Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
But the panamanians are intent on getting into chinese markets, because, as you know, american markets will have greatly reduced buying power, due to outsourcing of all jobs and the economy being supressed through green legislation.
OUr enemies within have empowered china specifically so they can be an equal and it can be sold to the american people that "we have no choice" to do what they say. This is the defeat of americans without a battle with the only winners being the global elitists who believe in equal opportunity oppression.
1) Yes, Panama, like every other country is looking to expand relations with China. It is a vast, largely untapped market. They would be ignorant not to try.
2) Yes, the dollar is weakening, thus reducing purchasing power of Americans. But even with the 40% decrease in the dollar over the past 6 years, the US economy remains the largest. (although China will eventually catch us for the top spot). Regardless, we remain a very important trading partner for Panama.
3) Our economy is not being suppressed by "green" legislation. It is going to get hurt do to the greed of the lenders and borrowers over the past decade.... who are taking their example from the ever incompetent fiscally-irresponsible politicians in DC.