Panama Canal To China? Wtf

I see you're a sleepwalking brain dead drone too. Well, don't worry you'll wake up to the truth one day and it won't be pretty when you won't be able to understand even your own flesh and blood when they respond to you in Cantonese or Mandarin or Spanish or Ebonics

Hillphonics will be the national language of the USA. It is inevitable.
Just go ahead and bend over yall.
USC aka USSlave - make jokes while you can. The value of the dollar and inevitably the value of all you've worked for will be worthless in a few years. Soon you'll be trying to claw you're way into Mexico > where a lot of our money is now being wired to. More than likely you'll be applying for a Chinese visa in the next 50 or so years. Sleep sleep sleep.
Procreation is my main goal, it's in my jeans.

I take it you're 'like me' if you get my drift. Don't want to be too politically incorrect because the PC brigade will more than likely get on you. But that should be the main goal of all of our kind in order the counter the roaches that running us over.
USC aka USSlave - make jokes while you can. The value of the dollar and inevitably the value of all you've worked for will be worthless in a few years. Soon you'll be trying to claw you're way into Mexico > where a lot of our money is now being wired to. More than likely you'll be applying for a Chinese visa in the next 50 or so years. Sleep sleep sleep.

Not me I will likely be gone before all that comes to pass.

but I will see lots of it. I am preparing for it. You should too.
USC aka USSlave - make jokes while you can. The value of the dollar and inevitably the value of all you've worked for will be worthless in a few years. Soon you'll be trying to claw you're way into Mexico > where a lot of our money is now being wired to. More than likely you'll be applying for a Chinese visa in the next 50 or so years. Sleep sleep sleep.

The thing about usc is he know we're right. He just can't stand seeing people stick up for the truth because he never had the nuts too. I have enought nuts to father an army of millions. And I'm horny.
The gang wars that illegals bring to our country may end up getting us all my friend.

Naah gangs do not do very well in the country. And I have lots of guns and ammo. So do most of my neighbors.
So if you city folks come wantin to steal our stuff, bring your burying clothes with ya.
Welcome angry white chick,

Now tell us why you think the American people will just sit back and do nothing while this all comes down.

The gangs that you talk about are no worse than the mob and we can crush them the same as we them.

The scrambling to get into Mexico is a pretty funny one. It kills me how people like you seem to think all of the assets in America will disapear along with the devaluing of the dollar.

We need some true problem solvers in the next admin which is why we need to get Dems elelcted.
But these alliances are not based on love, they're based on coercion and necessity. Given the current trends china will surpass us in buying power, then panama will be their best friend. See how it works? See how it's been planned to work?

even if China surpasses us, why would Panama do anything to deliberately alienate either China or the US? The US would still be the second largest economy. It is ridiculous to assume they would try to alienate us.
You're just preaching the truth to these brain dead sheep that want us to follow politicians over a cliff.

Its time to wake up people! The sleeping giant must arise and we must unite and fight these globalist conspirators or else

LMAO..... gee golly, I wonder who Angry White Chick could be....
yeah although it could be his own troll.

actually you may be right. He probably set up the troll to make it seem like someone would actually find him tolerable. Still its hilarious to watch him talk to himself then!