No so
Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes — more than triple his official 537-vote margin — if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows. The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 "undervote" ballots that were at the center of Florida's disputed presidential election.
Yes so, if there had been a complete recount including so-called "overvotes".
And again, illegally removing thousands of miniority voters from voting roles, claiming they were "felons" when they were no such thing, should have landed them in prison.
Which you know, but don't care about.