Pastor Lorenzo Sewell criticized for inauguration prayer, meme coin push

Yep that's it. Now for you to do something about it.
You got me, I can't do a damn thing to stop a Libtard drone from doing Libtard drone things. I can however, laugh my ass off at Libtard drones and there pathetic attempts are making a point or trying to be humorous, etc. etc. All good stuff.
Because they're just fine with mixing church and state, as long as it's the right church and it's for Cheeto Jesus.
Sad but true.

So, he did it in some way you disapprove so therefore he must have a nefarious motive you assign out of the ether? Solely because he prayed at an inauguration for someone you don't like? Methinks thou doth project too much.
I don't trust anybody who preaches prosperity theology. Nor do I trust any religious figure who uses the rhetoric that God himself anointed trump to save the country, and other drivel like that. Do you even give a second's thought to this guy, or is it his connection to trump that makes you defend him?
You kind of ran away from my comment there. I did not say that "no church has ever helped" anyone. I merely pointed out that these millionaire grifters help themselves first. I'm glad that you admitted, kind of, that the millionaire "pastors" are nefarious. lol
It's part of the MAGAt rules:

MAGAt rule #1 A bold-faced lie is your best defense
MAGAt rule #2 Never take responsibility
MAGAt rule #3 Always blame the other guy
MAGAt rule #4 When the conversation isn't going your way, change the subject.
MAGAt rule #5 When losing an argument, use whataboutism
MAGAt rule #6 Assert your dominance by insulting anyone who disagrees with you as often as possible
MAGAt rule #7 When someone disagrees with facts, scream louder. If online, type in all caps or enlarged, bolded font.
MAGAt rule #8 If being attacked, use hypotheticals to defend yourself
MAGAt rule #9 Always believe any conspiracy theory that is anti-government, anti-Democrat and/or anti-”woke”
MAGAt rule #10 Anyone Left of Alt-Right is a Liberal, Marxist, Socialist traitor. Attack them!
Yeah, because saying "buy this as a donation to my church so we can help these specific people" is always a bad thing if they prayed at an inauguration for someone that leftist jackwipes hate. I hear you, and have noted that nobody at all has ever asked for money honestly from a church unless they were leftists and telling the government to give away your tax dollars through government programs.
You're such a fucking idiot.
I don't trust anybody who preaches prosperity theology. Nor do I trust any religious figure who uses the rhetoric that God himself anointed trump to save the country, and other drivel like that. Do you even give a second's thought to this guy, or is it his connection to trump that makes you defend him?
It's that. @Damocles is a MAGAt cultist. He reeks of it from a thousand miles away. He'll say whatever he thinks sounds clever to own the libs and suck on Trump's pinky toe dick. It's so disgusting to watch, especially because he used to be better.
I don't trust anybody who preaches prosperity theology. Nor do I trust any religious figure who uses the rhetoric that God himself anointed trump to save the country, and other drivel like that. Do you even give a second's thought to this guy, or is it his connection to trump that makes you defend him?
I just don't think that a pastor asking for money to give to others is a "shocking" thing, regardless of how he collects it. I also do not assign nefarious purpose based on things like this. To me this kind of exaggerated response is just sad.
It's that. @Damocles is a MAGAt cultist. He reeks of it from a thousand miles away. He'll say whatever he thinks sounds clever to own the libs and suck on Trump's pinky toe dick. It's so disgusting to watch, especially because he used to be better.
I won't insult someone because he prayed at the wrong inauguration and someone I hardly know is upset at me for it. I'm sorry I'm not waving my arms around like an excited Kermit the frog and ready to simply swallow whatever you give me to swallow like a good little liberal.

This kind of "boy you used to be cool China" argument style only works on the Simpsons.
@Tobytone is a sock and an inconsolable pussy. He can go suck on @TOP's foul, shriveled pig tits. They deserve each other.
Oh boy, here comes Dirty Diesel with his common stock response. Another genius that can't spit out an original thought. Notice, none of the Libtard Drones ever respond by defending there ridiculous claims they get from radical clickbait stories. LOL They're so desperate and obviously suffering with every passing minute Trump unravels all of the gains the Libtards have worked so long to put in place. ROFL So fun to watch. Thanks for gold stars, Dirty Diesel.
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It's that. @Damocles is a MAGAt cultist. He reeks of it from a thousand miles away. He'll say whatever he thinks sounds clever to own the libs and suck on Trump's pinky toe dick. It's so disgusting to watch, especially because he used to be better.
It's dishonest. He likes everything about trump but says he doesn't like the man himself and didn't vote for him. Doesn't compute. He could just say "I don't like trump but I held my nose and voted for him." That's believable.