Path To 9/11

Yeah, I had it set to record... I generally ignore when things actually air unless I have to watch live, like football, and just watch things later. I skip most commercials that way.
Yeah, I had it set to record... I generally ignore when things actually air unless I have to watch live, like football, and just watch things later. I skip most commercials that way.

ya me too, got to love MCE and tivo's
Five Years Later, Here's The GOP's New Game Plan

by Tony Peyser

Deny anything
About "My Pet Goat"
Ignore every
Internet quote.

Rewriting history
Wasn't enough to do
With "Path To 9/11"
We're re-filming it, too.
it aired last night damo, and i think the rest of the miniseries is tonight?

no, I did not watch it.... did anyone? I was on the game! :D


No desire to. I was listen to the NYC stations this morning coming in and I think the overwhelming feeling is that most people aren't comfortable with hollywood's blatent exploitation of the events under the guise of "a tribute". No one that I heard talked about the aforementioned issued.
How much money is the media making off the 911 tributes and such ?
Of course they are donating all of it to the widows and orphans of the 911 tragedy are they not ?