The religious freedom we enjoy in this country should be sufficient for many of the ethical and moral choices people need to make in their lives. It is not a prerequisite to being a conservative that you must believe that government must enforce what is perceived to be traditional social values.
If anything, a basic requirement of a conservative in any country would be to conserve traditions in the system of government and the liberties the people enjoy.
If the religious institutions and adherents in this country really believe in what they stand for, they certainly don't need government duplicating their purpose, or for that matter advocating policies that may prevent free exercise of their faith. Regulating one peculiar life style is no different than another in terms of the power government exercises.
The idea that government should not make laws based on morality is certainly flawed, but that is not to say government should be the decider in all or even most issues of morality. There are plenty of moral and ethical issues we leave as personal business.
I'm personally frustrated by social conservatives who seem to believe that government policy determines their efficacy. The ability to practice a socially conservative lifestyle and persuade others to do the same is really the only assistance they can count on to achieve their goals.
This is the freest nation in the world for every brand of religious fundamentalism or practice, and I do hope that we can eventually find an agreement between religious and secular that limited government is the contract both sides need to prosper. People who do not wish to practice a religious lifestyle as it relates to their own conduct with themselves should be entitled to the same liberties as those who do practice.
They are protected by the same institutions, and they could be deprived of their cherished freedoms by the same methods in different times.
The thing is, you are doing the same thing as the others, and distancing yourself from religious beliefs as they may pertain to government. You feel compelled to take this "stand" against social conservatives, who you claim have somehow tried to force their religious beliefs on you. What have the Religious Right forced on you? The argument that all life is sacred, including the unborn? The argument that we do not need to redefine "marriage" and base it on a sexual lifestyle choice? Other than being able to actually HOLD a Christmas Parade, in observance of the Federal Holiday known as Christmas, I don't really see what you think has been "forced" on you by the social conservatives.
I understand your point about not entangling government and religion, and I agree, the affairs of state and church should remain separate. I don't know of any Fundamentalist Christians who favor a theocracy, I don't know of anyone from any religion who feels that way. But let's be clear about something, unless there is some obscure religion out there, which is totally devoid of moral beliefs, I think most organized religions teach and preach morality. So, if you remove from government, that which is taught and preached in any church, you have effectively stripped government of any morality. Now, you have done this with every good intention of simply removing religious dogma from our government, but nonetheless, you have cleansed government of anything moral.
As a free society, without the constraints of a ruling king or emperor, with the mandate of self-governance, we have a fundamental responsibility to society, to maintain some level of morality. If you allow the argument to prevail, that government should be completely devoid of anything associated with any religious belief, you effectively kill all law based on morality. The problem with this, aside from the obvious problem of a society without morals, is that it also effectively endorses Atheism as the national religion.
You are right, there must be a "common ground" obtained by the secular and non-secular. I think that begins with a comprehensive understanding of the brilliance in which our Founding Fathers established this great nation. While our Creator has endowed us with rights that can't be taken away by man, we use this endowment of rights to guarantee each citizen has the right to worship as they desire, or not to worship, if that is what they desire. This is not an endorsement of any religious belief, but of all religious beliefs. Freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Our nation was founded on the principled belief that Our Creator gave us rights which can't be taken by man, and we are all equally endowed those rights, regardless of our personal beliefs. Atheists are entirely welcome to denounce the very forces which endowed us the right to not be a slave to man, and proclaim these rights in the name of our Creator. No problem!
What has been the problem, in case you hadn't really noticed, is the ongoing leftist liberal war on Christianity. The systematic demonizing of the "religious right" ...AKA: Social Conservatives. Cajoling the otherwise "reasonable" mild-mannered fiscal conservative into denouncing social conservatism. Oh, you are too scared of what people might think, if you speak up for the importance of family values in our culture and society. You simply have to pay homage to liberal causes on the social level, because you lack the balls to stand up for what you know is right. It's just easier to disassociate yourself from "religious wackos on the right" and pretend to be "objective" and "forthright" in the name of social progress, you see... *cough bullshit*
In effect, you have sold out foundational conservative principles. Oh, you can still have a self-centered fiscal conservative philosophy... that will be just fine for the liberals... after all, it's much easier to destroy a heartless evil rich bastard than followers of God. If you lack the foundational principles of Conservatism, the belief that God endowed us with the rights the Constitution upholds, and they can not be taken by man.... if you haven't based your conservative philosophies around that, you can't have a basis to believe that every person in America is capable of living their dreams. Without believing every person is capable of living their dreams, then you have to think that not everyone is really equal, some have more than their share, while others have less than they are entitled to... do you see where your conservatism is heading yet? The foundational support for all conservative philosophy, rests in the belief that all men are created equal. That we are endowed the liberty we claim, and Supreme Court judges can't take that away from us. It is on this foundation we build a conservative ideology, and without it, conservatism simply becomes greed and lust, and is easily illustrated as such by the left.
So, you guys go ahead and throw the "religious right" under the bus, your ideology is destined for failure because you've overlooked your foundational principles. In your rush to garner some level of "respectability" from the left, you've given up the one thing your entire philosophy rests upon. And you do so, to appease liberal ideologues who will never accept your viewpoints, regardless of what you throw under the bus. I will continue to stand up for what I know is right, and it doesn't really matter what the left thinks of me.