Path To 9/11

anyone see "triple crossed" on the natonal geographic chanel ?

its about the same thing for the most part
Cheap emotions are on orange alert. Of all the people who died in the 1993 attack, who does the camera focus on? Ding-ding-ding, you are a winner if you said "a pregnant woman rubbing her belly."

Great line!
Its done as a docudrama. That means they have actors playing parts and reciting lines written for them. With drama in the title they can do pretty much what they want to for "artistic sake". They can create conversations that never happened. And anything else they want to do to dramatize.

Hollywood has made plenty of historical movies. None are ever accurate. They are always subject to the director and producers views of things. A bill and the bimbo sex scene and lots of pyrotechnics wil provoke lots of viewing. That's what hollywood usually does. So it will be interesting to see what they do.

But anything that puts clinton in a bad light the libs will hate. Anything that puts Bush in a bad light the conservatives will hate.

I would agree as long as they are not portraying it as "historical fact".

I would agree as long as they are not portraying it as "historical fact".

I agree, but the question of how they're portraying it is open to interpretation. Wide open. Which is true of all "docu-dramas" and "bio-pics" and, indeed, historical drama of any kind.

I'm not going to get on a high horse until -- and if -- I actually see the thing. OTOH, I think that just a disclaimer at the beginning and/or end of the episodes is insufficient to prevent people from taking it as fact or near-fact.
I agree, but the question of how they're portraying it is open to interpretation. Wide open. Which is true of all "docu-dramas" and "bio-pics" and, indeed, historical drama of any kind.

I'm not going to get on a high horse until -- and if -- I actually see the thing. OTOH, I think that just a disclaimer at the beginning and/or end of the episodes is insufficient to prevent people from taking it as fact or near-fact.

I agree. Just ask Orson Wells.

I am not planning on watching it. One thing Desh said on the other site is that it is in poor taste to show it on the anniversary of 9/11. If it were simply a "rememberance" of the event I would not have a problem with that, but from what ABC themselves have said, this is political and in my humble opinion inappropriate.

I don't plan on watching it but I am not going to scream and holler about it and I am definitely not going to take Desh's position and support censorship of the film.

If people really belive docudramas then the US is really in a bad state. Remember that Kennedy flick about his assassination and who was actually culpable... Please.
interesting timing for a docudrama that is fictionally demeaning to the democrats appearing right before the midterms, though, don't you think?
interesting timing for a docudrama that is fictionally demeaning to the democrats appearing right before the midterms, though, don't you think?
They seem to keep forgetting that this is also negative for bush as it shows that it continues for 5 years after 9/11... I can't see how this "It's bad for only Dems" crap came about. The dude was not very nice to Bush either.
I just watched the trailer for the movie.

It advertises it self, and puts in bold print:

"The Official True Story"

That's bullshit. Even Oliver Stone never claimed his JFK movie was "the offficial true story".
If people really belive docudramas then the US is really in a bad state. Remember that Kennedy flick about his assassination and who was actually culpable... Please.
The U.S. is in a bad state. Actually, the entire human race is. As I said the other day, we're not nearly as smart as we sometimes think we are.

I think that more of a balance is needed. Yes, individuals need to be more critical about what they see. At the same time, though, it's unreasonable to demand that people be more discriminating or "intelligent" -- whatever that means -- than they really are.

One phrase that's common in legal tests for culpability in advertising is whether a "reasonable person" might be mislead. That's all fine and good, save that the decision as to what constitutes a "reasonable person" is left to judges who are, pretty much by definition, of the the educated elite. In this context, "reasonable person" really has to mean someone of an IQ of around 100 or so with a mediocre high school education. Anything else is unreasonable and exploitive.
Well to be truthful, I shouldn't really be commenting on it because unlike others here I haven't had the pleasure of a preliminary screening of the mini-series. All I have seen personally is one scene and some commentary. But Rush Limbaugh is really talking it up, in fact I don't think it's going too far out on a limb to say he's eating it up, and we all know what a non-biased and truth seeking, not to mention oxycontin seeking, individual old Rush is...

In fact, it must be the absolute truth if the guy who first publicized that Vince Foster was killed by Bill Clinton with help from Hillary is playing it up...Ice cube glacier Rush--where fact checking is job 1, the way it oughta be.


I missed this.
If people really belive docudramas then the US is really in a bad state. Remember that Kennedy flick about his assassination and who was actually culpable... Please.

The US is in a really bad state, and don't forget the high ratings that docudrama "State of the Union; Mushroom clouds" got, not to mention that a super-majority of Americans found that load of shit believable.
can't wait to see it, the turbo-libs false outrage as usually is comical. How fucking stupid do you need to be to go 24/7 bash bush on it and not see the punch coming.
can't wait to see it, the turbo-libs false outrage as usually is comical. How fucking stupid do you need to be to go 24/7 bash bush on it and not see the punch coming.
A little tit-for-tat is to be expected. I can see what you are saying.
I don't think the "turbo-lib" machine was in action. There were a few politicians who felt as though they were personally maligned in the documentary and they were justly getting their side out. On this board in particular, I didn't much "outrage" if any.