup, gonna get worse and worse with each passing day. Suicides are already up exponentially and I imagine going to be the primary cause of death for under 60.
No, we were staying away because their dad was still going out, but now, it’s just my daughter home with the kids, he’s in CA since Tuesday working on the Rams new stadium, so she’s safe to come over to our house soon, so they will be swimming soon.

He’s a R.A.T.S guy. He usually works on a rig, hanging over the ocean, but he was laid off. He’s friend called and offered him the job.

Cool, so they'll be in paradise soon...... :) That is tough work.. I had a buddy in NOLA that use to do that, I dunno how he could even do it, he prob didn't weigh 125lbs fully dressed & a tool belt..
Cool, so they'll be in paradise soon...... :) That is tough work.. I had a buddy in NOLA that use to do that, I dunno how he could even do it, he prob didn't weigh 125lbs fully dressed & a tool belt..
SIL is tall 6’4 but thin as well. His upper body strength is amazing
SIL is tall 6’4 but thin as well. His upper body strength is amazing

He was out there two week stretches, I think they were pulling 12 hour shifts- 4 on 3 off, but unless you were lucky you were stuck out there on your days off.. He was so exhausted first month he didn't even wanna come home-just sleep..
Idk, but I need for a freakin' bar with a competent beer pourer to open!
I suck!!
12 oz. beer in a 24 oz cup and half of it is head!

I miss pro beer-glass pourers soo bad right now! Grr!
Idk, but I need for a freakin' bar with a competent beer pourer to open!
I suck!!
12 oz. beer in a 24 oz cup and half of it is head!

I miss pro beer-glass pourers soo bad right now! Grr!




You can do this. Did you watch some YouTubes on this?
Mason's newest sock, he traded in Margo for Matt & got two free tickets to Disneyland for tomorrow.........
You sad, pathetic triggered Marxist moron. You really should kill yourself. You're a nobody. You'll always be a nobody. You're a moron. You will always be a moron. No one will miss you. No one would care. The worlds collective IQ would increase and it would save the valuable oxygen you waste with every breath.

Well, you should be an expert on moronic nobodies, you pathetic old backwoods peasant. I'd be prepared to bet, in passing, that my IQ is twice yours. Go and shoot up a school: there'll probably be no-one there, but so much the better! :)
Well, you should be an expert on moronic nobodies, you pathetic old backwoods peasant. I'd be prepared to bet, in passing, that my IQ is twice yours. Go and shoot up a school: there'll probably be no-one there, but so much the better! :)

trolls can only grow big and fat mouthed when ppl feed them, old Welsh proverb
Just returned from the MatSu Valley , Alaska where we played a round of golf then to our favorite brewhouse for pizza and a beer. Everything back to normal. Wait staff not even wearing masks.
Anyone over 60 in the joint?

Me for one. One of the waiters looked old, really old. Felt bad for him, someone that stage in life working as a waiter.
Neighborhood swimming pool opened Monday. Really missed my lap swims and workouts. No masks.
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Me for one. One of the waiters looked old, really old. Felt bad for him, someone that stage in life working as a waiter.
Neighborhood swimming pool opened Monday. Really missed my lap swims and workouts. No masks.

This is the sort of thing that drives me Bat Shit Crazy....you had to talk to him, you had to learn something of his life before you had a right to feel sorry for him.

You owe him at least that.
Me for one. One of the waiters looked old, really old. Felt bad for him, someone that stage in life working as a waiter.
Neighborhood swimming pool opened Monday. Really missed my lap swims and workouts. No masks.

Most of the masks ppl wear here are cloth... How could someone have a mask like that over their mouth & nose & swim??
How could you even breath??

I'm sure all the old ladies miss ogling you pool side, you better pack your shower shoes & speedo tonight so you're ready for tomorrow..........lol