Pastoralists vs Farmers vs Hunter-gatherers


Will work for Scooby snacks
Your best bet is to be about 80 percent Anatolian and 20 percent hunter-gatherer

How Mixed Ancestries Shaped European Traits

The genetic makeup of modern Europeans is a mixture of three distinct groups. These include Neolithic period farmers from Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), pastoralist nomads from the grasslands of the Pontic Steppe (modern-day southern Russia plus adjacent lands to the south and west), and the hunter-gatherers these two groups encountered when they arrived on European soil. The migrations of first two groups took place within the last 10,000 years, and relations between the three groups were apparently peaceful enough in many locations to encourage interbreeding.

From the hunter-gatherer populations that existed before the migrants arrived, Europeans inherited blue eyes, lower cholesterol levels, a higher Body Mass Index (BMI), and darker hair colors. Anatolian farmers added blond hair to the mix, along with lower heart rates and a tendency to have a lower BMI. Steppe pastoralists contributed a tendency for higher cholesterol, along with the greater height and sturdier build of modern Europeans in general in comparison to earlier occupants of the region.
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Because the Basque language is totally unique, and not related to any of the Indo-European languages, or even the Uralic languages, some scholars speculate that little corner of northwest Spain is the last toehold where the original European hunter-gathers held out against the settlers coming in from Anatolia and the Pontic steppes.
Your best bet is to be about 80 percent Anatolian and 20 percent hunter-gatherer

You know what is kind of interesting in that. I am mostly all Northern Euro and at a recent checkup my doctor informed me that my cholesterol was outstanding. It always is. Even at my age. He told me then he thought it was hereditary.
I’m northern mutt

But I’m brown and olive

I have blonde siblings though with pale skin

That’s my hubby too

He has more German in his line than I do

The rumor in my family is American native influence

At least one first name in the line sure suggests it
People always believe me about the native part

But one of my sisters looks a lot like Liz Warren

So it really pissed me off when the dissed Liz
You know what is kind of interesting in that. I am mostly all Northern Euro and at a recent checkup my doctor informed me that my cholesterol was outstanding. It always is. Even at my age. He told me then he thought it was hereditary.

My doctor told me it might be hereditary too. My cholesterol is always off-the-charts outstanding.
You know what is kind of interesting in that. I am mostly all Northern Euro and at a recent checkup my doctor informed me that my cholesterol was outstanding. It always is. Even at my age. He told me then he thought it was hereditary.

I too enjoy an abnormally good cholesterol however my brothers do not.
Now maybe I'm the result of the milk man or the heredity thing is not 100%.
Any thoughts on the meeting of 'Farmers' and 'Hunter-Gatherers' in the US?
(Meaning when English Colonists met Native Americans and a Dispute grew about 'land use' and 'who owned it')

Your best bet is to be about 80 percent Anatolian and 20 percent hunter-gatherer
Hunter-gatherer primarily, over 80% with the rest mixed....the complete opposite. LOL

Both my Y chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA suggest my earliest progenitors originated in Anatolia about 15,000 years ago, before moving into Europe and undoubtedly cross breeding with the indigenous hunter-gatherer cultures there.
Both my Y chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA suggest my earliest progenitors originated in Anatolia about 15,000 years ago, before moving into Europe and undoubtedly cross breeding with the indigenous hunter-gatherer cultures there.

I don't know what criteria used, but my lineage is mostly English, Irish, Spanish and a smattering of other stuff.
Any thoughts on the meeting of 'Farmers' and 'Hunter-Gatherers' in the US?
(Meaning when English Colonists met Native Americans and a Dispute grew about 'land use' and 'who owned it')

The Law of the Jungle applies; Might Makes Right.
The Law of the Jungle applies; Might Makes Right.

Thomas Paine expressed an opinion in 'Agrarian Justice':

"It is a position not to be controverted that the earth, in its natural, cultivated state was, and ever would have continued to be, the common property of the human race. In that state every man would have been born to property. He would have been a joint life proprietor with rest in the property of the soil, and in all its natural productions, vegetable and animal."