Our idiot governor...

Apples and oranges. The kinship factor has nothing to do with same sex marriage.

two people that some would object to being married is definitely comparable to two people that some would object to being married.....don't you think?......that would be cantelope and cantelope.....
He does make a good point though, if there is no possibility of babies what is wrong with two brothers or sisters marrying?

Royal families used to do it in the past. Nothing I'd want to do; but I don't have a problem with it.

However, it has nothing to do with same sex marriage.
(ps I assumed you meant brother/sister pairings as well as brother/brother and sister/sister; the first is what some royals used to do)
The world's changing, bravs. Lead, follow, or get out of the way!

It's not changing, it is decaying as it wallows in the ignorance of Progressive Liberal Marxism. Men marrying men, women marrying women, children abondoned by their fathers, test tube babies, the great welfare state and celebrating the losers and dregs of society while lampooning the successful.

This isn't forward thinking, it's backwards and incredibly stupid.

Detroit for all of us is but a decade away; yay you!
as my next post said - I assumed you meant any combo of brother/sister, not just same sex.

But the issue of incestual marriages is different from the issue of same sex marriages.
as my next post said - I assumed you meant any combo of brother/sister, not just same sex.

But the issue of incestual marriages is different from the issue of same sex marriages.

No one was speaking from the viewpoint of sexual practices....the gov. was considering the law....which is NOT different.

From a legal standpoint, the law prohibits incestual marriages and same sex marriages....the sex practices are irrelevant...

but you pinheads will spin the words into what you want to manufacture a problem where none was intended or exists.....its what you do best....with the assistance of
left wing media.

Any statements that can be taken out of context or are ever so slightly ambiguous, you will take in the most negative way to bash the right.

Its your hate in action.