Pastor Lorenzo Sewell criticized for inauguration prayer, meme coin push

A nice and amusingly inadvertent confession that despite your self-righteousness, you never go to church. I can't think of a single church that I've ever attended, more than once, that did not have parish activities for the members, some of which required a fee to be paid. My kids were on the parish soccer team in grade school; there was a fee to belong. A fundie church we attended 40 something years ago had a "donation" fee for Family Movie Night. Their volleyball leagues also had fees because they had to pay to use the gym at a nearby h.s.
Top's holy water is sold by the fifth. :thup:
Asking about donations for a church is great. What isn't great is asking for donations for some skeptical currency that has no guarantees it will deliver the value of your donations.
this is all digital fiat currencies.

you need to take a broader stand against all retarded currency schemes.
Top's holy water is sold by the fifth. :thup:

OMG I just spit tea everywhere. :ROFLMAO:

I won't insult someone because he prayed at the wrong inauguration and someone I hardly know is upset at me for it. I'm sorry I'm not waving my arms around like an excited Kermit the frog and ready to simply swallow whatever you give me to swallow like a good little liberal.

This kind of "boy you used to be cool China" argument style only works on the Simpsons.
It isn't an argument. It's an observation. The pastor is trying to enrich himself, not his congregation. You don't have to carry water for human scum. Be original.
Oh boy, here comes Dirty Diesel with his common stock response. Another genius that can't spit out an original thought. Notice, none of the Libtard Drones ever respond by defending there ridiculous claims they get from radical clickbait stories. LOL They're so desperate and obviously suffering with every passing minute Trump unravels all of the gains the Libtards have worked so long to put in place. ROFL So fun to watch. Thanks for gold stars, Dirty Diesel.
It isn't an argument. It's an observation. The pastor is trying to enrich himself, not his congregation. You don't have to carry water for human scum. Be original.
The Party of Trump are mammon worshipers. To them, the accumulation of wealth on Earth is all that is important.

Notice that at Trump's inauguration he was surrounded by billionaires, not farmers, factory workers or even office workers.
It isn't an argument. It's an observation. The pastor is trying to enrich himself, not his congregation. You don't have to carry water for human scum. Be original.

If the pastor's meme coins were an actual CHURCH fundraiser, why not have the name of the church on them? Or something about the Lord? Or Christianity? Why HIS name? Answer: So he can keep the money and not be seen as defrauding the gullible when he doesn't use it for the stated purpose.
Same here, minus the "religious" part. It is unethical. I had no idea this clown prayed at the Trump thing; I just found his self-promoting meme coin thing disgusting and unChrist-like. Remember when He drove the vendors and money-changers out of the Temple with a whip?

I do enjoy the fact that any idiots who buy this stuff whether it's this pastor's, or the Trump Crime Family's, will sob when their hard-earned money has bought them nothing of value. And no ticket to Heaven, either.
The Trump Crime Family? LOL! You really meant to say the biden crime family.