Panel to declare Franken winner of Senate race

No so

Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed

By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY

George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes — more than triple his official 537-vote margin — if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows. The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 "undervote" ballots that were at the center of Florida's disputed presidential election.

Yes so, if there had been a complete recount including so-called "overvotes".

And again, illegally removing thousands of miniority voters from voting roles, claiming they were "felons" when they were no such thing, should have landed them in prison.

Which you know, but don't care about.
why didn't franken concede when coleman won the other vote tallies? you're not a partisan hack are you darla?

Because today the state canvassing board will declare Franken the winner, after the recount, mandated by the way, by law.

Really spurt, can't you ever use a tissue?
Yes so, if there had been a complete recount including so-called "overvotes".

And again, illegally removing thousands of miniority voters from voting roles, claiming they were "felons" when they were no such thing, should have landed them in prison.

Which you know, but don't care about.

So even when the liberla media counts the votes, and Bush still wins - it is not enough?

It is so funny, when Dems lose as election it was stolen, the voters were stupid, or talk radio and Fox News prevented the liberals message from getting out

When Dems win, the people have spoken, and the voters showed how smart they are

Well. Dems have it all now, and I wonder what excuse they will offer when tax and spend liberalism fails once again
Because today the state canvassing board will declare Franken the winner, after the recount, mandated by the way, by law.

Really spurt, can't you ever use a tissue?

Tell me Darla, did you post how Gov Plain did not have the experience to be VP?

If so, what experience does AL have to be a US Senator?

It is the "D" at the end of his name that is the deciding factor for you?
Because today the state canvassing board will declare Franken the winner, after the recount, mandated by the way, by law.

Really spurt, can't you ever use a tissue?

spurt, oh i love it, never heard that before, so witty

really darla, can't you answer my question? or does the answer frighten you? why now do you all want this to end, why not after the other recounts?
Tell me Darla, did you post how Gov Plain did not have the experience to be VP?

If so, what experience does AL have to be a US Senator?

It is the "D" at the end of his name that is the deciding factor for you?

There is a huge difference between experience required for an executive gig & that for legislative. Conservatives are all mixed up on this.

I'm not thrilled about Al F. at all; I don't think he's a good candidate. That said, I'll take the extra vote in the Senate, along with Coleman losing, and the added bonus of O'Reilly's rage. The pros far outweigh the cons.
spurt, oh i love it, never heard that before, so witty

really darla, can't you answer my question? or does the answer frighten you? why now do you all want this to end, why not after the other recounts?

Probably because enough votes were found to give the election to Al. Darla now has the outcome she wanted so now it is time to stop counting
There is a huge difference between experience required for an executive gig & that for legislative. Conservatives are all mixed up on this.

I'm not thrilled about Al F. at all; I don't think he's a good candidate. That said, I'll take the extra vote in the Senate, along with Coleman losing, and the added bonus of O'Reilly's rage. The pros far outweigh the cons.

Of course there is a difference

Al is a liberal, and Gov Palin is a conservative

It is amazing to me how much protection a "D" at the end of a candidate's name can provide
spurt, oh i love it, never heard that before, so witty

really darla, can't you answer my question? or does the answer frighten you? why now do you all want this to end, why not after the other recounts?

Repost: Because today the state canvassing board will declare Franken the winner, after the recount, mandated by the way, by law."

I answered your question. Do you know how to read? Because a lot of Americans can't, and I have noticed that you don't write so well. Maybe RSR can read it to you spurt?
There is a huge difference between experience required for an executive gig & that for legislative. Conservatives are all mixed up on this.

I'm not thrilled about Al F. at all; I don't think he's a good candidate. That said, I'll take the extra vote in the Senate, along with Coleman losing, and the added bonus of O'Reilly's rage. The pros far outweigh the cons.

Agreed on all points.
and we had the same thing with Jimmy Carter. I rememebr those days well

Obama is not the second coming, but he is Jimmy Carter 2.0

There can be only one Messiah. If someone told you that Carter was The Messiah, then they were a false prophet, and you are speaking blasphemy, heathen!
That is how it is going to be in the new world order, under The Messiah.

Isn't it fun?

Now the real fun begins

Dems will have to actually accomplish something

They will have to actually solve problems

Just as they did in the late 1970's when Dems had the House, Senate, and the White House :rolleyes:
Now the real fun begins

Dems will have to actually accomplish something

They will have to actually solve problems

Just as they did in the late 1970's when Dems had the House, Senate, and the White House :rolleyes:

The Messiah has decreed that since R's blamed Clinton for six entire years, we can blame Bush for 12.

So it has been spoken by The Messiah, so shall it be.
There can be only one Messiah. If someone told you that Carter was The Messiah, then they were a false prophet, and you are speaking blasphemy, heathen!

The liberal media told us he was the messiah. Pictures with the glowing light around his head. Obama's set at the convention with the Roman columns. Just to name a few examples
The difference between Al Gore and Norm Coleman is that Al Gore received more votes in Florida than George W. Bush whereas Norm Coleman received fewer votes than Al Franken.

If Florida did things the way Minnesota does things our 8 year national nightmare would never have happened.
and we had the same thing with Jimmy Carter. I rememebr those days well

Obama is not the second coming, but he is Jimmy Carter 2.0

Funny you should bring that up, because the Bush years have been much more reminiscent of Carter, with glaring foreign policy debacles, energy problems & economic malaise the likes of which we haven't really seen since the Depression.

It's kinda cute how conservatives keep acting like there is this great situation in America right now that Obama is somehow going to "screw up."
The difference between Al Gore and Norm Coleman is that Al Gore received more votes in Florida than George W. Bush whereas Norm Coleman received fewer votes than Al Franken.

If Florida did things the way Minnesota does things our 8 year national nightmare would never have happened.

Not according to every recount of the Fl votes

But why should facts enter into the debate?