Not according to every recount of the Fl votes
But why should facts enter into the debate?
You're wrong, and you don't know shit from shineola, never mind any high-falutin facts.
Not according to every recount of the Fl votes
But why should facts enter into the debate?
Funny you should bring that up, because the Bush years have been much more reminiscent of Carter, with glaring foreign policy debacles, energy problems & economic malaise the likes of which we haven't really seen since the Depression.
It's kinda cute how conservatives keep acting like there is this great situation in America right now that Obama is somehow going to "screw up."
Lets see, under Carter and the Dem Congress
Top tax rate was 70%
Double digit inflation
Prime rate of 21%
Unemployment about 9%
Gas lines around the block
Shortage of home heating oil
Need more of a hsitory lesson?
Not according to every recount of the Fl votes
But why should facts enter into the debate?
Re-read what you posted. If a full statewide recount were conducted Al Gore would have won. If the recount that the Gore campaign proposed were conducted he would have lost.
You're getting too specific. For each pain point above, I could point to a different pain point under Bush that is equally damaging in many cases, and -particularly with the economy - much more of a long-term problem. Bush will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history, and the country is in absolutely terrible shape right now.
In a way, the silver lining is that he has set up Obama to really BE the Messiah; there really isn't anywhere to go but up, and Obama & the Dems almost can't avoid getting credit for the impending recovery.
Haha...isn't that cool?
You're getting too specific. For each pain point above, I could point to a different pain point under Bush that is equally damaging in many cases, and -particularly with the economy - much more of a long-term problem. Bush will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history, and the country is in absolutely terrible shape right now.
In a way, the silver lining is that he has set up Obama to really BE the Messiah; there really isn't anywhere to go but up, and Obama & the Dems almost can't avoid getting credit for the impending recovery.
Haha...isn't that cool?
Here is what I posted
George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes — more than triple his official 537-vote margin — if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows. The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 "undervote" ballots that were at the center of Florida's disputed presidential election.
You know, it's almost as if The Messiah had decreed it this way! He is amazing! Obama!
I bolded the relevant portion that you are conveniently ignoring.
So we do it Al's way - Bush still wins - but that is not good enough for you?
I got it now![]()
Were you that Obama supporter I saw on Tv who was so happy about Obama winning?
She said she would no longer have to make her house payment or pay for the gas she puts in her car![]()
Yes, and not only that, but I no longer have to pay for my moisturizer. Social Services is going to deliver it right to my home. They told me, don't worry, The Messiah told us to send RSR the bill.
But you said "every recount" which is not true. In fact, it's a lie. The bottom line is that Al Gore, unlike Norm Coleman, actually received the most votes.
I heard that Obama was personally going to apply the government provided moisturizer.
As far as I know, everytime the votes were counted Pres Bush won
Now if Gore would have won his home state he would not have been spending so much time in his home state
Unlike in MN, Pres Bush did not manufacture votes, or have them turn up out of think air
As far as I know, everytime the votes were counted Pres Bush won
Now if Gore would have won his home state he would not have been spending so much time in his home state
Key words "as far as I know"
And now he pivots to another R talking point. Oh yeah, well, even if so, why didn't Gore win his home state, huh?
Aw geez.
It's "as far as I know" now, is it? No longer have the facts on your side?
That's a tough one. I feel for you guys anyway, not having a Messiah & all. It's really cool to have a Messiah, as well as the facts, on our side.
Key words "as far as I know"
And now he pivots to another R talking point. Oh yeah, well, even if so, why didn't Gore win his home state, huh?
Aw geez.