Paranormal State

My bad.............

Uh no hun. I'm not doing any such thing. Orgasm and your name together? Please I'd like to keep my dinner in my stomach instead of all over my computer from throwing up. Nonsensical diatribes? There you go again. And here you go again going off topic in yet another thread. Can you ever stay on topic and have an actual discussion? I think you're uncapable of doing so and you're proving it to me everyday Baka.

you are right I won't tease you or jerk your chain anymore...any further comments will be direct debate with your political views only! Have a Merry Christmas.
Wow Baka maybe you're finally getting it! And you think calling women demaning names is teasing and jerking around? Seriously? God come to the 21st century already. Have a Merry Christmas too.

you are right I won't tease you or jerk your chain anymore...any further comments will be direct debate with your political views only! Have a Merry Christmas.
Well if you're going to call me a name you might want to at least spell it right. C'mon now. I guess your name fits you perfectly if you can't even spell "hypocrite." Did you finally figure out what it means yet? No bimbo name's? And how can you know if the name I'm calling you is demaning if you don't even know what it means? LOL! You're so hilarious. Always good for a laugh Baka.

wow hypocrit!

Well if you're going to call me a name you might want to at least spell it right. C'mon now. I guess your name fits you perfectly if you can't even spell "hypocrite." Did you finally figure out what it means yet? No bimbo name's? And how can you know if the name I'm calling you is demaning if you don't even know what it means? LOL! You're so hilarious. Always good for a laugh Baka.

caca...she who thinks Bermuda is off the coast of Venezuela! Oh goody the thinking socialist pointed out my error of leaving out the 'e' at the end of so very aware you are...or not...:rolleyes:
I watched PS for the first time last night. I think the host is a fraud, but the little boy who saw "Timmy" was seemingly authentic. I don't know a lot about the 'hosts' background, so I migh be wrong, but he seemed like he was full of shit with respect to his own experiences as a child.
I dunno. The whole idea of working as a skeptic is gone with this show too. The first thing they did in the one I watched with the "demon" was call on a Priest.
I think those shows are just Stupit.

LOL, I remember once when I was a kid (keep in mind, I'd always watched scary movies) an episode of unsolved mysteries freaked me out so much, I actually had my little sleep with me that night.
LOL, I remember once when I was a kid (keep in mind, I'd always watched scary movies) an episode of unsolved mysteries freaked me out so much, I actually had my little sleep with me that night.

Ahh no fear here from those kinds of things.
The Texas Chainsaw type of movies are just gross not scary to me.
the blood and horror movies are obscene to me.