The biggest problem I have with social conservatism is that it goes against my conservative desire for less government.
Actually I don't think it does, at least not as expressed by "mainstream" social conservatives I know, IMHO they do have a valid message to deliver regarding the moral decay and decadence of our society (remember the Romans and what these attributes did for their society) it's just that the extremist social conservatives seem to want to adopt the tactics of the left and get into the "legislating morality via central government game" instead of taking the hard road and actually convincing people of the merits of what they have to say, essentially becoming statists of a different stripe in the process.
The social issues that separate the liberals and conservatives are the least important issues, in my opinion.
While I personally share this view (so called "social issues" are low on my list as well), one must also realize that others have a different set of priorities, doesn't make you and I right and them wrong, just means we differ on our organization of priorities, no ?
Gay marriage is one that could be cured by removing the government from the entire marriage equation.
Agreed, although there is no harm in endeavoring to understand the "moral objection" presented in opposition to it, putting aside the popular "gay marriage is a "gateway drug" to bestiality,etc..," some very thoughtful social conservatives I know have strongly held moral objections to it, while I may not agree I endeavor to understand where they are coming from and I *think* I'm the better for those endeavors.
Legislating morality is great, when you are discussing univerals moral issues such as murder or theft. But when you start legislating sexuality, giving preferences to one religion over another, or trying to return to some 1950s Ozzie & Harriet ideal, you have lost my backing. And many other conservative's backing.
"Universal moral issues" are you perchance referring to our common morality that is embodied by the U.S. Constitution ? if not then you lost me.
The biggest issues that face our nation right now are financial issues. When we are on the brink of bankrupcy, social issues just don't carry much weight.
Fix the tax code (or replace it with the Fair Tax). Stop unnecessary government intervention. Prevent the removal of the 2nd Amendment. Keep the government from screwing up our healthcare system any more than it is.
These are issues the conservatives should be addressing. That will nullify the emotional weapons.
And sometimes punching with padded gloves is done more to protect your hands than to prevent the blows from doing harm.
Methinks you are attempting to apply your organization of "national priorities" to every other conservative, which, in my humble opinion is a mistake that only leads to misunderstanding (between conservatives) and mixed message (from conservatives), there is room for compromise or at the very least understanding after all, no?
BTW I happen to pretty much agree with your priorities however that is immaterial to the point I'm trying to make.
*To the OP, you wrote a very articulate post outlining your views (well done), unfortunately you seem to want to rely on unnecessary invectives to describe your opposition, which, in my honest assessment detracts from many of the valid points you are attempting to make, after all you can disagree while still respecting your opposition (even if your opposition doesn't return the favor).