Overpopulation: the big lie

Just do what you always do, son. Nothing except troll JPP. You'd get yourself hurt if you go to a protest, much less the Insurrection Part II.

The definition of I R O N Y!!!

I've posted this many times. Here it is again:

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 2 to 3% of that area. Of the remaining land mass, about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to 0.0314% of the gas in oxygen and less than 3% of the land can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes:

Your dumbassery takes the entire Earth.
Question: In your brain, will 'Spaceship Earth' ever reach a 'Carrying Capacity'?

And, if that number is ever reached, will you be able to snap your fingers and stop population growth?

I wish you had a brain; really I do JackOFF. But based on this off topic post, you lack even a scintilla of intelligence. See my first post. Educate yourself. Let go of your leftist indoctrination which makes you look like a dumbass all the time. ;)
So. You are unable to accept the fact that 'Spaceship Earth' DOES HAVE a Carrying Capacity.

How will earth reach that "carrying" capacity. Once again for the retarded and uneducated:

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 2 to 3% of that area. Of the remaining land mass, about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to 0.0314% of the gas in oxygen and less than 3% of the land can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes:
I guess Humans could stand shoulder-to-shoulder on the Planet. Is that what you are suggesting? Or is there a limit?

I've posted this many times. Here it is again:

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 2 to 3% of that area. Of the remaining land mass, about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to 0.0314% of the gas in oxygen and less than 3% of the land can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes:
How will earth reach that "carrying" capacity. Once again for the retarded and uneducated:

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 2 to 3% of that area. Of the remaining land mass, about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to 0.0314% of the gas in oxygen and less than 3% of the land can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes:

I guess Humans could stand shoulder-to-shoulder on the Planet. Is that what you are suggesting? Or is there a limit?

So you are incapable of comprehending the facts as presented? Humans are like a gnat on an elephants ass to the earth. How else can I present the FACTS so that a willful dumbass like you can comprehend it?
I wish you had a brain; really I do JackOFF. But based on this off topic post, you lack even a scintilla of intelligence. See my first post. Educate yourself. Let go of your leftist indoctrination which makes you look like a dumbass all the time. ;)

:) So, you too are unable to answer the Question.
So you are incapable of comprehending the facts as presented? Humans are like a gnat on an elephants ass to the earth. How else can I present the FACTS so that a willful dumbass like you can comprehend it?

"Humans are like a gnat on an elephants ass to the earth". Hmmmmm ...