Parler loses court challenge.

They had no reason to lie
Yes they do. They are covering up for their crimes.
since nobody could find any evidence of vote fraud
Denial of history. There is also evidence (a lot of it) of election fraud, not just voter fraud.
and it was clear Trump supporters raided the Capitol.
Nope. Antifa and BLM. They brought the hammers and saps used to break the windows. They brought the bricks and fireworks. They were the ones attacking the police (like usual). Antifa members were the ones let into the Capitol building by Democrats.
Blaming it on Antifa was just a cowardly way to avoid responsibility for their actions.
Blaming it on Trump is just a cowardly way to avoid responsibility for their actions, and that the action was a false flag operation. Not the first or last time Antifa has done THAT as well.

Sorry dude. The videos of that event are still available for viewing. The FULL video, not the edited one that YOU and the Fake News media is passing around.
The video of Trump's speech that day and on following days is also still available for viewing. Trump clearly called for peaceful demonstration. He continued to call for peace.
Antifa and BLM were ALREADY IN PLACE and causing problems BEFORE Trump even finished his speech. The Trump supporters were STILL LISTENING TO HIS SPEECH while Antifa was attacking cops, moving to the Capitol building with their tools, etc.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: About 30 years ago the Soviet Union fell as America declared victory.

Today America looks more like the Soviet Union than America of 30 years ago.

BYE BYE were an awesome idea.

Maybe they can resurface as "tRump tv"? Or maybe more appropriately
"Chump TV".

Trump is great at relieving his fans of their money. TrumpCo can own and operate Trump TV, the Patriot Party and Parler to make billions of dollars annually off suckers.

God Bless America!

I wonder why the left is so intent on controlling the narrative. Why not let things be and let the American people decide what they want to believe? Why is that a problem for the left?

For the same reason the Right does it: control over the money and power of the US government.
Blaming it on Trump is just a cowardly way to avoid responsibility for their actions, and that the action was a false flag operation. Not the first or last time Antifa has done THAT as well.

Sorry dude. The videos of that event are still available for viewing. The FULL video, not the edited one that YOU and the Fake News media is passing around.
The video of Trump's speech that day and on following days is also still available for viewing. Trump clearly called for peaceful demonstration. He continued to call for peace.
Antifa and BLM were ALREADY IN PLACE and causing problems BEFORE Trump even finished his speech. The Trump supporters were STILL LISTENING TO HIS SPEECH while Antifa was attacking cops, moving to the Capitol building with their tools, etc.

I never blamed it on Trump. It is very difficult to prove a person illegally incited a riot. I blame it on the Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol. Trying to blame it on Antifa and BLM is just nonsense.

Trump is to blame for stirring up the anger of his supporters by feeding them garbage about election fraud. What is worse is that they believed the claim of fraud and Antifa destroying parts of the Capitol. They seem willing to believe anything the wacko media feeds them. Even Newsmax and Fox and retracted the false claims they made about Dominion. They live in a Kelly Conway world--alternate facts.
Nope. Antifa and BLM. They brought the hammers and saps used to break the windows. They brought the bricks and fireworks. They were the ones attacking the police (like usual). Antifa members were the ones let into the Capitol building by Democrats.

Sorry dude. The videos of that event are still available for viewing. The FULL video, not the edited one that YOU and the Fake News media is passing around.

Oh, so now the videos of Trump supporters wrecking the Capitol were edited. I should have known. I watched it live on C-SPAN.

Can you provide us a link to these unedited videos?
Slander is not protected by Section 230. is suing them for what they say, not their users.

Slander is protected if posted by one of the users, not if Facebook slanders someone. That is the point of 230. The regular TV news can be sued if they have a person who defames or slanders someone.

That is why Newsmax and Fox agreed to run the spots disavowing the guy who appeared on their show who told all the lies about Dominion. They were being sued if they did not retract the easily proven lies.
I never blamed it on Trump.
It is very difficult to prove a person illegally incited a riot. I blame it on the Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol.
Paradox. irrational.
Trying to blame it on Antifa and BLM is just nonsense.
Not at all. It was a false flag operation staged by Antifa and the Democrats.
Trump is to blame for stirring up the anger of his supporters by feeding them garbage about election fraud. What is worse is that they believed the claim of fraud and Antifa destroying parts of the Capitol. They seem willing to believe anything the wacko media feeds them. Even Newsmax and Fox and retracted the false claims they made about Dominion. They live in a Kelly Conway world--alternate facts.
Paradox. Irrational. You are now locked in paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
How do you control hate speech and other nonsense? Hard question. If a person watched Newsmax or OAN only, they would know lots but little that was honest reporting. Twitter contributed to the insurrection and they realize that now. Giving an autocrat a bullhorn and media made for a tragic situation in a nation in which too many are uneducated and easily led. They feel left out and can't figure out why. Giving them an easy enemy makes it all so simple. See link at bottom.

'GOP Thought Steve King Was as Bad as It Got, Then Came Marjorie Taylor Greene'

Some of the whys below.
I never blamed it on Trump. It is very difficult to prove a person illegally incited a riot. I blame it on the Trump supporters who attacked the Capitol. Trying to blame it on Antifa and BLM is just nonsense.

Trump is to blame for stirring up the anger of his supporters by feeding them garbage about election fraud. What is worse is that they believed the claim of fraud and Antifa destroying parts of the Capitol. They seem willing to believe anything the wacko media feeds them. Even Newsmax and Fox and retracted the false claims they made about Dominion. They live in a Kelly Conway world--alternate facts.

No doubt because they were worried about being sued by Dominion, eh? I'm surprised that the Reichwingers aren't screaming about using the courts to "cancel" Fox and Newsmax.