Our spoiled nation

making more false claims. that was completely expected. obviously you're trying to cover up your own racist views
Soooo....does this officially mean you are an ex-Threeper or that you are simply denying you ever were a Threeper?

If you weren't such deluded whackjob then you might know there are no races. Only cultures. Skin tone and minor facial differences do not a race make. Human beings aren't like fucking dogs as you want to believe.

You're a racist precisely because you do believe races exist. You divide the world by the paper bag test. It figures since it's so simple a test even dumbasses like you and Fredo can figure it out. LOL
Soooo....does this officially mean you are an ex-Threeper or that you are simply denying you ever were a Threeper?
we've had this discussion numerous times. Have you always been this prone to memory retention issues? one too many auto rotate landings during your career?

If you weren't such deluded whackjob then you might know there are no races. Only cultures. Skin tone and minor facial differences do not a race make. Human beings aren't like fucking dogs as you want to believe.
yes, I know all this. I also know that Dogs are so much better than humans.........

You're a racist precisely because you do believe races exist. You divide the world by the paper bag test. It figures since it's so simple a test even dumbasses like you and Fredo can figure it out. LOL
all of this is in your deluded and racist mindset. you can't provide a single post where i've made a racist remark, but you sure do like to read alot in to it.
I don't think the current generation of Americans has any idea whatsoever how good they have it.

Hearing people use words like "tyranny" and "slavery" these days - it's just such a disconnect. We live more free lives than 99% of all humans who ever lived (no link for that - just a good educated guess). What can't you do that you want to do?

One of our biggest issues right now - one that is causing true outrage - is a transgender being used on a commemorative beer can that wasn't even released to the public.

We're not on a good path right now. We're at the highest rating for likelihood of civil war, and people who have 75" TV's and can get pretty much any job they want are yelling about oppression and the need to fundamentally change our government. When we disagree w/ others, they're enemies now - no longer adversaries.

It's a shame. I am pessimistic about our future, and I can't help but think we'll get to a point where we're saying, 'you don't know what you've got, until it's gone.' We're blowing it.

You can thank that divisive, corrupt douchebag President you voted for that. :palm:

But the issue is Mr. Trump who still remains uncharged for his violent attack on the Capitol. And the GOP which still supports his neo-fascist campaign for president.

Trump didn't attack the capitol you brain dead hack. The neofascists are the Democratic Party you brain dead hack.
we've had this discussion numerous times. Have you always been this prone to memory retention issues? one too many auto rotate landings durin your career?

yes, I know all this. I also know that Dogs are so much better than humans.........

all of this is in your deluded and racist mindset. you can't provide a single post where i've made a racist remark, but you sure do like to read alot in to it.
It's okay for you to deny being an Oather, Threeper or have any relations with militias or white supremacist paint ball warrior clubs. It's the smart move. Why get arrested for a game? A fantasy? It's not worth going to jail over.

Why are dogs better than humans? Are you saying a dog abortion is worse than a human abortion?

First, DtM, that's not a denial. Second, and more importantly, you just proved that you believe races exists despite scientific fact.
It's okay for you to deny being an Oather, Threeper or have any relations with militias or white supremacist paint ball warrior clubs. It's the smart move. Why get arrested for a game? A fantasy? It's not worth going to jail over.
you sound like you're in need of medical/professional help as well. you consistently dismiss reality with your own made up version of events.

Why are dogs better than humans?
spoken like someone who's never had a Dog.

Are you saying a dog abortion is worse than a human abortion?
do you not ever speak out of hate?

First, DtM, that's not a denial. Second, and more importantly, you just proved that you believe races exists despite scientific fact.
and again, you seem to lack ANY memory retention. At least when it comes to those who have beat you about the head and shoulders with facts and reality. Do we need to call the local authorities for a welfare check for you?
you sound like you're in need of medical/professional help as well. you consistently dismiss reality with your own made up version of events.

spoken like someone who's never had a Dog.

do you not ever speak out of hate?

and again, you seem to lack ANY memory retention. At least when it comes to those who have beat you about the head and shoulders with facts and reality. Do we need to call the local authorities for a welfare check for you?
Is that your way of acknowledging the Feds or State should impose menta health care, DtM?

Wrong again, son, but you think killing Americans is a path to peace.

Yes. All the time.

Again, DtM, you are free to lie all you want. You are free to deny your desire to be a member of the Oathkeepers or Three Percenters even though you play one online. You are free to have an online militia fantasy life while the real ones go to prison. Your choice. God bless America!

I don't think the current generation of Americans has any idea whatsoever how good they have it.

Hearing people use words like "tyranny" and "slavery" these days - it's just such a disconnect. We live more free lives than 99% of all humans who ever lived (no link for that - just a good educated guess). What can't you do that you want to do?

One of our biggest issues right now - one that is causing true outrage - is a transgender being used on a commemorative beer can that wasn't even released to the public.

We're not on a good path right now. We're at the highest rating for likelihood of civil war, and people who have 75" TV's and can get pretty much any job they want are yelling about oppression and the need to fundamentally change our government. When we disagree w/ others, they're enemies now - no longer adversaries.

It's a shame. I am pessimistic about our future, and I can't help but think we'll get to a point where we're saying, 'you don't know what you've got, until it's gone.' We're blowing it.

I think a much bigger problem is a late teen (say 17 to 19) is serving you at a fast food place but seems more interested in talking to someone on their phone than helping you. When they do, and you pay in cash, they can't figure out how to make change. Then they ignore you, the customer, because they want to talk to someone else on the crew about the phone call they just had...
I think a much bigger problem is a late teen (say 17 to 19) is serving you at a fast food place but seems more interested in talking to someone on their phone than helping you. When they do, and you pay in cash, they can't figure out how to make change. Then they ignore you, the customer, because they want to talk to someone else on the crew about the phone call they just had...

What is your solution to this percieved problem, Terry?
What is your solution to this percieved problem, Terry?

I'm not entirely sure there is one, but one we could try is that every student in middle and high school that fails to maintain a B (80% average) on coursework and onerous testing, gets automatically drafted into several years of manual labor in a public workforce. As for teachers, they would have to pass rigorous testing yearly in math, science, English, and other core courses (all that social engineering shit is kicked to the curb) or they can't teach until they're up to speed.

Worked for Rickover and Naval nuclear power. Yea, Rickover was a major asshole, but his system of rigorous standards and no cutting corners made naval nuclear power as safe and reliable as it possibly could ever be.

You don't want to study hard and learn stuff? Too bad. You can go dig ditches, fight forest fires, log, and do other hard labor dirty jobs for a few years to learn the value of the education you missed.
I'm not entirely sure there is one, but one we could try is that every student in middle and high school that fails to maintain a B (80% average) on coursework and onerous testing, gets automatically drafted into several years of manual labor in a public workforce. As for teachers, they would have to pass rigorous testing yearly in math, science, English, and other core courses (all that social engineering shit is kicked to the curb) or they can't teach until they're up to speed.

Worked for Rickover and Naval nuclear power. Yea, Rickover was a major asshole, but his system of rigorous standards and no cutting corners made naval nuclear power as safe and reliable as it possibly could ever be.

You don't want to study hard and learn stuff? Too bad. You can go dig ditches, fight forest fires, log, and do other hard labor dirty jobs for a few years to learn the value of the education you missed.
Middle school? So if an 11 year is a dummy, you'd have him/her digging ditches? What will that teach them?

While I know you are intelligent and educated enough, I'm not so sure if you are rational enough to recall the circumstances resulting in storming the Bastille. Also remember the aftermath of both the French and Russian revolutions. Compared to them, the US was very, very lucky the first time around. History indicates a second one wouldn't be in our best interests.

Everyone not only needs to have skin in the game, but get a fair cut of the profits. Socialism doesn't work because everyone gets the same size slice of pie regardless of effort. In the US, unregulated capitalism is causing problems because the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Meanwhile, the middle class is backsliding toward lower income brackets.

Those with power are staying in power by dividing the middle and lower income classes. We're backbiting each other while those with money and power laugh at our expense.

More Americans need to feel like their hard work is worth the effort.
Middle school? So if an 11 year is a dummy, you'd have him/her digging ditches? What will that teach them?

Who cares? He's an idiot and we got the ditch dug. If you start making middle and high school based on outcomes, and poor outcomes have serious negative consequences, students will catch on PDQ and change their behavior to avoid those negative outcomes.

While I know you are intelligent and educated enough, I'm not so sure if you are rational enough to recall the circumstances resulting in storming the Bastille. Also remember the aftermath of both the French and Russian revolutions. Compared to them, the US was very, very lucky the first time around. History indicates a second one wouldn't be in our best interests.

Storming the Bastille and the French revolution ended up being led by radical Leftists. They then proceeded to destroy France internally in a purge and externally in a massive war against their neighbors.

Everyone not only needs to have skin in the game, but get a fair cut of the profits. Socialism doesn't work because everyone gets the same size slice of pie regardless of effort. In the US, unregulated capitalism is causing problems because the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Meanwhile, the middle class is backsliding toward lower income brackets.

Wrong. It is statist capitalism that is the problem. The state is colluding with established wealthy corporations to exclude the individual and new start ups from entering the market. For example, if I wanted to buy some land in some rural area and build a home on it (which I have the skills to do), its likely that the state, county, and if there is one town or city, would make the process nearly impossible with regulatory and bureaucratic demands because they've colluded with big developers to make the rules such that you can't do that.

Here in Arizona, the governor (a Democrat) just vetoed a bill that has been dubbed the "Homemade Tamale" bill. It would have allowed people to make food in their kitchen at home to sell commercially in small quantities. It did require you get a food handler's card. She nixed it because larger food makers and restaurant chains didn't want the competition even as minimal as it likely would be.

Those with power are staying in power by dividing the middle and lower income classes. We're backbiting each other while those with money and power laugh at our expense.
More Americans need to feel like their hard work is worth the effort.

More Americans need government out of their lives and let them get on with making a living.
Who cares? He's an idiot and we got the ditch dug. If you start making middle and high school based on outcomes, and poor outcomes have serious negative consequences, students will catch on PDQ and change their behavior to avoid those negative outcomes.

Storming the Bastille and the French revolution ended up being led by radical Leftists. They then proceeded to destroy France internally in a purge and externally in a massive war against their neighbors.

Wrong. It is statist capitalism that is the problem. The state is colluding with established wealthy corporations to exclude the individual and new start ups from entering the market. For example, if I wanted to buy some land in some rural area and build a home on it (which I have the skills to do), its likely that the state, county, and if there is one town or city, would make the process nearly impossible with regulatory and bureaucratic demands because they've colluded with big developers to make the rules such that you can't do that.

Here in Arizona, the governor (a Democrat) just vetoed a bill that has been dubbed the "Homemade Tamale" bill. It would have allowed people to make food in their kitchen at home to sell commercially in small quantities. It did require you get a food handler's card. She nixed it because larger food makers and restaurant chains didn't want the competition even as minimal as it likely would be.

More Americans need government out of their lives and let them get on with making a living.
If you are pro-choice and not only support the right of abortion but encourage it among the stupid, then I understand. OTOH, aren't you pro-Life?

See, Terry? This is why I think you are sinking into a demented state. You completely forget both Napoleon and the affects of dictatorship on France. I doubt you consider Napoleon a "radical Leftist".

Duh. No shit, Sherlock...and Mr. "anti-union". You support the corporations against American individuals freely associating be it a union or a co-op. Another reason why I think you are sinking into irrationality, Terry.

Perhaps if Americans supported each other more rather than spread hate and lies about each other, we could beat the corporate interests. Again, the rich and powerful are dividing Americans against each other and idiots are falling for it.

Agreed...but the problem of unregulated capitalism remains. What did the Declaration of Independence say? "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed".

You are both anti-government and supportive of the corporations by being anti-worker, Terry. Do you really think that's a rational POV?

If you are pro-choice and not only support the right of abortion but encourage it among the stupid, then I understand. OTOH, aren't you pro-Life?

No, I see limited abortion as acceptable. Say, the first trimester. After that, too bad for you for being lazy. I can see the occasional and extremely rare case where it is medically necessary for some reason later on in the pregnancy.

See, Terry? This is why I think you are sinking into a demented state. You completely forget both Napoleon and the affects of dictatorship on France. I doubt you consider Napoleon a "radical Leftist".

Napoleon was an outgrowth of the French revolution. Much like the takeover of Russia by the Communists, Napoleon's intent was to abolish the monarchies of Europe and establish a quasi-socialist state with what amounted to a politbureau running it.

Duh. No shit, Sherlock...and Mr. "anti-union". You support the corporations against American individuals freely associating be it a union or a co-op. Another reason why I think you are sinking into irrationality, Terry.

I'm only against forced union membership. If you want to be in a union, fine by me. But don't make rules and laws that force me into your insanity.

Perhaps if Americans supported each other more rather than spread hate and lies about each other, we could beat the corporate interests. Again, the rich and powerful are dividing Americans against each other and idiots are falling for it.

If we got rid of the radical Left, that would happen. The radical Right is too busy beating on themselves and too disorganized to be a threat. The radial Left on the other hand...


Agreed...but the problem of unregulated capitalism remains. What did the Declaration of Independence say? "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed".

Until they get big enough to toss that shit aside and rule as autocracies or dictatorships...

You are both anti-government and supportive of the corporations by being anti-worker, Terry. Do you really think that's a rational POV?

You need to reassess my views...
No, I see limited abortion as acceptable. Say, the first trimester. After that, too bad for you for being lazy...
I don't do wall text. Wanna declare yourself to be the winner of massive words, go for it, Terry.

Why the first trimester? Do you have logic for that limitation of human rights? Why not infanticide if the child is deformed?
I don't think the current generation of Americans has any idea whatsoever how good they have it.

Hearing people use words like "tyranny" and "slavery" these days - it's just such a disconnect. We live more free lives than 99% of all humans who ever lived (no link for that - just a good educated guess). What can't you do that you want to do?

One of our biggest issues right now - one that is causing true outrage - is a transgender being used on a commemorative beer can that wasn't even released to the public.

We're not on a good path right now. We're at the highest rating for likelihood of civil war, and people who have 75" TV's and can get pretty much any job they want are yelling about oppression and the need to fundamentally change our government. When we disagree w/ others, they're enemies now - no longer adversaries.

It's a shame. I am pessimistic about our future, and I can't help but think we'll get to a point where we're saying, 'you don't know what you've got, until it's gone.' We're blowing it.

I agree but just remember the Greatest Generation was preceded by the roaring '20's.
I think it is just an older generation characteristic. We all think the end of the world is near, the U. S. and economy will soon collapse, and everything was better back then.

I read old novels, history, and watch old movies and they all said the same thing. "We used to leave our doors unlocked but not now." I read Thomas Jefferson biographies and he was very critical of the youth of his day.

I'm not worried about a civil war--we would be too lazy or busy to show up (like many militia members during the American revolution).

Every generation has been right about that, actually.
All of us who live long enough get to see our own world die.
We spend our last years living in a different world from that in which we were born and raised and lived in our prime.

In a sense, it's what helps us face the end.
We're not saying goodbye to our own world.
It left before us.

I'm sure that it's the same for every generation.
Every generation has been right about that, actually.
All of us who live long enough get to see our own world die.
We spend our last years living in a different world from that in which we were born and raised and lived in our prime.

In a sense, it's what helps us face the end.
We're not saying goodbye to our own world.
It left before us.

I'm sure that it's the same for every generation.

Speak for yourself fascist retard.