Pastor Lorenzo Sewell criticized for inauguration prayer, meme coin push

I just don't think that a pastor asking for money to give to others is a "shocking" thing, regardless of how he collects it. I also do not assign nefarious purpose based on things like this. To me this kind of exaggerated response is just sad.
But you have no problem with evangelicals and other trump supporters and their exaggerations that trump is president because God anointed him. That trump's election was a prophecy fulfilled, that trump's presidency was ordained from heaven, for example.
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It's dishonest. He likes everything about trump but says he doesn't like the man himself and didn't vote for him. Doesn't compute. He could just say "I don't like trump but I held my nose and voted for him." That's believable.
I don't make any distinction between someone who actually voted for Trump, and someone who just pours their heart and soul into defending Trump online.
But you have no problem with evangelicals and other trump supporters and their exaggerations that trump is president because God anointed him. That trump's election was a prophecy fulfilled, that trump's presidency was ordained from heaven, for example.
I don't care what they say because I do not listen to them. Nor did I vote for them (or him). I also don't assign a criminal motive due to the way they collect donations even if they prayed at an inauguration. I'll let lefties slobber all over that little piece of rotten fish without me.
It's dishonest. He likes everything about trump but says he doesn't like the man himself and didn't vote for him. Doesn't compute. He could just say "I don't like trump but I held my nose and voted for him." That's believable.
I don't make any distinction between someone who actually voted for Trump, and someone who just pours their heart and soul into defending Trump online.

Lorenzo is not Trump. Just an FYI for ya. Knowing that churches and pastors ask for money is not an endorsement of Trump, and disliking Trump is not an endorsement of whatever crazy nonsense you spout about someone who stood next to him the other day (or prayed at an inauguration).

Folks who pretend to be holy, but forget their own religion asks them not to judge (Matthew chapter 7), tend to be things I add to the "things that make you go hmmmm" list.
I don't care what they say because I do not listen to them. Nor did I vote for them (or him). I also don't assign a criminal motive due to the way they collect donations even if they prayed at an inauguration. I'll let lefties slobber all over that little piece of rotten fish without me.
Grifting preachers and evangelical fanatics have been all over the news when something happens. It sounds like you choose not to read that news.
Grifting preachers and evangelical fanatics have been all over the news when something happens. It sounds like you choose not to read that news.
I choose not to care about your interpretation of their motives. I don't believe in the religion, but that doesn't stop me from recognizing that asking for money is something pastors and politicians have in common. I don't need to agree with them to know that they are going to do it.
Lol. Who is more judgmental than magas? They hate everybody. There's a very small list of people who are acceptable in maga world.
And when it is about how folks aren't quite "religious enough" for them you will see me chime in, and like you they will tell me I'm suddenly "supporting Biden". It's nonsense.

It's your religion, not mine. Hence the "hmmm" list.
I won't insult someone because he prayed at the wrong inauguration and someone I hardly know is upset at me for it. I'm sorry I'm not waving my arms around like an exited Kermit the frog and ready to simply swallow whatever you give me to swallow like a good little liberal.

This kind of "boy you used to be cool China" argument style only works on the Simpsons.
You may not agree with my methods. A quick look and one could easily assume I only insult those I disagree with. Not true, I actually enjoy a good debate with those that disagree, but the majority of the left here are similar to Dirty Diesel. They lack any real thoughts of their own and resort to the default insults, some more than others. I've hardly ever seen any of your comments but from the two on this thread I can see that you attempt to resist insults in favor for making your thoughts about the subject clear. Commendable, but as I have found out and you surely know, all you get back are insults of a bitter and angry frustrated Libtard. Par for the course.
I choose not to care about your interpretation of their motives. I don't believe in the religion, but that doesn't stop me from recognizing that asking for money is something pastors and politicians have in common. I don't need to agree with them to know that they are going to do it.
Pastor Sewell's prayer at a roundtable last year: "Let us bow our heads, Heavenly Father. We thank you for the 45th president of the United States of America. He was charged with 34 felonies, then he raised $53 million in 24 hours" (WTH?)

And this is for the others in this thread who keep repeating that religion shouldn't be mixed with politics:

"Sewell does not shy away from politics. "The gospel message is a political message. The Bible is a political book. From Genesis to Revelations, we see that the Bible is a political book. It is impossible to be politically neutral."

I've said ITT that I agree about all pastors and politicians asking for money. I don't agree with pastors who prey on the gullible by preaching that they will become richer if they send him their money; like TV preachers who live lavish lifestyles on the money they rake in from their flock.
And when it is about how folks aren't quite "religious enough" for them you will see me chime in, and like you they will tell me I'm suddenly "supporting Biden". It's nonsense.

It's your religion, not mine. Hence the "hmmm" list.
Magas, especially on JPP, don't like: homosexuals, trans people, blue states, Democrats, Democratic politicians, "elites," universities and their professors, people who don't love guns, pro-choice people, atheists, liberal women and football players who kneel, to give you twelve. And I know I missed a bunch.
2000 now I'm JEALOUS! I can only accelerate, expand, and try to improve my methods of triggering morons. Honestly, I thank you for providing the incentive I needed to attempt catching up. Challenge, YES...Impossible, NO LOL
Just say good morning... That irritates them beyond belief... Is catching up might be next to impossible though... they are on a mission... This morning I had a hundred more...;)
Lorenzo is not Trump. Just an FYI for ya. Knowing that churches and pastors ask for money is not an endorsement of Trump, and disliking Trump is not an endorsement of whatever crazy nonsense you spout about someone who stood next to him the other day (or prayed at an inauguration).

Folks who pretend to be holy, but forget their own religion asks them not to judge (Matthew chapter 7), tend to be things I add to the "things that make you go hmmmm" list.
Asking about donations for a church is great. What isn't great is asking for donations for some skeptical currency that has no guarantees it will deliver the value of your donations.
Asking about donations for a church is great. What isn't great is asking for donations for some skeptical currency that has no guarantees it will deliver the value of your donations.
Coming up with new ways to ask for donations, using the latest technologies, etc. are all part of what folks do. The only reason you call it skeptical is because the man prayed at an inauguration for someone you do not like. I think that is weak. If you donate to a Catholic Charity you still have the same issue, even if it is cash and not some "skeptical currency" (singular "currencies" are just a way to give money, you are donating the cash, if you are donating in the hopes it will gain in value you are doing it wrong) it can be spent poorly and not deliver the "value".
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@Tobytone is a sock and an inconsolable pussy. He can go suck on @TOP's foul, shriveled pig tits. They deserve each other.

He's on ignore because he used to follow me around tugging at my skirts for attention. So he's taken up with the psycho slut, has he? Good luck with that! Sad little incel MAGAT boys love them some subservient passive-aggressive "women," don't they? lol